A Merry Christmas it is!

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A/N set the year that rachel got off the plane. completely a made one shot, definitely not what might have happened in the actual show. also, guys i just love to imagine that ben had a really awesome bond with rachel, hope you guys like it too! also i deleted the chapter that had the author's note, cuz i have ideas now. :)

"MERRY CHRISTMAS DAD AND AUNT RACHEL!" came a loud voice that roused Rachel from her sleep. 

"Mewy Chwistmas Mama an' Dada," came another voice, but much softer, and more like a toddler than an eight year old.

"Ben, Ems, it's seven-thirty in the morning," Rachel said without opening her eyes. "We love you, but it is way too early to be awake on a Sunday."

"But it's Christmasss!!!!" Ben whined, as he moved to the other side of the bed and began to shake Ross, who groaned. "We want presents!!"

"Yes Mama, pwesents! We want pwesents!" Emma, now almost four years old, had reached a stage where everything her big brother Ben did, she would too. She really looked up to him. 

Rachel smiled, shaking her head and forced her eyes open, only to be met with the two big adorable blue eyes staring right at her. She sat up, stretched a little, picked up her daughter and looked over to her husband, who Ben was currently pummelling with his little fists. 

"C'mon Dad!!! Ems and I are hungry, we want breakfast and we wanna meet Santa!!"

Ross chuckled, and yawned. "Okay, okay I'm up. You're only getting your presents later at Aunt Monica's house, but if you guys are good, we can go early, and meet Santa even earlier." 

Ben cheered, Emma following suit. 

Just then, Rachel and Ross simultaneously realised they were naked under the blankets, and at the same time, clutched the blanket closer to them. 

"Ahem, Ben, why don't you be a big boy and pour out your own cereal this morning?"

"Really??" He grinned toothily. "Is it cuz I'm a big boy and I won't spill the cereal?"

Ross chuckled. "Yes, kiddo. You know what? You can even do it for Emma!" 

At this Ben screamed in jubilation at being trusted with this job, and dragged his sister out of the master bedroom and to the kitchen, animatedly saying how Emma should follow his example when she became a 'big girl', and Emma blindly following him and nodding to whatever he was saying, even if she didn't fully understand. 

Ross and Rachel laughed, as they made eye contact and Rachel slowly leaned over, letting the sheets drop and revealing her body as she kissed him. 

"Mm, Merry Christmas, my love."

Ross smiled lazily. "Merry Christmas to you too."

The kiss had just gotten passionate when a crash came from the kitchen.

"Uh oh." came two words from a very sheepish Ben's mouth. 

Rachel sighed. "Not a minute of peace around here," as she got up from bed, tied on a robe, and went out to clean up yet another mess in the kitchen, Ross chuckling behind her. 

Time skip to Monica and Chandler's Westchester house, later that day

"Hey!! Merry Christmas!" Monica and Chandler said at the same time as Ross, Rachel, Ben and Emma walked in, Emma clutching her big brother's hand tightly. Joey, Mike and a rather pregnant Phoebe wished them too. 

"Merry Christmas!" Ross smiled as Rachel hugged her best friends, and he followed.

"Merry Christmas Ben, and little Ems," Monica beamed as she bent down to give Emma and Ben a kiss each. 

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