today is not tomorrow

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I wake up not remebering where I was i look around then i see kat and laugh as I remember.
She was still asleep so I let her be...for now.
I jump down from the building (only about 6 feet high) and plop on the edge of the bench.

Staring at the magnificent night sky I smile, thinking of the other times I spent the night staring at the stars i felt good.

I look over at kat, still sound asleep with a smile. My stomache growling and seeing a taco bell across the street i decide to get some food.
I leave a note saying where im going then head out.
I order a couple tacos and two drinks then leave.
Once I make it back to the park i dont see kat anywhere. Puzzled and looking around for her i get frustrated.
"What the fuck kat?"

"Haha gotcha!"
"oh screw you." I laugh out.

"so wadgya bring me?"
"nothin now." I pretend to pout

"oh come on!"

I sit down and toss her a burrito.
Then pull my own out and eat.

We finish eating and i have an idea pop into my head. "lets run around and go wild!"
"mkay lets go!"

Reacking havok where ever we were going.
We had a great night and circled back to the park and both fell asleep on the roof.

By the way huys sorry i havnt done this on a while, i was hoping mu cowriter would do it but she has been busy so i guess im goin solo, i make a new one fast to make up for it baii!

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