February 2, 2021

49 10 1

[A/N: Trigger warning: please read with care. Some content may be unhealthy for some readers.

PS. I used English language in this story to practice my vocabulary. Should you notice some grammar errors, I'm very willing to be corrected. Teehee.]

Story begins here:


February 2, 2021.

The usual, I woke up feeling tired. The 'I don't want to move out my bed and I just want me dead' kind of daily routine.

Same thoughts every morning, will I be happy if I die?

I don't have to think that long because I only have:
7 days before killing myself.

I wore the 'perfect' mask I usually wear to show everyone how perfect my life is.

Perfectly chaotic.

"DJ, your clothes are all wet yesterday, didn't you bring your umbrella?" - Dad.

I'm not really that wet. That was nothing compared to how wet Xiuxiu and Kimberly were yesterday. How was she, anyway?

"I did. But I lend it to a friend." I answered after a short spacing out. I, actually, intentionally left it at school tho.

Today went fast that I didn't even noticed it. After school, I don't know why but I'm here in front of Kimberly's house. It's just that after school, my body brought me here right away. And I've been standing here like an idiot for an hour already.

I've been telling myself to go to the bridge but my body just won't listen. Just then, I heard a sound from a window. It was Kimberly.

"Trying to escape again?" I asked as soon as she touched the ground.

She let out a fainted squeak and whispered, "What are you doing here?"

Her hair was down and she was wearing a crop top gray jacket, matching her gray jogging pants. She looked at me with eyes wide open and her dark brown eyes were still sparkling.

"Trying to catch you..." I answered.

She smirked and cheekily said, "Missed me?"

I rolled my eyes and walked near the door. "I'm letting your mother know that you're here outside..." I said as I aimed to knock.

"Hey!" She hushed and dragged me with her and I went along.

I don't know why but I'm kind'a relieved that she did not caught some fever after getting soaked for too long.

"Where's Xiuxiu?" I said looking around her.
"He's angry so I went out without him..."

Then she looked at me and shut her eyes tightly with her palms kissing each other and said, "I'm sorry for the trouble!"

I looked away, "What are you doing out yesterday when there's a heavy rain? If I'm Xiuxiu, I would be angry, too."

The air was bringing her hair scent to my nose and as a man, I can't help but to notice it.

"I'm just afraid that you'll jump off."

Why is she afraid?
It's not like we had known each other for too long.

"I told you, for me, you're my first friend, so I don't want you to harm yourself... but, well... you know, shit happens..." she continued. "But I'm still glad Xiuxiu successfully stopped you from doing something bad."

"You know what, you're annoying" I said.

I already told her she's annoying but she still choose to go see me. If she hadn't went off yesterday, she wouldn't collapse along the way.

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