Chapter 1: Melanie's Story

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Melanie awoke at around 11 o'clock in the morning, rubbing her eyes she looked out the window and noticed the sun was beaming right into her face. Adjusting her body on the bed she yawned rising from the bed, letting the sheet fall from her lap. As her feet touched the floor a cold sensation went through her body. Stepping toward the window, she peeked outside. Looking out, she could see cars on the street below passing by, and some neighbors walking their dog.

 "Just a bunch of blind people in a wild world" she thought to herself.

 Melanie was the type of girl who at times would let her emotions get the best of her. She would never told anyone her real true feelings, keeping them to herself most of the time. Recently, she'd broken up with her 6 month boyfriend J.R. Deep down inside she loved him and wanted to give him everything she had, but he claimed he wasn't ready for something long-term. 

Slowly closing her satin black curtains, and dimming the light in the room, she turned away, walking herself to the bathroom. Using her fingers to gently comb through her black nappy curls, she would pass an empty bottle of Jack Daniels next to her bathroom sink. Looking confused while standing there, taking a look into the mirror last nights activities would flood her memory.

There was a knock at the door that slightly startled her, breaking her from her thoughts.

Melanie put the nearest pair of shorts and an oversized hoodie on her bare body, and walked to answer the door. Getting downstairs to the door was a task, because of her hangover, her head swam with each step she took. Opening the door slowly, she peeked out squinting her eyes from the sun and saw a young light-skinned woman wearing ripped skinny jeans, and a white wife beater that contrasted her black blazer. Looking her up and down her long legs would be decorated with her nicely tied black pumps.

"Melanie girl!" said a high toned southern voice.

 "Yes", Melanie replied squeezing at the bridge of her nose.

 "Well are you gonna let me in or are we gonna stand here in the hot sun?" the voice shot back

Melanie then realized who it was after she rubbed her eyes. "Symone?" 

Symone smacked her teeth opening her door wider and barging through into Melanie's one-bedroom apartment.

 "Girl, stop playing dumb like we haven't known each other for years." Symone replied giggling softly walking past her while Melanie would trail back a bit. 

Symone was that best friend you could count on to tell you the truth. Even though sometimes you felt like you didn't wanna hear she would still let you know that the halter top you loved so much needed to get sent back to the 90s. A southern belle, Symone seemed to have it all, her life was basically the life Mel wished she had.

"I didn't know you were coming?" Mel would close the door, turning to look at Symone as she'd walk to follow her.

"Well I'm here I told you last night before I left that I would be coming by to work on stuff for my wedding with you. HELLO?" Symone replied walking to sit on Mel's living room couch.

Watching Melanie, and giving her a concerned look, Symone put her bag down beside her while she crossed her legs slowly. 

"So are you feeling better?" She asked Melanie.

 Melanie took some water from the fridge and poured it into a cup, she then rubbed her head and looked to Symone. "I'm feeling uh, decent." She answered slightly lying, and hiding the fact she had a horrible hangover.

"Girl I wouldn't be after the night you had. Fuck Jay that. Fuck Jay this. I don't need no man but my best friend here Jack" Symone laughed loudly as she explained the BS Mel had got into the previous night, as Melanie shook her head. 

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