1: FaceTime, Storms, & Harry Styles

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"Can you hear me?"


"Can you hear me?!"

"Babe, I can't hear you!" I call over the loud noise of screaming fans in the background. I stare at Harry through my iPhone screen, watching him bustle to get to a quieter area. Tonight was the final show of One Direction's world tour in Madison Square Garden. You can only imagine how crazy things are, but no matter what, Harry's always found time to FaceTime me before his shows. He's kind of...perfect. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. I've never doubted Harry. He's always been loyal and has always stuck his words. Aside from my family, there's no one I could ever love more than Harry. The love Harry and I have is everlasting and I know that no matter the obstacles we face in the future, nothing can break it.

"Hey dere, Amber!" A familiar Irish accent breaks me out of my thoughts. I find Niall staring back at my me through the iPhone, Harry no longer in sight.

"Hey, Nialler!" I grin. "Where'd Haz go?"

"He-" Niall begins to say but the phone's snatched out of his hands. Harry reappears, his lips curved into an apologetic smile.

"Sorry. Niall stole the phone." He explains.

"Borrowed!" Niall attempts to correct him in the background. We both ignore him.

"When's your flight tomorrow?" I ask him as I take a seat on the edge of my bed and smile at him through the screen.

"Noon." He informs me, a perfect chocolate curl falling down onto his forehead. "I'll be there before Christmas Eve."

"I can't wait to see you." I grin. "I miss you massively."

"I miss you more." Harry smiles back. "I miss the feeling of your lips on mine." I feel myself blush. If I could I would jump through the screen and slam my lips against his.

"I miss that too." I murmur.

"Harry?!" Louis' voice interrupts us in the background. "Harry, show's about to start!"

Harry sighs, keeping the smile on his face. "That's my cue."

"I love you." I tell him, not wanting him to leave.

"I love you too." He blows me a kiss. "I'll call you tonight."

"Can't wait." With that, I return Harry's kiss before the screen dark and everything goes silent.I release a longheld sigh. I haven’t personally seen Harry in two months. He’d had a quick break in October where he took the time to come down and spend it with me, but that has been it. His tour felt like it was never ending. It was almost surreal to think that today was his last show; that I will get to finally be with him for weeks and months at a time. I miss him incredibly.

A knock on my door startles me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I rise up from my bed, walking over and opening the bedroom door to reveal my father’s face. I smile. When it wasn’t Harry, it was my father who could bring a smile to my face. After years of being in coma, my father was finally awake and with me. He may have missed almost all my teenage years, but at least he’s here now. Having both him and Harry in my life at the same time was a blessing. It truly was.

“Would you like to come out and have some tea with your mum and I?” Dad asks, returning my smile. “It’s your favorite.”

My eyes light up. “Lemon ginger?”

He nods. “Made by yours truly.”

A giggle escapes my lips. “Alright, Dad.” I follow him out into the hall and towards the kitchen where my mum was pouring tea into three separate cups. I walk up and lean against the island, my eyes falling on the bright Christmas tree that mum and I had set up in the living room a few weeks ago. It was tall and green with all kinds of lights and ornaments. Then there was the bright golden star that sat on top of the tree, glowing and lighting up the entire room. It set up the perfect Christmas atmosphere. There was only one thing missing; one thing that could make this absolutely, 100% perfect.


“Talk to Harry?” Mum speaks up suddenly as if she had been reading my mind.

“Yeah.” I reply. “His flight leave at noon tomorrow. He’ll be here before Christmas Eve and hopefully in time for dinner.”

“You’re happy.” Mum observes. I hadn’t realized I’d been smiling at the thought of seeing Harry tomorrow. I’d be seeing Harry in less than 24 hours.

“I am.” I admit. “I miss him like crazy.” Mum hands Dad and I a cup of tea as she speaks.

“I’m waking you up early tomorrow.” She informs me. “We’re going last minute Christmas shopping.”

I heave a loud sigh as swallow a sip of tea I’d taken. “I still need to get a gift for Harry. I haven’t got a single clue what to get him. It’s all I’ve thought about for weeks.”

