2: Jokes, Carols, & Harry Styles

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“‘Ello, this is Harry. I’m busy at this time. Please, uh, leave a message or call again later. So, um, thank you and uh, have a great day.” Beeeeeeeeep.

I sigh, letting my phone drop onto my lap. I’ve lost count of all the times I’ve tried calling Harry today. He texted me earlier this morning and told me he’d call me before getting on the plane. When he never called, I tried calling him multiple times only to receive no answer.

“Baby doll?” My father’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. “I think you’ve called him enough times.”

I heave a sigh, running a hand through my blonde curls. “I’m just worried. He told me he’d call before he got on the plane which was supposed to be thirty minutes ago.” Father walks over, draping his arms around me and pulling me into hug.

“Stop worrying.” He mumbles. “It gives you wrinkles.”

I chuckle, returning Dad’s hug. “It does not.”

“That’s what you say now.” He points out. “Just wait a few years and you’ll see.”

I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

Now it’s Dad’s turn to chuckle. “Really though. Don’t worry. Harry will call eventually. I’m sure everything alright.”

I exhale, burying my face in my dad’s neck. “I hope.”


I pace back and forth in the dark of the airport repeatedly running a hand through my unruly curls. It’s been half and hour since the power went out; half an hour since our plane was supposed to depart. The flight had been delayed. Until when, no one knew. All we could do was sit around and wait. But I was too frustrated to sit. I told Amber I’d be back in time for Christmas Eve. I didn’t want to disappoint her. I tried calling her multiple times but the I can’t seem to get a single bar of signal. This is not how I planned to spend the day before Christmas.

“Harry.” Louis’ voice stops me in my tracks and I feel him place a hand on my shoulder. “Haz, calm down. The snow storm won’t last forever. You’ll make it back in time.” He tries to assure me.

I release a sigh. “What if I don’t?”

“Amber will understand.” He he gives my shoulder a squeeze. “I know Eleanor will understand. You just need to relax and come sit down with the lads and I.” He motions to the rest of the band members who were seated by some of the airport’s windows. Zayn had on his pair of Beats and bobbing his head silently to music while Liam engaged in a conversation with the blonde-headed Irish boy. I look back at Lou.

“Alright.” I give in, following him back to where the boys were seated.

“It’s about time you calmed down.” Liam blurts out when he sees me. “You were drawing in attention.”

“Shutup.” I take a seat between him and Lou.

Liam chuckles. “Cheer up. Tomorrow’s Christmas.” I lean my head back in my seat, not responding. Yeah, tomorrow might be Christmas, but Christmas isn’t Christmas without Amber. She’s like my very own Christmas tree. She brings light to my life.

“C’mon, mate.” Niall reaches across Liam to nudge me. “Smile!” I force a smile in his direction which only causes him to laugh softly and shake his head.

“That’s the fakest smile I’ve ever seen.”

I smile a bit wider. “Better?”

“Nope.” Lou butts in. “But I know how to turn that into a real smile.”

“Oh no.” Liam mutters beside me.

“Ohh yes.” Lou winks. “Joke time.”

I roll my eyes as I think back to all the times Lou’s cracked a joke. Half the time they aren’t even funny which is usually the reason everyone breaks out laughing.

“Alright.” Lou folds his hands together and clears his throat as he begins. “So...an Irishman walks out of bar.” He stops, sitting back and waiting. I’m about to open my mouth and ask if that was it when Niall bursts out laughing, his famous laugh echoing throughout the airport.

“I should find that...offensive.” He manages to say. “But it’s actually hilarious!”

Liam starts chuckles beside me. “That was actually pretty funny.”

“Wait...what?” I blink, confused. “That was it? That was a joke?”

Niall leans forward to explain. “And Irishman never walks out of a bar.” He points out. “Never.”

It takes me awhile to catch on but eventually I crack a smile. “Ohh. That is pretty funny.”

Blondie nods. “Speaking of, I’m kinda craving a drink.”

Liam frowns and shakes his head. “Always.”

“Dang it.” Zayn’s voice startles us all. He takes off his beat, his lips curving into a frown. “My phone died.”

“Guess you’ll have to join us in conversation now, Malik.” Lou nudges him.

“Actually,” Niall holds up his guitar, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Why not get into the Christmas spirit?” Settling his guitar onto his lap, Nialler begins to strum.

“You better watch out,” He begins to sing and people start turning their heads towards the direction of his voice. “You better not cry. You better not pout. I’m telling you why.”

“Santa Claus is coming to town.” Liam joins in.

“He’s making a list.” Lou winks at me as he starts singing, urging me to join in. “He’s checking it twice.”

Now it’s Zayn’s turn. “Gonna find out who’s naughty or nice.” As more and more people start joining in the song, Amber’s face appears in my head. Well, I think. If I’m stuck here for hell knows how long, I should at least make the most of it.

“He sees you when you’re sleeping.” I sing. “He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.”

“With little tin horns and little toy drums. Rooty toot toots and rummy tum tums. Santa Claus is coming to town.”

As the song comes to an end, an idea wiggles itself into my head and I grin. I knew exactly how I was going to spend the rest of my time here. And Amber was going to love it.


Author's Note: Sorry it took a while! I know tomorrow Christmas so Merry Christmas!! :) I'm finishing this story before New Years so except the final three updates to be soon <3 Hope you liked this chapter and I apologize for any typos. xxx. COMMENT! VOTE! <3 Much love and happy holidays!

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