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Today was graduation Zack and Bailey tried to forget they ever met Kendell and tried to continue life naturally he dated this girl Maya for a while and was really connected to her.

But even though Bailey was more successful at pretending Kendell didn't exist he couldn't.

Everytime he would get close to someone who wasn't Bailey it didn't feel right he knew where his future was it was with Bailey it was already written out.

And today was gonna be the last day he could see her before she went to Yale.

Zack took out his wallet and looked at the picture of Kendell Bailey and him from her 7th grade prom.

The three of them that was his future, how he was going to get there he had no clue but all that mattered was the three of them and he was going to work towards that.

There was a knock at the door and Zack hid his wallet under his pillow as his mom walked in.

"Hey, I can't believe it it's graduation day for both of my boys" said Carrie giving him a hug "I'm so proud of you" she said giving him a hug and kissing him on the cheek.

"Yeah never thought I'd make it" he said smiling.

"Well... an interesting letter came to our hotel in Boston it's to you...from Yale?" Said Carrie handing him the letter.

"This has to be Cody's maybe because we are twins they got confused and...."Zack said scrambling.

"Zack you had to apply to get a response ...and with your grades early on and out of nowhere you want to go to Yale Cody worked for this his entire life" said Carrie.

"I did it as a joke" said Zack laughing.

"Whats going on?" Said a voice at the door they both turned around to see Cody.

"Zack applied for Yale" said Carrie.

"As a joke" Zack replied.

Cody ran in and pushed Zack up against the wall "you don't joke and apply for one of the most impressive schools what the hell is wrong with gotta make a mockery of this too?" He yelled.

"Guys what is going on? You have bickering but you have never fought like this" yelled Carrie.

Cody snatched the letter from Zack's hand and opened it and read it "This has to be some type of joke." Whispered  Cody.

"It was a joke" said Zack.

Cody faced Zack "you can be happily ever after at Yale together he said handing Zack the letter and slamming the door.

Carrie's eyes went wide  "you got into Yale?"

"OH honey I'm so proud of you" she said hugging Zack.

Zacks eyes went wide "he actually got in."

"Well Zack now that you got in are you going to go" asked Carrie.

"I can't afford it mom, Cody would have been able because of scholarships me and Cody both applied maybe this is Cody's letter and they mixed us up.. I'm going to call right now" said Zack.

"But Zack you have graduation, you can't deal with this right now and what does Cody mean you can be at Yale together with Bailey, he was dating Bailey." said Carrie.

"Its complicated" Zack began.

"Look Zackary I support whoever you and Cody decide to date but I thought the men the brothers I raised would never look towards a girl that the other loved I thought you were better than that" said Carrie.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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