Act Of Kindness

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Zack had fallen asleep next to his bathroom door holding Kendell's phone in his hand when there was a knock at his bedroom door.

Zack didn't respond as he groaned and turned back over and then the door was unlocked and opened and Mr.Moesby.walked in "Zack" he yelled.

Zack scrambled as he got up "what are you doing here?" 

"You are late for your shift you are still required to go to work" he said with a stern look on his face.

"Sorry I passed out after taking a shower" he said grabbing his work shirt.

"On the floor?" said Mr.Moesby.

He then looked down to Zack hands "and why do you have Kendell's phone?"

"She left it in here when she did her prank on me this morning I was gonna take it back but you are not allowing me out of my room" he replied.

He then looked down again and noticed it was in her photo gallery roll "so you look through her stuff, you know at her age privacy is important to a girl...oh please tell me this isn't another one of your...pranks" Mr.Moesby crossed his arms.

"No I just wanted to see her life" replied Zack.

"Well I can gladly take Kendell's phone back to her" as he took her phone out of his hands "and it looks like she has 3 missed calls from her father he must be worried."

"Yeah he probably is... I know I would be" Zack said in a quiet tone as he opened the door and left.

Mr.Moesby arched his eyebrows as he looked at Zack confused he then looked down at the current picture Zack had it on.

He waited until Zack was out of ear shot " a Zack  I would like to meet" he said smiling.

Zack went to the sky deck to start his shift he could see his co worker looking at him pissed off "hey Ben I'm sorry man I overslept" he said giving him a fist bump.

Ben rolled his eyes and left giving Zack the towel he had and he began to work.

Mr.Moesby walked to the girls dorm and knocked on the door Bailey was studying and Kendell was taking a shower and Bailey got up and got the door.

"Hey Bailey Kendell had left her phone in Zack's dorm I was coming to give it back" he said giving her the phone.

"Oh I'll give it to her" she replied taking the phone she started to lay it on Kendell's desk but instead she heard it ring.

Without looking at the picture she answered it "Hi Kendell is in the shower right now."

"Bailey?" said A voice she arched her eye brows knowing it wasn't Cody and she pulled her phone away from her face and looked at the picture 

a picture of Kendell and Zack with the word dad written across it, her heart started beating fast 

The voice spoke again "Bailey?"

she quickly hit the hang up button.

Bailey started slowly to sit on her bed, she started to sweat and her heart was still racing Zack is her dad.

Bailey had to go think she put Kendell's phone on her night stand and left the room.

Kendell walked out of the shower with a tshirt on and shorts on "hey Bailey since im conformed to my room can you get us something to eat I'll give you money" she looked around Bailey was no where to be found.

She then looked over and saw the answered call from her dad "no no no no she knows I can't do anything" she panicked.

Bailey went to walk and get fresh air she went on top of the moon deck where she knew she would be alone or at least she thought she looked on the other side and saw the last person she wanted to see looking at the waves.

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