😁new family member🤩

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Bakugou has problems sleeping
Kakashi just loves kids
I dont know what else to put...

The new school year and therefore semester has begun meaning Aizawa, Katsuki, and sasuke are back on U.A. Campus, leaving Shinsou and kakashi in the house. Nedzu has given Aizawa the second family unit next door to Tenko & Hizashi, the larger apartment serving as a second home (or third considering the fact the boys also have their dorms) when Aizawa has those days between patrols, the agency, and then school. On the weekend, kakashi and Shinsou come over to the apartment or the others come home, enjoying the family time together. 
Currently, Katsuki is sitting in sasuke’s dorm, the two brothers doing homework. They would’ve stayed in the apartment but Aizawa got called in due to an emergency and the boys rather not stay in the apartment without their dad. Sasuke notices some small bags forming under Katsuki’s eyes. 
“Have You been sleeping?” he asks, breaking the silence. 
Katsuki’s eyes widen as he looks at his older brother before shaking his head, a soft blush forming on his cheeks. 
“Have you told Dad?”
“No. I don’t want to worry him.”
“He’s going to worry once he sees those bags and don’t let Momma crow see,” sasuke shudders, “That will result in you being under watchful eyes.”
Katsuki chuckles as he finishes another math problem. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping?”
Katsuki pauses, frowning before looking away. 
“The summer camp…”
Sasuke pauses, blushing as he remembers his boyfriends part in that. He was a of an badass. 
“Sorry about that.”
“No, it’s okay. I get why he was doing it. Marching orders from our now uncle.”
Sasuke snorts, rolling his eyes. It always makes him shake his head at having Tenko as his uncle now instead of his leader. Honestly, getting adopted by aizawa and kakashi was one of the best things that happened in his life. The only thing topping it is his biological father actually signing over his parental rights to them. It’s a bit greedy but sasuke gets to enjoy having three fathers in his life. 
“Does he ever think about the other members of the League?”
Sasuke pauses. 
“he think's of Toga and Twice sometimes. Mainly Toga though. She's your age and honestly just needs a home. Thing is though if I even say anything to Momma and Dad: they will have her adopted by tomorrow morning.”
Katsuki laughs, knowing it’s very true. They had once teased them saying they would adopt Class 1-A if they could. Kakashi just blushed while Aizawa smiled, winking at his kids before returning to his paperwork.
“I think you should say something. Don’t you think it’s a bit too much testosterone in the house?”
“Didn’t even notice with Momma crow.”
“He’s going to tug at your piercings again if he hears you say that.”
“You gonna snitch on me?”
Sasuke grins before going serious. 
“You need to talk to Momma or Dad about your nightmares though Katsuki. You can’t keep having sleepless nights.”
Katsuki’s smile disappears, his head dropping.
“They’re just going to think I’m weak,” he mumbles.
“No, they won’t,” sasuke says, moving closer to him. “Dad or Momma crow won’t think you’re weak. They never thought I was weak when I had mine.”
“You had nightmares?”
Sasuke nods, closing his laptop as he begins to play with one of his piercings. 
“When I first met Dad, I wasn’t on good terms with him. I actually wanted kakashi for myself.”
Katsuki blinks rapidly. 
“Shut up. I got over it.”
Katsuki smirks, sasuke flipping him off as they chuckle. 
“But, one night, I was assaulted. Someone had gotten the upper hand on me, injecting me with something that kept me from using my Sharingan and made me essentially defenceless. I can’t remember the assault all that well and I asked Kurogiri to send me somewhere safe--surprised he even understood me. I ended up in the apartment of Aizawa and kakashi, surprising all three of them. I thought they were going to turn me in.”
Katsuki looks at sasuke who is looking at his hands. 
“Aizawa picked me up, took me to the bathroom, and cleaned me up as if I was his own. He fed me, sat me on the couch, and made sure I was comfortable. He and kakashi took turns checking on me all through the night. They took me in that night and wouldn’t let me go back to my old life.”
“Your nightmares?”
“I had them for maybe the first two months I was there. They always felt so real and I would wake up screaming or crying--well, not really crying. I once set my sheets on my fire. They were bad. I didn’t want to sleep and would force myself to stay up. Kakashi noticed but I didn’t want to talk to him about it and Aizawa was working nights a lot back then. Kakashi told him and one weekend, Aizawa took off, made my favourite foods and stayed with me. He talked to me, listened as I told him everything. He put me in therapy the following week, promising me that he would be there every step of the way.”
“Do you still get nightmares?”
