5: Christmas, Presents, & Harry Styles

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I wake up Christmas morning to the feeling of something holding onto my waist. You’d think my first instinct was to check what it was, but I didn’t. Instead, I try to squirm away from it, assuming it was just my duvet that had somehow managed to tie itself around my torso. It wasn’t until I heard a soft, tired moan in my ear that my eyes burst open and realization hit me.

It wasn’t my duvet that was tangled around my waist; it was someone’s arm.

Someone was in my bed.

I freeze, my breathing silently quickening. I couldn’t think of anyone that would climb into bed with me. It most definitely wasn’t my father or mother. They’ve never done such a thing, so who could-

I stop mid thought, slowly turning around to get a view of the person beside me. I can’t be, I decide. There’s no way.

But it was. Right there beside me, tangled in the covers with his familiar unruly curls was Harry.

My Harry.

“Harry!” I blurt out, ignoring the fact that he was still asleep and snoring lowly. I press my lips against his, pulling back quickly and then placing them on his forehead. I kiss his face all over causing him to moan, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal his bright, green irises.

“Amber-” He begins to speak but I shut him up with another kiss. When I finally back off, Harry chuckles. His rough voice was tired, making it sound huskier than usual.

“If I’m going to get that reaction, I’m going to be late every Christmas.” He jokes. I roll my eyes and sit up straighter, the smile that had formed on my lips refusing to leave.

“What happened?” was my first question.

“Snowstorm.” Harry explains, plopping himself up with his elbows. “The power went out in the airport and the flights were delayed until it returned.”

I release a relieved sigh, glad that it wasn’t anything serious. It was just a snowstorm; a stupid snowstorm.

Harry and I just sit there and stare at eachother for a few seconds, neither of us saying anything.

Eventually, I can’t help. A giggle escapes my lips. Harry raises an eyebrow, a smirk working its way onto his lips.

“What’s so funny?”

“I don’t know.” I admit, giggling once again. ust“I just missed you.”

“You have no clue how much I missed you” was Harry’s response. Leaning in slowly, he places a gentle, chaste kiss on my lips. The butterflies erupt in my stomach; a feeling that’s not once gone away since the day I fell in love with him.

“I think,” Harry says as he pulls away a bit. “That we should go wash up and have breakfast, yeah?”

“Sounds like a plan.” I smile, a bit disappointed to have to leave the warmth of my bed, especially when Harry was at my side. With that said, I slide out from beneath my covers and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. Harry’s already up, shirtless, and digging through his suitcase nonchalantly. I swallow, struggling to look away from his bare torso as I sauntered towards my closet. I turn my back towards him and search through my endless amounts of clothes. I end up grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a matching hoodie. Hey, it was Christmas, right? I didn’t want to look fancy. I just wanted to spend the day with my family and the love of my life, comfortable and without a care in the world.

I pass Harry as I head towards my bathroom. I flash him the smallest of smiles before I step inside and close the door.

I don’t know why, but I take my time changing. I toss my pajamas into the hamper and brush my teeth. When it came down to my hair, I simply tied it back into a messy bun. I didn’t put on any makeup, but I did spray a bit of perfume on me before exiting the bathroom.

Harry had disappeared. He was no longer in my room, but his dirty clothes were sprawled across his still-open suitcase. I chuckle.


I leave the bedroom, deciding Harry had probably gone out into the kitchen or living room. Sure enough, the curly-haired boy was leaning against the kitchen counter making small talk with my dad. I dance over to them, planting a kiss across my father’s cheek.

“Morning, Daddy.”

Dad smiles as he pours some hot chocolate into four separate mugs. “Goodmorning, Beautiful.”

“Where’s Mom?” I question.

“Taking the easy way out of making breakfast.” Dad chuckles. “She went down to the local coffee shop to pick up some breakfast.”

“Isn’t that closed on Christmas Day?” I wonder, leaning against Harry. His arm slips around my waist.

“Not Bela’s Caffe.” Dad informs me. “Unless it’s an emergency, they never close down.”

“Oh.” I acknowledge. At the same time, a loud knock startles me.

“Is that Mom?” I glance towards the door in curiosity. Mom’s never knocked like that before.

“I’m not sure.” Dad puts down the hot chocolate, about to go open the door but I stop him.

“I got it.” I break away from Harry and stroll over to the door, unlocking it and prying it open. The cold air hits me instantly, but I don’t notice because I’m too busy grinning from ear to ear.

“NIALL!” I throw my arms around the Irish lad, giving him a bone-crushing hug.

“Amber...you’re...going....to kill....me.” He gasps once I release him, staring at me with wide eyes.

“Did you get this reaction?!” Niall asks Harry who’s now standing behind me chuckling.

“Actually,” Harry says. “It was better.”

Niall makes a face. “Save the details. I don’t want to know.” At this, I laugh. Before any of us has a chance to open our mouths and say anything else, Louis bursts through the door past Niall.

“The party don’t start ‘till I walk in.” He sings, wrapping an arm me and leaning over to place a big kiss on Harry’s cheek.

“Miss me?”

“Massively!” I explain, hugging him tightly. “Are the rest of the lads here too?”

Louis releases a dramatic sigh. “You see, poor old Zayn died-” He’s cut off by the Bradford boy himself.

“Died from too much sexyness?” He butts in, flashing a wink in my direction as he steps through the door. “I know.”

“Zayn!” I release Louis and rush over to greet the dark-haired band member. So most of the boys were here, I realize. That only left-

“You guys could have at least helped take the load of presents out of the trunk.” Liam stumbles through the door complaining, a pile of presents held in his arms. I let go of Zayn and happily head over to help out Liam.

