The monster in me

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"You didn't think of this possibility, did you?" I asked Sergio as I slowly pointed my gun at him. It was hard to do it but I had to seem strong, I had to convince him to help me get back to the mint – or I will do it alone.

"Athens, what are you doing with that gun? Put it down, please. You won't shoot me and I won't let you out of here, please don't make me show you my ugly side," he said while he was getting closer to me.

I fired my gun, I aimed right next to his head. He stopped and looked at me with shock in his eyes. He slowly turned around to see the bullet in the wall.

"Hazel," he was about to start one of his famous speeches, but I shot again, aimed right on the other side of his head.

"Shut up, and help me get in there!" I shouted at him. He seemed slightly proud of me, I could see his hidden smirk, but he also was about to stop what I was doing. Damn, for the first time in my life I felt dangerous. And I liked it, to be honest.

"Last warning, put that down. Anyone can hear us from the outside, do you want them to find us?" He started to get closer again.

I lowered my gun, but it was supposed to be a trick only. He had a few tricks in his mind too, how could I ever think that I would be able to outsmart him? As he was standing in front of me, I grabbed his shirt, pulled him and wanted to place the gun to his stomach. He grabbed my hand, twisted it making the gun fall out of it, turned me around and gently stroke my neck with his famous choking move.

"I'm sorry, Hazel."

It was the last thing he whispered in my ears before I lost my consciousness.

A few hours later I woke up with my hands tied up with chains, my feet have just perfectly been able to touch the ground, so I didn't have to hold myself, but my hands started to get sore. I did not regret anything I did before Sergio stopped me. But he might have just lost his trust in me. That was the only aspect I did not consider.

"Good, you're awake. Now tell me, how can I ever trust you again after this act of bravery?" he asked as he stepped out of the dark.

His hair looked messy, his shirt's sleeves were folded up to his elbow, he was clearly mad at me but confused in the same time. I couldn't think of anything else but to escape, even if I had to hurt him again in order to do that.

"Did Nairobi call us about the printing machine?" I asked as it came to my mind.

"No, she hasn't. I can't reach them either, but on the cameras they seem fine. Don't worry, we'll figure out something," he tried to calm me down but my mind was filled with ideas about getting back to the team.

"Was this also the part of you plan, professor? Huh? Was it? I bet it wasn't. Your perfect plan is ruined," I shouted at him. He looked at me with no emotions. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say anything, I'm an idiot. It's not your fault that we are where we are now,"

"Don't worry, I understand your concerns. But while you were, well, sleeping, I was thinking and thinking, and I must say that Nairobi is smart enough to fix that machine with your instructions through phone. At least I hope so," he said, forgetting about me and my actions for a moment.

"My stomach hurts. A lot. Could you please get me another painkiller?"

He brought me a painkiller and a glass of water. He stepped close to me, put the pill in my mouth and lifted up the glass for me to drink water, but I snapped and kicked him as hard as I could. I had to make him break, I had to show him I was stronger, but as he fell to the ground, I regretted everything I just did. What the hell is wrong with you, Hazel? I asked from myself. He was in pain. The glass shattered into millions of pieces. In this exact moment, the phone rang.

"I'm so sorry, Sergio," I said with tears in my eyes.

He didn't even look at me. In that moment I realized something. After all these months, all the stuff we've been through, all the late night talks, I couldn't help but fall for him. Fall for him really hard. And I successfully hurt the only person I was able to love, what a great human being you are, Hazel!

Sergio picked up the phone. It was Nairobi, I could hear her cry. The problem was bigger than we anticipated. Tears started falling from my eyes as well as from Sergio's.

"I'll call you back, Nairobi. I have to... think. But we may have to put plan Chernobyl in action. Be prepared for everything." He hung up then looked at me.

"I have to go there, please, professor. I can fix the machine. I can help them," I begged as he was walking up and down the room.

"Please, let me think!" He was so nervous, so broken, he kept on repeating, "I can't, it is over"

"It is not over, professor. So far I trusted you, now you trust me," I said but I was almost entirely sure that he has lost his trust in me. And damn, I was right.

"Excuse me, are you asking me to trust you after you almost shot me several times and kicked me to the ground?" he asked with total shock and anger.

I was such a fool. I had to fix this somehow. Maybe he would have let me out if he didn't have the reason to tie me up like a prisoner. I looked him in the eyes.

"Come closer!" I asked him in all of a sudden

Trust me - DISCONTINUED:(Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