Bordom in a box

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One day I'm laying in bed at three in the morning staring off into space thinking on life, but then something hits me ' I don't give a fuck anymore' so I get up jump out my window and go into the woods. I've been walking for a couple minutes ( no less than five) and I finnaly reach were I was heading, an opening right in the middle of the woods. There is a tree there directly in the middle, while I walk up to the tree I pull a key from my pocket. I kneel down and pull a box out from under the tree and unlock the bloody box. I move around things in side of it (the box I almost as big as a chest) as I push around blades and bloody wrags I come across what I was looking for, a bagie full of weed and a lighter I bout from hot topic. While admiring my cool lighter I'm rolling my weed for the fun night ahead. Once rolled I close the bagie and put it in my pocket just in case, as well as closing locking and putting away my box. I lean up against the tree and hit the blunt, I lean my head back then blow after a couple more hits I feel sleepy, so I jolt my self up and start to climb the tree, at the top I position my self to were I'm sitting comfurtobly and take another big hit. I hear something behind me just past the edge were the clearing goes back to think woods, I pull a bloody blade thats stuck in the tree from ' last time' and yell out "Whose there?" A small voice responds " um... me sorry, I came here to-" then she stops. I put the blunt out and start to climb down the tree once I'm there she's still hiding behind a tree, so I say " Its ok I'm not here to hurt you or anything". I wave my hand in a motion to come over, she does but slowly as if she still not to sure if she should. Then while making sure I don't look like a. goon I see I'm still holding my blade so I stab it in the tree, and I notice the girl started walking a bit faster. I say to her " so uh.. what are you doing all the way out here?" She sofly replies " umm... I got lost.." while looking a bit to the left and grabbing her geans." Ohh, see I know you don't just get lost and stumble apon this place, I know why you're here, but I get it its ok if you don't wanna say"( I had seen the scars on her wrist, and the dried tears on her face)" so uh.. what happened?" She doesn't reply. " sorry shouldn't have asked its none of my business-" she inturups me with " he broke up with me". I was shocked so I ask "who did?" She runs off crying. I want to run after her but I couldn't move i was in shock, I didn't hangout with many people and my first to they run off crying. So I go home and crash.

The next day I wake up in a really hard jolt to where I'm sitting up I while my head from all the sweat I whisper to myself " it was just a dream, just a dream." I get up out of bed and go to take a shower. While getting undressed I loom at my self in the mirror I get a glance of my scars, looking down and raising my arm and feeling them. Made me feel weird mostly sad but something else and I didn't know what. I remembered that girl I saw last night. I wondered what school she went to. Then my mind drifted and I forgot so I hoped in the shower then jumped back and grabbed my scars because of the water. Slowly getting back in painfully, I finnaly got used to it after about twenty minutes and got out twenty later.because of it being summer break I didn't have to do anything involved with school. So I went back to my room where I had spent most of my time this summer. Doing what I usaly do varies from games, to jacking off, or to just staring into space that was my favorite just thinking sometimes on how life sucks and others when I'm thinking what I should do today but then never do it. Time had gone by and before I knew it it was dark. I looked at the clock next to my bed on a night stand next to other various items and it read '11:24' so I thought maby if I when down there to my tree 'she' might be there delighted at this idea I got a book bag from under my bed its was black and had things writing on it the I had people sign on the last day of school some read 'later dork' that was from my friend it wasn't intended to be mean unlike 'eat shit' or 'die already' the only good one on there was 'have a good summer Ashton' which was from my crush I don't know if she knows I like her. Anyway I pack it with things like food and candy and wrags in case she comes and tries to... do something, I zip it up and jump out my window and head off. As I near the tree (still in the woods) I hear something... " crying?" I dash to get to the tree and see her there blood leaking fast from her wrists I get to her and lean her up then pull the wrags out my bag and puts them on her wrists and pushes tight, I yell at her "c'mon wake up WAKE UP!" she gases up at me confused but it happy I'm happy she's slowly waking up looking at her wrists to make sure there ok, each hand on each wrist, the wrags as well as my hands are drowning in blood. Scared to death and not knowing what to do I look in my bag still holding on to heri rip my shirt off now only wearing an under shirt I take off the wrags and wrap her wrists with my shirt surprisingly it kind of worked. After a while I'm exhausted and she stops bleeding. I hold her up and she regains conscience as she is under full conscience she looks at me and says "thanks" in a scratchy voice "anytime." I reply. "Do you wanna go to the doctor or do y-" once again I'm cut off and she says "NO! If my parents find out I did this again theyll-"never mind." "ok I understan." I reply.I let go of her hand and walk over to the chest pull it out then opens it. I find a couple unused wrags and take them out and hands them to her. She takes them and ties them around her wrists and walks over to see what's in the mysterious chest. She sees all the bloody blades and wrags and backs up "sorry, didn't mean to see all your... stuff"she says " its ok, it doesn't matter to me." "Oh,"she says. Her stomach grumbles really loud " there some food in that bag if you want it." I say while pointing at my bag. She pulls it towards her self and looks inside, she finds some twizlers and desires she'll eat those she looks back at me and I'm sitting leaning my back against the tree smoking a blunt I say "sorry do you want a hit?" she says "no I hate that stuff accutuly" "oh sorry" I say while putting it out. I pull out my phone and pull some speakers and plugs them up and starts to scroll through my phone "so why do you listen to?" I ask her while staring at my phone. "My favorite is pierce the veil but you probably like rap or something right?" she asks "no accutly ptv is one of my favorite bands" I say while putting on 'a match into water' I start to hum and climb the tree. Once at the top of the tree I can hear her sing "you stay away from her its not her time" as the song ended she put on a song instantly I knew what it was, it was 'do it now remember it later' and I was jamin to it and before I knew it she was at the top with me and we were both head banging and under breath singing and having the time of our lives, saddly that was the happiest day we ever had. After a couple more songs and the music stops i ask "so what was his name?" "Josh" she relpys. "So was he cool was he an ass what happened with him?" I ask in suspence. "He broke up with me for some skank." She says. "Damn that must suck" I say with a sideways frown. "Its does, hey why do you care anyways?" She asks. "I don't know I was just wondering cuz you were so sad over it you tried to, well you know" And for the rest of the night we moshed and eat candy until we passed out.