“Yeah. It may sound childish but sometimes go to either one or both of them for comfort. You know how they love to cuddle.”
“I don’t understand how people are scared of Dad.”
“Oh: he’s terrifying in action. I won’t lie: I fought him once and nearly peed myself at seeing his “Sharingan”. It’s scary.”
Katsuki laughs as sasuke seems to shiver at having the flashback. 
“You think...think I could talk to Dad tomorrow?”
“Yeah. You know he always makes time for us.”
There’s a knock on the balcony door and they look up to see Aizawa. He waves, sasuke walking over to open the door. 
“Hey boys. Am I interrupting?”
“No. We were just talking,” sasuke says. “Speaking of talking...Katsuki?”
Aizawa looks at the blonde who blushes, looking away. Sasuke sighs, knowing the blonde is like him--reluctant to be vulnerable at times--and speaks for his brother. 
“He’s having nightmares about the summer incident and isn’t sleeping well.”
Aizawa looks at Katsuki who blushes, looking away again. 
“I suspected that,” he says, Katsuki looking up in surprise. 
“You...you did?”
“Yeah but I was going to wait for you to say something. Didn’t want to embarrass you.”
Katsuki looks at Aizawa who gives a soft smile, sitting next to him. 
“You want to stay in the apartment tonight?”
“Can I?”
“Of course. Sasuke?”
“Nah. I’m going to invite naruto over.”
“Don’t be too loud.”
“I’ll make sure to tell naruto that.”
Aizawa rolls his eyes but pecks sasuke’s forehead as Katsuki packs up. He climbs on Aizawa’s back, the two waving to sasuke before disappearing. Sasuke texts naruto, smiling at knowing his brother is about to be pampered.
“Dad you really don’t have to cook for me.”
“I know but I am. Now, beef or pork?”
“Beef. Spicy?”
“Excuse me? Do you even have to ask?”
Katsuki smiles as he sits at the island, continuing his homework as Aizawa works. 
“Tell me about your nightmares.”
Katsuki pauses, putting his pencil down. He pauses, biting his bottom lip. 
“It’s...It’s just the same events, I get kidnapped, I’m at the bar but instead of Midoriya and Kirishima saving me,” he pauses, swallowing the hard lump, “my quirk is taken and I am about to be killed. I always wake up before the fatal blow.”
Aizawa looks at Katsuki who is beginning to tear up. He washes his hand, drying them as he walks over to his middle son and hugs him, letting the boy cry into his arms.
“I’m sorry this happened to you,” he murmurs, “No one should ever experience that.”
“Does...Does it make me weak?”
“Not at all Katsuki. You went through something traumatic. I would honestly be surprised if you didn’t have nightmares.”
Katsuki nods, wiping his eyes. 
“Do...Do you have nightmares?”
“Yeah. About my childhood. I’m sure you can see but my mom is not my biological mom: she’s adoptive.”
Katsuki nods. Aizawa’s mom is a sweet woman named Kimaya shouta. She looks absolutely nothing like aizawa but it doesn’t matter, Aizawa calls her “Momma” or “Momma Messor” and adores her. She’s the only person after kakashi and the kids Aizawa will move heaven and hell for. 
“My biological mother died from cancer when I was four and I was left with my Dad. He was, to be blunt, a piece of shit. He abused me. I ain’t saying your momma was a good parent--cause she wasn’t--but I would take her over my sperm donor. Beat me like a dog at times. He was a religious freak and saw my quirk as demonic. You can probably do the math.”
Katsuki nods. 
“I get bad nightmares around, ironically, Christmas. It was when I got a really bad beating. A beating bad enough to end me up in the hospital and that’s how I met Momma.”
Aizawa returns to cutting up the ingredients as the broth boils. 
“I get them bad and I can’t really sleep. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve woke kakashi up and that night was almost twenty years ago.”
‘Wait...how old are you Pops?”
“Twenty-nine. I ain’t that old. No matter what kakashi says.”
Katsuki giggles. There have been times kakashi calls Aizawa old during petty arguments or slight teasing. Aizawa responds by just calling him a brat or eyass, the technical name for a baby crow. That usually shuts him right up. 
“Anyway: Nightmares suck and even us grown, old, pro heroes get them. All Might has nightmares. Yamada has nightmares Shit, even big bad Endeavor has nightmares.”
He smiles. 
“Just talk. Either to me, kakashi, sasuke, Hound Dog, someone. Shit, I’ll get you a therapist. Sasuke got one. I got one. Kakashi does too.”
“He has Hound Dog.”
