3: Songs, Flashbacks, & Harry Styles

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"Open the oven for me, would you?"

I saunter over and pull open the oven door for my mother. She places the uncooked casserole dish inside and I shut the door. I watch as Mum makes sure the temperature is set correctly before she heads back towards the sink and starts washing dishes.

"I can wash those." I offer, but Mum waves me off.

"I've got it." She assures.

"If you say so." I lean against the island. "Is there anything else that needs to be done?"

"Everything finished." Mum tells me. "We can just relax and wait for your father to get home as midnight approaches." Dad had disappeared earlier. He told Mum he was going out to get some milk which a big lie. He was getting her a present. What? I didn't know, but I what I did know was that Dad always got the perfect presents. I wish I'd inherited that the ability to buy great presents from him. Sadly, I didn't. I still have no clue what to get Harry and midnight was just around the corner.

Speaking of my curly-haired boyfriend, I've yet to hear from him. I still haven't received a single call or text since the morning and I'm beginning to worry a lot more than I should. He's fine, I tell myself. I'm sure there's a good explanation as to why he hasn't called or texted. But for some reason those thoughts weren't enough to make me stop worrying.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Mum breaks the silence. "I know you are."

I heave a sigh, allowing my eyes to linger down to the kitchen floor. "Just worried, 'is all."

"Harry's fine, Amber." Mum takes a towel off the counter and begins to dry her hands. "Harry's a big boy. He can take care of himself."

I chuckle softly. "I know, I know. But I still worry. He promised a call which I didn't get."

"And there's an explanation for that." Mum walks over and places a hand on my shoulder. "Just be a little patient. Harry will get here on time and if he doesn't, I'm sure there's a good reason why."

I sigh again, lifting my hand up to twirl the paper airplane necklace that sat around my neck. It used to belong to Harry. Before he left to go on tour, he made sure to leave that valuable piece of jewelry with me. I'm not sure what was so special about the necklace. Harry never gave me an actual answer. My mind wanders off to the day he gave it to me, the memory so vivid and lively.

"Take this." Harry gently places a very familiar necklace around my neck, a small smile lingering on his lips. "Now you'll always be carrying a piece of me; a promise that I'll always stay faithful. Another way of me proving how much I truly love you."

I place the paper airplane between my thumb and index finger; my faint reflection staring back at me from the silver.

"Thank you." I murmur and look back up at Harry. "Thank you." I repeat.

He smiles, opening his arms and pulling me into an embrace. "I love you, you know that? I'll miss you so much."

I feel my eyes water but I blink back the tears, forcing myself to smile instead. "I love you too. I'll miss you immensely."

"You can even imagine." Harry adds before bringing his face down so his lips met mine.

I'm broken out of my flashback by the sound of "Santa Claus Coming To Town" echoing throughout my house. Mum was standing by the stereo, blasting the Christmas music and singing along. I lean back against the counter, the necklace still between my fingers and a new smile slowly appearing on my lips.

"Hey, Mum?" I call over the music. "I know what to get Harry for Christmas."


“Truly, madly, deeply, I am.
Foolishly, completely falling.
And somehow you kicked all my walls in.
So baby, say you’ll always keep me.
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you...”

“We’ve got a hit!” Louis’ exclaims, bringing his hands up and clapping loudly. Alongside him, Zayn and Liam nods their heads in agreement while Niall puts down his guitar and grins.

“Definitely.” Niall agrees. “And Amber’s going to love it.”

I exhale and smile. “I truly hope so.”

All of the sudden, the airport lights flicker only to be taken back out by the ongoing snowstorm. I sink in my chair, disappointment written all over my face. For a second there I had hope that the storm was over and I could finally fly out to Amber. I’d been wrong.

“Relax, mate.” Louis drops a hand on my shoulder. “Stress gives you wrinkles.”

“Lou’s right.” Liam butts in. “Forget the negative. Just think about that hit song you just wrote for Amber.”

I play with my fingers, refusing to let my eyes meet theirs. “I guess you’re all right.”

“We’re always right.” Niall adds. “Except for maybe occasionally Zayn, but that’s another story.”

“Hey!’ Zayn blurts from beside Liam. “I heard that.”

“I was just kidding, lad.” The blonde chuckles.

“Aren’t you always.” Zayn murmurs, crossing his arms.

“Everything will be fine.” Louis changes the subject back to the original. “But as we wait, we may as well rest, eh?”

“I’m up for it.” Zayn stands up and walks over to an empty row of chairs, lying down on them and immediately closing his eyes.

“As am I.” Niall packs up his guitar and moves over to the seat that used to me occupied by Zayn. Leaning against Liam, the blonde allows his eyelids to flutter close. Liam silently agrees by placing his head on Niall’s. That left Louis and I; both of us still very much awake.

“You should get some rest as well, Curly.” Lou nudges me and motions towards his shoulder. “Go on.”

Sighing, I rest my head on his shoulder but leave my eyes wide open. Louis doesn’t notice. Instead, he copies Liam’s position by placing his own head upon mine. The airport had gone silent aside from a few distant whispers here and there. It was kind of peaceful, but I was still flooded with worry. Christmas was in five hours in Cheshire. There’s a low chance I’d make it in time. It would take a Christmas miracle.

I think back to the song I’d just written for Amber, the words repeating themselves in my head. Softly, I begin to sing them to myself.

“Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss.
And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this.
I’m just the underdog who finally got the girl.
And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world.
Truly, madly, deeply, I am. Foolishly, completely falling...”


Author's Note: I just really wanted to include one of my all-time favorite 1D songs in this and 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' was perfect (: Check it out if you haven't. On a different note, soooooo sorry I didn't finish this before New Years!! I was so busy and I was mostly at my sister's house where I had no internet! My deepest apologies. Christmas is over, but this story has two chapters left. Don't worry. I'll update as soon as I possibly can. So Happy New Years to you all and please comment, vote, and fan! Also, Lights Cameras & Harry Styles is in the Watty Awards!! So go vote for it under the fan fiction category! It'll mean everything to me! xx :)

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