February 6-8, 2021

38 10 1

[A/N: Trigger warning: please read with care. Some content may be unhealthy for some readers.

PS. I used English language in this story to practice my vocabulary. Should you notice some grammar errors, I'm very willing to be corrected. Teehee.]

Story begins here:


February 6, 2021.

"You killed your mother!"
"Meet Rose, she'll be your new mom."
"You killed your mother!"
"You only got 98/100?"
"You killed your mother!"
"You look like a lazy unemployed person"
"You killed your mother!"

I woke up covered in sweat even with the aircondition on. I unbutton my tops and grabbed my phone.

It's 6:45am.

I scrolled down my notification.
I got one new message, huh.

My doctor told me to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. You should, too. Good morning and keep praying! :)

She was early, huh.

I hit the reply button and typed Praying for you as well. It was too cheesy so I deleted it, I don't even pray. I typed I will, so you should, too. But it's embarrassing so I deleted again, and typed Ok, goodmorning. but that was so cold. Ugh~ whatever.

I decided not to respond, instead. I closed my phone and hugged a pillow.

I think God is still considerate enough to let me meet this annoying girl, eh. She might not know it, but she's becoming the reason why I can still smile.

I stayed in bed awake for twenty minutes before I decided to get up. I wore the perfect mask once again that I once thought to dispose.

How many days are left, again? Did I just stopped counting backwards?

Come to think of it, when did I stop? Why did I stop?
Do I still want to kill myself?

I still do.

But what's stopping me?

I grabbed my gray hoodie and went out. It's a cold early Saturday morning, and I would want to stay longer in bed. But I don't want to stay in that suffocating house.

I jogged outside and headed to Kimberly's house. She's already up, right? Unless she fall back to sleep after sending me the message.

"Hey you up?" I texted her and I immediately got a response. "Yep."

"Can you join me again? I'll treat you breakfast... I'm outside your house by the way..." I replied.

I leaned my back on the wall as I waited for her. I tucked my ear underneath my sweatshirt hood to heat it up. Then I received another message from her. "We're at our relative house today. And I don't know when we will come back. I'll try to sneak out, I'll just grab a taxi. What are we having for breakfast? Teehee."

Upon reading her message, I started leaving their house while typing in "No, its okay, I just lost my appetite... I'll treat you breakfast when you're back..." As I headed to the famous breakfast cafeteria nearby. I wouldn't want her to sneak out just because of some petty breakfast.

"But I told you, I don't know when will we back..." She replied back.

"It's okay. I can wait."

"Hey! You're making me blush! Anyway, I'll try sneaking out later."

"No sneaking out."

"But I'll miss you."

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