“Wow...everyone has therapy?”
“Helps keep you sane. Trust me: I would’ve been off the deep end if not for therapy.”
He nods. 
“Alright,” Aizawa hums as he adds the vegetables and meat to the broth. “Let that boil a bit and then I’ll add the noodles. I’m going to shower. Watch the pot.”
“Yes, Dad.”
“You’re the best.”
He grins, keeping an eye on the pot as he continues his homework.
Kakashi stares at the teen in front of him. 
“I beg your pardon?”
“Take me with you! I miss naruto and sasuke!”
“Please? I'll be good! Promise!”
Kakashi blinks several times. 
“Give me a moment.”
He steps to the side, dialling Aizawa’s number and puts the phone to his ear. The call connects, Aizawa’s voice filling his ear. 
“Hey Scarecrow. What’s up? Is everything okay? It’s rather late.”
“Everything is fine. I just have a question.”
“And I may have an answer.”
Kakashi smiles.
“Do you want another kid?”
There is silence and kakashi thinks that maybe his phone died. 
“ I beg your pardon. Sorry Kats.”
“Do you want another kid?”
“ Who is the other kid?”
He hears a curse followed by Katsuki complaining he’s moving too much. 
“ Sorry Kats. Kakashi...Don’t fuck with me.”
“I’m serious! She also asked.”
“she asked? ”
“Yeah. She's right next to me and asked if we would adopt her. I guess they still stays in touch with naruto.”
There is a silence followed by a sigh. 
“ Bring her home this weekend. I’ll draft the paperwork at home. ”
Kakashi and sakura grin.
Nedzu looks at the scene in front of him. It’s Aizawa, kakashi, sasuke, and sakura. 
“What do I owe the pleasure and why is sakura here?”
“We are going to adopt her,” Aizawa begins, “and part of the agreement is that she enrols in the same program as naruto.”
“Just exactly how many kids do you plan on adopting Aizawa?”
“We were supposed to be done after Katsuki but apparently, someone ,” Aizawa gives kakashi a pointed look and the man blushes but smiles. “Wants a daughter and I don’t know how to say no.”
Nedzu chuckles as he pulls out the paperwork. 
“I already did them,” Aizawa says, handing the file over to Nedzu who blinks but smiles. 
“Well, since that is done! I am pleased to welcome you to UA sakura. You’ll be doing the same courses as naruto and will be with Class 1-B for obvious reasons.”
Sakura pouts. 
“I leave y'all to get settled in with your family,” Nedzu says, dismissing them as they leave the office. 
Kakashi hugs Aizawa who rolls his eyes but hugs him back, pecking his forehead. 
“No more kids.”
Kakashi nods, smiling up at him. The two look at sakura and sasuke who are talking, sakura filling sasuke in on everything that has happened since the two last saw each other. 
“kakashi is Momma crow and Aizawa is Dad. I mean you can call them anything to be honest.”
Sakura looks back, smiling. 
“Yes?” kakashi replies, looking up from his phone. 
Sakura grins before looking at Aizawa who raises an eyebrow. 
“One and only.”
She squeals, jumping on Aizawa who catches her with ease, holding her in his arms as they walk back to the car. It’s a Friday and they are going back to the house. Shinsou and Katsuki are waiting for them at the car. 
“Meet your new sister, sakura.” kakashi says, Shinsou lighting up as he runs to her, sakura jumping out of Aizawa’s arms to hug the small child. Katsuki looks at the pink haired girl before looking at Aizawa. 
“Not a word.”
He grins but climbs into the car with his siblings, kakashi getting in the passenger seat and Aizawa in the driver. The kids are chatting eagerly behind them, the two glancing back to see the four laughing about something.
“Am I going to get my own room?”
“Do you want your own room?” kakashi asks. 
“She needs her own room,” Aizawa replies, “She’s a girl.”
“Who was around male villains!”
“I don’t care. She gets her own room.”
Kakashi pouts before giggling as Aizawa pecks his cheek at the light. 
“Are they always this affectionate?” sakura asks.
“Wait till we get home,” sasuke mumbles, “You’re going to hate them.”
“Says the man who kisses his boyfriend all the time,” kakashi jeers as sasuke blushes. 
“Boyfriend?” sakura repeats, perking up. “You didn’t tell me you have a boyfriend sasuke!”
Sasuke blushes as the others smile, Aizawa chuckling as he pulls into the familiar neighbourhood, driving down the street towards their house. He pulls into the driveway, sakura blinking in shock at seeing the house. 
“This is home?!”
