There is a story behind everything

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"I never trusted anyone the way I trust you, Sergio," I replied confidently, "I trust you with my life. This heist could have cost my life. But I trusted you since the very beginning, and I will do until the end."

"By going in there with the others you didn't only trust me, you trusted them... But still, you wouldn't tell me why did they almost sacrifice you by throwing you out?" he started to lose his patience and get more and more curious.

"Not they, only Berlin. Only Berlin has to do anything with this. The others knew about nothing," I started to open up for him, but I was more and more afraid by any minute that has passed by. I did not want him to be mad at Berlin, but I had to tell him somehow what happened, he wouldn't have left me alone otherwise.

"Go on, please," he requested as he came closer. We were standing there as I began to tell my sins.

"It was a punishment for me. A hostage was trying to escape at night with all the others. He was discussing it with another woman, so I pointed my gun at him but he knew I wouldn't shoot him, so he came closer, kicked me around my stomach so hard I collapsed, and took away my gun. This guy, Arturo, pointed my own gun at me when one of the other hostages saw me laying on the ground in pain and stood up against him. Arturo instantly shot her on the leg. Everyone heard it. Berlin came to see what was going on. Arturo hid the gun and sat down as if nothing has happened," as I was telling my story all the memories that were coming back to me hurt me as if it was happening all over again.

"Did this happen last night?" Sergio asked and I nodded.

He slowly came closer and lifted up my t-shirt with anger on his face but trembling hands. My lower ribs and a part of my stomach on my left side were blue, purple, and every color possible. It hurt as hell as he touched it with his warm hand in a very gentle way.

"Does it hurt that much?" he asked as he released my t-shirt carefully, not to hurt me again. I nodded as I was fighting my tears. "Please, go on with the story," he requested so I did as he wished while he was searching for a painkiller for me.

"I was in so much pain, I don't remember any more of that night. In the morning I woke up to see Arturo tied up next to me and Berlin with a dead serious face as he handed me a gun the moment I opened my eyes. Shoot him, he said. I slowly tried to stand up but Berlin grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of Arturo. Shoot him, he repeated, this time with so much anger. I lift up my gun, but couldn't do it. My hand was trembling as I saw Arturo shaking as well. Shoot him, said Berlin as he got closer to me. I can't do it, I said. I just couldn't shoot him. He had a family. He was unarmed, tied up..." I started shaking, Sergio brought me a cup of water and that painkiller and sat me down. He sat beside me and grabbed my hand.

"Arturo kicked you and wanted to shoot you, but you didn't want to shoot him?" he asked, although he knew that this was exactly the case. My silence said more than any words could have. I was too weak to shoot him, at least that's what I kept on repeating in my head.

"Berlin took his gun in his hand and repeated himself: shoot him, or I'll shoot you. He had a revolver with him, took out 5 of its bullets, leaving only one, he spun the cylinder of the gun and pushed it gently to the side of my skull. Let's play, he said. Obviously, he was playing Russian roulette with me. Or should I say on me? I still had my gun pointed at Arturo. Berlin pulled his gun's trigger, as I was one step away from collapsing. I was relieved but more stressed. He seemed to enjoy my fear and pain. Shoot him, he said again, what's holding you back, darling? He pulled his trigger again. I was obviously winning Russian roulette. Berlin was still insisting on me to shoot Arturo, but I was too weak...," I said out loud my most feared thought.

I was weak. I am still weak and I will be weak. I can't think with my brain in these situations, only with my heart. And my heart kept on telling me that Arturo had more reasons to live than me - he had a family. I stated these thoughts to the professor.

"It's late, you should have some rest," he said as I was in more and more pain again, "Go, get some sleep and you'll continue tomorrow, alright?"

I agreed. He hugged me carefully and whispered "I'm glad you're back. Everything will be fine, Hazel."

I loved it when he called me by my real name. I wished him good night, I went to my bed and although I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep, I didn't wake up until 10am. I was woken up by the sound of Sergio. He was talking to the team. I couldn't really hear anything but I knew they were talking about the police and some plan. I didn't care at this point, all I wanted was to sleep some more. 

Trust me - DISCONTINUED:(Where stories live. Discover now