Trust issues

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"Meet me at the place where we first met. See you after the sun is down - we don't want anyone seeing you. Marseille will drive you, make sure you have a gun with you, anything can happen. Burn this after you've read it.

The professor"

I was about to fold the letter and grab a lighter, as I saw that something was written on the paper's back: "Can't wait to see you"

I set the paper on fire while smiling like an idiot. I couldn't wait to see him either, but I was a little afraid of him, well mostly his attitude towards me being thrown out of the mint. But I swear it was not my fault. Well, not entirely, I'll get to that later.

It was only early afternoon, so I had plenty of time to rest. The crew that rescued me gave me some food, some clothes then left, only Marseille stayed, he was my personal driver and bodyguard this time. He was kind of a talkative guy, we talked about all kinds of things, but he didn't mention the heist or anything. Maybe he wanted me to forget about it for a while. When the time has come, I put on a pair of dark sunglasses, a cap, I put a gun on my belt and we were ready to go.

It was already dark outside when we arrived. I saw the same car in front of us, it was the professor's. I got very nervous, excited and everything at the same time. I thanked Marseille for the ride, slowly go out, looked around and rushed to Sergio's car. He stepped out of the car, smiling at me. I ran towards him and gave him the biggest hug ever. I seriously didn't think I was going to see him ever again. I was really pessimistic about the heist. But here we were, reunited. I regained my hope. But still, I had to remember that I was one of the most wanted persons not only in Spain but in the entire world.

We got into the car and talked non-stop until we arrived to the hangar. He showed me his equipment, the cameras where I could see what the team was doing and everything. I went to change my clothes and then laid down. It was around midnight when he professor was about to make a call to the team inside the mint. He seemed pretty nervous as he picked up his headphones and pressed the button. He didn't know I was behind him, in the back of the place, he thought I was already asleep. I was truly exhausted but wanted to hear the conversation, I was sure that they were going to talk about me. And I was right.

"Berlin, Athens is with me, I sent the Serbian team to get her back. But tell me, what the hell were you thinking when you threw her out? She could have got killed!" the professor tried to remain calm but he couldn't, he was shouting at Berlin.

"Calm down, little brother. Ask her what she did. Or what she didn't do. Let her tell the truth," answered Berlin calmly as if nothing has happened, I could see his smirk in my mind as he hung up. I was in trouble.

I was about to head back to the room I was supposed to sleep in but Sergio turned around and saw me eavesdropping. He stood up and looked at me with the most serious look on his face. His eyes were burning a hole inside my head.

"What happened in the mint?" he asked.

"What do you mean what happened?" I asked back, although I knew what did he mean by his question.

"Please, Athens. Tell me what happened in there. I have to know." he stepped closer.

"I messed up, that's it. But nothing serious happened, no one got hurt, that's the important part right?" I wanted to avoid him by going back to my room, but he grabbed my arm, turned me around and begged me to tell him everything. I couldn't tell him but I couldn't lie to him either. I had no idea what to do.

"You don't really trust me, do you, Hazel?" he called me by my real name.

I haven't heard anyone call me Hazel for more than 5 months. Tears were falling down my cheeks, thinking about his question. He asked again.

"Do you trust me, Hazel? Do you?"


Two months before the heist

"Today, we will be learning about some serious things, something that you all should gain before the start of the heist, so I am asking for your total attention. Any ideas what will we talk about today?" the professor started the day's lesson. Everyone was quiet. "We will be talking about your trust. You trust in the hostages, in the police, in each other, in me and in yourselves."

Denver started laughing, we all looked at him.

"What, wasn't it supposed to be a joke?" We looked at him with serious faces, so he realized that the professor was not joking.

He was telling us about cases where we should trust in everything and everyone, and cases where we should trust no one. It was interesting to listen to his speech. It was one of the longest classes, but I remember every single word of it. He closed it with this sentence: "He who does not trust enough will never be trusted."

When I was younger, I trusted everyone. I thought that no one could ever betray me or mislead me. Of course, I was wrong. The few people who mattered to me and whom I cared about fucked up my life and then left as if nothing has happened. I had a hard time trusting others ever since.

There were only 2 people that I trusted: Nairobi and the professor. Berlin was the one in charge, but I never trusted him, I don't even trust him this day. And this was mutual. But we'll get to that later on.

After the class I waited for everyone to leave the room, it was only me and Sergio. He always knew if something was wrong with me or with anyone.

"Do you want to talk?" he asked as he finished cleaning the blackboard.

"Actually yes, but no," I replied as I was not sure anymore whether I want to tell him that my life had been a mess and I trusted almost nobody. It was personal information after all.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, so I decided to tell him. In a nutshell.

"I don't trust anyone, but you and Nairobi." I said and then took a deep breath of relief.

He sat down to one of the desks in front of me.

"Think about it: why do you trust me? And why do you trust Nairobi?" I thought about it. I couldn't think of a reasonable answer. "You see, you have no reason to trust us and not the others. As I saw everyone was kind to you so far, but correct me if I am wrong. I chose every single one of you not because you were the best criminals of this country, but because you seemed like good people by heart. By not trusting them, you don't trust me and my choices."

Damn, this man could always say something that would stick to my thoughts for a good while. Although he was right, I still had some trust issues, however I gave a chance to everyone, but Berlin fucked his one up...

-End of flashback

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