“Liam!” I blurt. “It’s so nice to see you!”

“Lovely seeing you as well, Amber.” Liam replies. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been brilliant.” I tell him, motioning for him to place the presents around and beneath the Christmas tree.

“It’s a crowded house.” My father speaks up, walking over to greet the boys. “I guess this calls for me to make more hot chocolate.”

“And for me to pick up more breakfast.” Mom arrives, taking us all by surprise.

“Mum!” I run over to hug her while Liam and Harry are already taking the breakfast bags out her hands.

“Merry Christmas.” She whispers to me before repeating it a bit louder for everyone to hear.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” The room chorused.


After breakfast and catching up with the boys, opening presents was a joy. Louis received multiple socks which he wasn’t fully happy about. Liam found himself a spoon or two, but he also received a brand new watch and a nice shirt. Niall got many Nandos gift cards. He wasn’t complaining.

Zayn got a leather jacket from Liam and a few new t-shirts. From the lads, Harry received a stuffed kitten from Louis, boxer briefs from Zayn, a bottle of cologne from Liam, and a handmade card from Niall.

I got the same thing from Niall along with a pair of cute sunglasses from Zayn, fuzzy socks from Louis, and a scarf from Liam.

Harry’s present from me and my present from Harry were left for last. Picking up the small, neatly-wrapped package from beneath the tree, I hand it over to Harry.

“What’s this?” He questions, eyeing the small box as he gently begins to tear at the paper.

“You’ll see.” I smile.

Slowly, Harry empties the contents of the box, a look of curiosity not once leaving his face. It was a replica of the paper airplane necklace he’d given me, but with a new touch. On one of the wings, I’d had the words “Forever Yours -A” engraved. A smile appears on Harry’s perfect lips as he places his gift around his neck.

“It’s perfect.” Leaning over, he presses his lips softly to mine.

“Get a room!” Louis jokingly complains. Harry chuckles and pulls away. At the same time, I notice Niall had out his guitar which I hadn’t even noticed he’d brung.

“While at the airport,” Harry begins to say. “Niall and I killed some time by writing something very special for you.”

“Harry-” I start to say.

“Shhh.” He orders. “Just listen.” Sitting back, I watch as Niall begins to strum a beautiful tune.

“Am I asleep, am I awake, or somewhere in between?” Harry begins to sing, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

“I can’t believe that you are here and lying next to me. Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined? Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine?”

“Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss.” Niall joins in, harmonizing with Harry. “And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this. I’m just the underdog who finally got the girl. And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world.”

“Truly, madly, deeply, I am. Foolishly, completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby, say you’ll always keep me. Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you. In love with you.”

“Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed. And wake you up with all those words that I still haven’t said? And tender touches just to show you how I feel. Or should I act so cool like it was no big deal.”

“Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. I’ll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it. ‘Cause here’s the tragic truth if you don’t feel the same. My heart would fall apart if someone said your name.”

“Truly, madly, deeply, I am. Foolishly, completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby, say you’ll always keep me. Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you. In love with you.”

“I hope I’m not a casualty. I hope you won’t get up and leave. May not mean that much to you. But to me it’s everything. Everything.”

“Truly, madly, deeply, I am. Foolishly, completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby, say you’ll always keep me. Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you. In love with you. In love with you. In love with you. With you, ohhh.”

I was crying. When the song ended, I was crying. It undoubtedly the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard. I was a loss at words, the only thing in my head being those perfect lyrics sung to me by true love and one of my best friends.

“What did you think?” Harry asks softly, placing a hand on my knee.

I swallow, smiling down at the ground. “It was beautiful.” Even though I’m not looking at him, I know he’s smiling as well.

“I’ve got one more present for you.”

“Wait, what?” My head snaps up to see that Harry’s now standing. He takes me hand and pulls me up, beginning to walk towards the front door. Behind me, everyone watches in confusion.

Once outside, Harry closes the door behind us and leads me out into the soft, white snow.

“Amber,” He turns to me, tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear. “I love you.”

I crinkle my forehead. “I love you too, Harry.”

He shakes his head, his curls flopping everywhere. “No, Amber. I mean, I love you.”

I was really confused now.

“Harry-” My breath hitches when he begins to get down on one knee, my heartbeat suddenly increasing.

“The thought of ever losing you is unbearable.” Harry says to me. “There’s not another soul other than you that I’d rather spend the rest of my life with.” He clears his throat, reaching into his coat’s pocket. “And Amber....this Christmas....” Harry looks up at me, a cheeky smile on his face and he pops open a velvet box. “I’m asking you to marry me.”

Tears are literally streaming down my face now. I’m surprised they don’t quickly freeze due to the cold weather. Looking down at the stunning diamond ring in Harry’s hands, I begin to rapidly nod my head.

“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, oh yes!”

Harry smiles the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen, gently placing the ring onto my finger before standing up to crash our lips together, the velvet box flopping onto the snow.

I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him to me. Nothing else seemed real at the moment. It was just me, him, and us.

His hands on my waist, Harry pulls me closer, kissing me with an insane amount of passion.

Mr. and Mrs. Styles, I think as we kiss right there in the middle of the downcoming snow. I was going to like the sound of that. I really was.

I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect Christmas.


Author's Note: Sorry it took me forever but here's the long anticipated final chapter! Did you see that coming? I didn't see that coming. Haha, just kidding. I did. COMMENT VOTE AND FAN. Hope you all liked it. MERRY CHRISTMAS. er, it isn't even Christmas anymore but who cares. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL (: xx

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