And I wasn’t exaggerating. That has been one of the only things I’d been able to think about for weeks straight. Christmas was just around the corner and I still had no clue what to get Harry. I’d even asked him what he would like and as expected he had said nothing; that I was all he ever needed. Though I knew he meant what he said, I still couldn’t bare the thought of not getting the love of my life something for Christmas. I’m sure Harry had gotten me something. In fact, knowing Harry, he HAD gotten me something. So there was no way I wasn’t getting him anything. It’s Christmas for god’s sake. I have to.

“You’ll find something.” Mum assures me. “I’m sure you will. Don’t worry too much about it.”

“Your mother’s right.” Dad butts in as he lifts his cup of tea up to his lips. “Harry will be perfectly happy with whatever you get him. After all,” he points out. “All he wants for Christmas is you.” On cue, Dad busts out singing his own version of ‘All I Want For Christma.’ I throw my head back and laugh.

“Dad!” I exclaim. “Stop it!” My cheeks heat up as he continues, causing my mother to laugh as well. My laughter dies down to a giggle.

“I can’t believe you.” I shake my head. Dad shrugs innocently, a smirk on his lips. I roll my eyes.

“Okay. Okay.” Mum chuckles. “Finish up the tea. It’s getting late.”

“Alright.” I take my final gulp of tea before sauntering over and setting the cup down in the sink.

“I’ll wash those.” Mum says as she takes Dad’s cup and comes over beside me. “You go off to bed. It’s a long day tomorrow.”

The biggest smile erupts on my face. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep.”

“Try.” Mum kisses my cheek. “Sweet dreams.”

“G’night, Mum.” I head over to Dad, giving him a quick hug which he returns.

“Night, Sweetheart.”

“Night.” And with that, I turn away and stroll down the hall and into my bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I head over to my bed and pick up my phone. There were no missed calls or texts which meant Harry was still performing. Not knowing when he’d be done, I shoot him a quick text.

To: Haz
From: Amber
I’m going off to bed. Big day tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you. Miss you. I love you <3 Have a good night, babe :*

I hit send and place my phone down on my nightstand. Crawling between my covers, I reach over and turn off the light. I’m not sure I’d be able to fall asleep, but somehow I managed to. It wasn’t right away. In fact, it was around midnight when I finally drifted off to sleep; right after Harry had replied to my text.

To: Amber
From: Haz
Can’t wait to see you either. I love you too, beautiful. Dream sweetly <3


“It’s snowing!” I’m awoken by Louis’ voice of excitement. I swear, the guy acts as if he’s never seen snow before which we all know is not true. Louis may be the oldest in the band, but he will forever be the most childish. Niall comes a close second.

“Snow?!” The Irish lad exclaims. “In New York?!”

Liam’s the next to speak. “Well, of course. It’s New York, not Texas.”

“Cut the sarcasm, Dad.” Niall snaps back which causes a pointless argument to break out between the two of them. Louis continues to stare out the window excitedly, his nose pressed against the cold glass. Then there was Zayn: still in bed, snoring, and probably not getting up anytime soon.

“What time is it?” I blurt out, propping myself up into a sitting position. A yawn escapes me.

“Nine a.m.” Liam ignores Niall to reply to me. “We need to start getting ready. Don’t want to get caught in the snow and traffic and miss the flight.”

“That can’t happen.” I agree, tossing my legs over the edge of the bed. “I’m gonna go ahead and shower. Someone get Zayn up.”

Liam sighs, turning his head to stare at Zayn’s sleeping figure. “Why do I have to go through this every morning?” He mumbles as he approaches Zayn’s bed. The last thing I hear is Niall’s chuckle before I step into the bathroom and shut the door. I get the water running and strip down, slowly stepping into the warm shower and letting the liquid massage my skin. I’ll finally get to see Amber today. Just the thought had me smiling blissfully. If anyone was watching me right now, they’d probably question why this curly-haired idiot was just smiling as he showered. Just smile and let the world wonder why, right? Amber was why.

A good ten minutes had passed when a loud knocking on the bathroom door startles me.

“Golly, Harreh!” Louis’ voice complains. “What’s taking you so long, lad?!”

“Sorreh!” I call back, shuffling to turn off the shower and grab a towel. “Lost track of time, ‘is all!”

“In the shower?!” Lou questions, seemingly baffled.