They nod as she grins before squealing. She runs up the stairs, Shinsou following her as sasuke and Katsuki follow after them. Aizawa puts an arm around kakashi’s shoulder, kissing his temple as he smiles. Katsuki snaps a photo of them, sakura raising an eyebrow. 
“We have a picture wall,” Katsuki explains, “It’s filled with pictures of us and family.”
“Oh. Will I go on the wall?”
“Of course you will princess,” Aizawa replies, unlocking the door. “Everyone who is a hatake-Messor goes on that wall. No questions.”
“Be prepared for photos to be taken at the worst times,” sasuke warns, sakura grinning as she enters the house. 
“Welcome home sakura,” kakashi says, the teen smiling as she looks in awe at the house. 
“Can I show her to her room?” Shinsou asks, bouncing on his feet. “Please Momma crow!”
“Go ahead,” kakashi replies, Shinsou grabbing sakura’s hand and pulling her after him. 
“No more kids,” Aizawa says. “And if you hear kakashi or I even mention another child: set us on fire or explode us. I give my blessing.”
Sasuke and Katsuki grin as Aizawa heads to the kitchen to work on dinner as kakashi goes to make sure sakura is okay.
Kakashi was called into work so he can’t join Aizawa and sakura on their shopping trip for the things she wants for her room. Katsuki is spending the day with denki while sasuke is doing his work-study with Nedzu and Shinsou is having a playdate with Eri.
“Alright,” Aizawa says as they enter IKEA. “What colour do you want?”
“Any shade?”
“Any shade!”
“Alright, we can get those pink towels and rags from Target but furniture wise: white, black, grey?”
“Grey with gold accents.”
“Ooooo a girl after my own heart.”
Sakura grins as she and Aizawa walk around, grabbing the desired furniture in the desired colour. 
“I think I have some gold paint or maybe gold knobs at home. We can make your desired colour scheme happen.”
“Really? I can have a pink, grey, and gold room?”
“Don’t tell your brothers but kakashi and I are going to spoil you. You’re our only girl.”
Sakura’s smile brightens as she hugs Aizawa who smiles, hugging her back as they continue to walk around.
Sakura settles in with the family, finding her place quickly among her brothers and parents. She finds herself with very protective brothers. When a remark was made by Monoma in Class 1-B about her, she told Katsuki and sasuke who immediately found the boy and threatened him within an inch of his life. Monoma hasn’t spoken to her since (which is fine with her!) and she has made some friends as well. She even befriended Uraraka and Tsuyu which made her really happy!
Kakashi is doting on her, living up to the title of Momma crow. The two spend hours sometimes talking about random things, the older silver haired man matching her energy and eagerness. They once spent a whole evening just baking random things. Aizawa had been surprised but supportive, simply saying he’ll run to the store to grab more ingredients for them. Sakura talks about boys and girls to kakashi, even admitting to the man that she is bisexual with a stronger preference for girls (the only exception was ino)
Aizawa is also doting, being a calming figure in her life. He listens to her problems as well, offering advice to her. He cooks her favourite meals and is always down for whatever random thing she wants to do. Sakura once asked him for a vanity and the next day, when she went to the garage, Aizawa was in there building a vanity for her. He even put the lights around it! He painted it a dark shade of grey with a pink and gold marble surface. She loves it! Aizawa is also down for all the skincare and beauty things she wants to try. They once did a face mask together on a Sunday, hair wrapped up and working on their various things with wine (sparkling juice for sakura) and a charcuterie board in the living room with the fireplace going. When the boys came home, they stared in surprise at seeing that scene before joining them. 
Currently, Aizawa is dying sakura’s hair. She wants black hair with purple fringe (think e-girl style). 
Kakashi pokes his head inside to see the father and daughter duo doing what they’re doing. He blinks. 
“What are you doing?”
“Currently dying her hair the way she wants,” Aizawa replies, humming softly. 
Kakashi looks to see what they’re doing. Sakura smiles at him and he returns it. 
“Is something wrong Scarecrow?”
Kakashi looks at Shouta, shaking his head as he hugs his waist, careful of his arm. Aizawa kisses his forehead as he puts the shower cap over the foils. 
“Alright, let’s have you sit for about half-hour and I’ll check to see how the colour is coming along.”
She nods as she runs off, Aizawa cleaning up as kakashi helps. They finish, Aizawa hugging his fiance and kisses his forehead. Kakashi smiles, nuzzling his chest as he is held. 
“So...no more kids?”
“No more kids kakashi. I’m begging you.”
He giggles.

|_____Smut next chapter___|

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