no worries

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I leave the factory after me and Kat say our goodbyes, once I reach the bottom which took me about five minutes or so I hear a couple crashes up stairs but I just assume its Kat tripping on something because it is really dark in there. Then I hear a loud thud from the second floor of the building so I turn around and walk towards the building (I haven't walked since the crash I heard) then all of a sudden I hear a window smash and I look up and Kat's flying out of it "KAT!!" I yell before running to catch her, she had plunged in my arms as I fall down with her hitting the ground hard but she wasn't dead but unconces. Panicing but I knew she was ok so I held her up looking for blood but thankfuly nothing. I picked her up and started to walk home halfway there she moves a bit so I start to run knowing she's about to wake up, I make it there and I didn't want to show my parents a girl in my arms passed out so I go around back and hop in my window I lay her on my bed and wait sitting on the floor, 30 minutes became and hour still sitting and waiting, finnaly she wakes up I scream whisper "Kat!" She sits up and asks me "where are we?" Not recognizing until she realizes and scream whispers "oh shit!" Knowing waking up my parents would be terable not because she's not wanted more because she is laying in my bed at night with out any one knowing. I ask "are you ok? What the fuck happened?" She replies with "I jumped, that's it there was no other way out." "By who!?" I ask a bit too loud. We hear foot steps, I turn on my videogame me and Kat used to play while she hides under my bed, yea I know pretty childish but she can still fit. My mom walks in with out knocking and I act mesmorised in the game furious she asks "what was that?" I say "sorry but franklin just made the stupidest mistake with this guy by saying he would-" I was cut off with "oh you're on that game again..." Knowing nerding out would work I kept at it "yea now I'll have to drive all the way across town to get ambushed then I'll have to-" " well you have fun with that don't stay on too long"she says making her way to the door "ok,ok I won't" not looking at her but at the TV and she leavs. Kat crawls out from under the bed and says with a smirk "you nerd." I say arngerly "hey! It worked didn't it!?" She says laughing "shhh you're gonna get us in trouble!" So I go quiet. "Hey I think you gotta go home." In say quietly. "Oh fuck see ya tomorow!" She says. We give each other a quick hug and I say as she's crawling out the window "meet me at the tree tomorrow!" She says running "ok I'll call!"

The next day I wake up exaughested "good morning cruel world" I say in a sleepy voice while sitting up I look at my phone 'no notifacations' "well she hasn't called yet..." I say while looking around my room. I get up looking for some clothes to wear "what will be my ensoumble today I wonder?" I pop on some baggy pants a black PTV shirt, red jacket and some black vans "perfect" I say. My phone goes off 'kick me when I'm down!' I pick up "hello?" I ask "hey are you comin?" Kat responds. "Yea be there in 5" I say while heading out. Once I'm there I hear Kat with the speaker from the box on blast with we like it loud on I start to sing as my hello "sell us the word BUT WE AINT SELLIN OUT! I SAID WE LIKE IT LOUD!" She looks over surprised then smiles. I smile back. "So wasup?" I ask. "Not much, what the hell took you so long?"
"You know the usual, I had to fight a bear on the way" I say sacasticly as I reach up to climb in the tree. "Oh really?" She says with a smirk. "Who won?" She asks in fake suspense.
"The racoon." I respond safely.
"The racoon?"
"Yea we were fighting then the racoon humped the bear to death..."
"Umm... Ok.... Well if you haven't had your full fight of the day then...." She says slowly with an evil grin getting into a ready position.
"Then what?" I ask while inturupted with
"CATCH ME!" She yells as she plumits on to my face.
We both hit the ground hard as hell.
I flip her over to were I'm on top to pin her but just before I grab her arm she kicks me off.
"Haha almost!" She taunts.
I laugh and say "well fuck" and charge.
But as always she's ready once I reach her she does some ninja shit and flips over me.
I trip her when she lands, then I go in for the pin as I'm on top of her I yell "1" "2" "thr-" she rolls over on to me and screams "I win!" "No I did!" Okay... Whatever you say..." She says with a big smirk.
I lay down on the ground with my hands behind my head while looking up at the clouds. Kat lays down next to me.
We hang out for the rest of the night laughing and talking about bullshit that we though was important, then we fell asleep next to the tree not knowing what will happen the next day.

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