Chapter 2

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A/N:  Shout out to pleb132


"Player,  you're up," Carmon says as she waits on the top of the roof plugging in her lipstick USB.

"Aright, analysing frequencies, decrypting security codes, alarm system disabled but I'm picking up another signal, it could be a trap," Player says as he taps away at his computer keyboard.

"Well, let's check," Carmon says as she moves a panel from the roof to the side and enters the museum.

"Watch out Carm," Player says analysing the signal.

"Gehe, I thought I told you, black sheep don't mix with heights." A voice says as origami stars fly towards Carmen cutting her hook making he fall.

"Well isn't this a lovely reunion, Paperstar," Carmen says as she breaks her fall

"Too bad that the kitty couldn't come play too," Paperstar says as she throws more stars with a sadistic look.

"Well then, at cat won't be back to play," Carmen says as she dodges the stars and goes in to land a hit on Paperstar. Paperstar grunts and manoeuvred herself away to throw more stars. The fight went on until Paperstar ran out of paper and ran into a different area. "A game of cat and mouse, I see.",armen says as she ran after paper star.

"Mmm, paper." Paperstar purred as she grabbed brochures from the museum and folded them into a star. Carmen runs to the room Paperstar was in but was greeted with a Paperstar thrown at her, Carmen dodges but ends up getting cornered. When Carmen looked up Paperstar was gone. Carmen goes to the room where the starry night painting was, but all too good to be true Paperstar ambushed her and threw paper stars. Carmen dodged, then pinned her down and tied her up with red rope.

"Alright Player, what now?" Carmen asked.

"Well, Starry Night is still on the wall right?" Player reassured and Carmen looks over.

"Switch and bait." Carmen spits.


"How are we supposed to find that $900 painting?" Carmen asked

"Well, remember how we stole back those paintings from Cleo." Player lead.

"Yeah, Zack almost had to eat fish." Carmen laughed.

"Well it, seems as though there will be an auction being held a week after fashion week. Guess who the host is," Player says as he scans his screen.

"Dash Haber."


"So he'll probably try to get those gowns at fashion week."

"Correct again. But I really do suggest that you get an accomplice."

"Alright, fine. But I guess you better get me a flight back to Casablanca Morocco. It's time to find an old friend."


A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter. Did anyone get dejavu from the fight? I know I did. Who do you think they'll recruit as an accomplice?
Spoilers/Hints for the next chapter:

Word Count: 468

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