The next morning I woke up next to her she was asleep while in one of my ptv jackets I stuffed in my bag before I left. We were leaning up against the tree I had not used anything for a blanket since I was used to sleeping in the cold so I was fine. I sat up and decided to not wake her up till later so in that time I had started to pack up putting the speakers back and my weed and all my razors stuck in the tree. After finnaly finishing I decide its time to wake her up, I nudge her "morning" I say I a soft voice. "morning" she says while stretching. "What happened last night?" She asks me in a sleepy voice. "We went crazy and had a blast" I say with a chuckle. She gets up I bit wobbly and tired but maneges "oh yea" she says recallingly. "Yea well I guess you better get home before your parents kill you." I say. "OH SHIT!" she yells. "Gotta go see ya later!" She says as she starts to run. "Wait!" I yell after her. "Yeah?" She yells back while looking back at me. "What's your name?" I ask shoutingly. "ROSE!" she yells as she turns to focused on were she's going. "wow what a pretty name." I say to my self. After she's gone I decide to walk back home before my parents trip. While walking my phone rings *a match into water* "hey" I say to the phone. "Hey whats up?" Its my best friend calling me Katrina but every one calls her kat. " nothin really, just got back from the tree." I say. "Sweet we should hang!" she says exidingly. "Ight when?" I ask. "NOW!!" She yells though the phone. "Ok,ok I'll be over in like 20 ight?" I say "ok just hurry the fuck up" Kat says. I hang up then crawl in my window and get undressed I look for some clothes and see some jeans and a ptv shirt I slip on some red converces and my red skulled flatdoorI brush myself off and walk out my front door. I start walking down the street and see a big old ass empty factory. "This is it." I say as I start to climb into a window because the doors were barcaded. I jump down once Inside its still dark so I can't see that well I start to walk towards an old couch almost in the middle of the factory I sit down and look around smiling. Then I scream "BREEAAAHH!!" behind me and Kat falls to the floor screaming then laughing. After we catch our breath I say "heh you thought you had me!" "For a second yea" Kat says laughing but in a pouty way. "Well you didn't!" I say while laughing. "Haha suth up ash!" Kat says. "So what do you wabna do?"kat askes me while walking to the couch and falls on it.

"Hmmm...wanna smoke?" I say cocking my eyebrow.

"Ash, you ask me everyday and what do I say?"

"" I frown

"Well maybe I might today." Kat says while getting up and running of into the darkness of the rotting factory.

"Hey!!!" I scream. Barley able to see her. She turns aroud and yells "catch me!!" And runs off again. I run off after her. Okay some girls are not fast runners. Some are not active, but this girl runs faster that a fucking cheeta. I sloe down and listen. I hear the right? So I sneak over there. Then to my left I hear a crash. "What the..." im barely able to mumble before I get tackled, from the right, to the ground. "AHHAAAHHH" kat screams. Fuck she actually scared me. Shes pinnin me to the ground while laughing. "Did I get you this time" she askes. "No.." I grunt out because my face is being pushed to the ground by a black belt in karate. "But could you get off of me." I kinda choke out a laugh.

"Fine." Kat says while getting up just as ny phone vibrates. "Oh shit I gotta go." I say. "Aww okay." Kat says while hugging me.



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