“It happens!” I shoot back, running the towel over my bare skin in attempts to dry myself. I toss the towel aside and curse when I realize I’d forgotten to bring in my clothes. Shaking out my wet curls, I push the door open and step out.

“Harry’s naked again.” Niall blurts, ignorantly stuffing himself with some leftover pizza from the night before. I smirk, sauntering over to my suitcase. I pry it open and dig through its contents until I find what I’m looking for. I grab a pair of boxer briefs, a white tee, and a pair of dark jeans and slip them all on before walking over to a tired Zayn. He was running his hands over his face, groaning and mumbling. It was nothing new.

“Zayn, can I borrow your blow dryer?” I ask him. He just silently points toward his nightstand where the blow dryer sure enough sat. I thank him and retrieve the dryer. As the rest of the lads take turns showering, I blow dry my curls.

It was about ten thirty when my hair was dried, styled, and everyone else was done with their business; all but Zayn who was still giving his hair double checks in the mirror.

“We’re going to miss the cab!” Liam calls from the hallway. “Your hair is fine!”

“C’mon, mate!” Niall adds. “I’m starving here!”

“I’m coming. I’m coming.” Zayn throws himself one last look in the mirror before exiting the room and joining.

“‘bout time.” Louis chuckles earning himself a look from the Bradford boy. Nothing else is said as we all crowd into the lift and wait to be taken down to the lobby. The cab is already out waiting for us and the snow seems to be falling harder. I pull my coat tightly around me as we step out into the cold New York air. It was the perfect weather for me to be in bed with a cup of tea, a chick flick, and...and Amber. There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing right now.

“Stop thinking so hard and get in the cab.” Someone slaps shoulder.

“Huh?” I snap out of my thoughts to see Louis smirking at me.

“Amber on your mind?”

I feel my cheeks heat up. “‘lil bit.”

Lou rolls his eyes and motions me toward the cab. “Get in.” Chuckling, I do as told and take a seat beside Niall. Louis slides in after me and closes the door, keeping the cold air and snow from coming in. Liam took charge of placing the luggage in the trunk before making his way around and hopping in through the other door. He scooted in beside Zayn and let the driver know we were ready. The driver, a dark-haired man that seemed to be in his late fifties, nods and starts the engine.

It was a fairly long drive and the entire time my mind kept wandering off to the one and only thing it hasn’t been able to stop thinking about: Amber. I couldn’t help but wonder what she was up to at this very moment. I miss her. I miss kissing her, touching her, and just being around her. Like a Christmas tree, Amber can light up an entire room. She was my definition of perfect.

“We’re here.” The driver says suddenly. I hadn’t realized how quick the ride had been. It wasn’t quick at all, but my thoughts cause me to lose track of time. Louis pushes open the door and steps out. I follow, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket. It was freezing.

“Take your luggage.” Liam tells us. “Let’s get inside before one of freezes to death.”

“Please.” Niall mutters as grabs his luggage out of Liam’s hand, bouncing up and down slightly to keep warm. I go ahead and take my own suitcase and the rest of the boys do the same. We all rush into the airport and out of the snow, sighing when we’re welcomed by the hot air.

“I’ll go turn our lug-” Liam begins to say but is interrupted by a loud, female voice over the intercom.

“All flights have been delayed due to a coming snowsto-” She doesn’t get to finish. The power goes out and the entire airport goes dark, the only light coming from outside. Sure enough, the snow had worsened in just a matter of seconds. It was definitely a coming storm.

I drop my suitcase, running a frustrated hand through my unruly curls.

“This cannot be happening.”


Author's Note: HAMBER'S BACK FOR CHRISTMAS :) I truly hoped you liked this chapter! I didn't proof read so...I apologize for any typos! If I haven't made it clear enough, this is a Christmas SPECIAL, not a sequel. It will only have five parts. Nothing more; nothing less. Hope you liked it so far and please please please COMMENT,VOTE,and FAN! Also Lights, Cameras, & Harry Styles is nominated for MOST POPULAR in the Fan Fiction catagory in the Watty Awards! So THANK YOU for that <3 <3 <3 It's another reason why I decided to bring Hamber back for five Christmas chapters :) So COMMENT.! xx Je t'aime!

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