Chapter 5

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"Thanks," Carmen muttered with faint smile as she had shaved the sheeps back, but her smile had changed into a shocked expression with no words to form.

"Carmen? Carmen what is it?!" Player asked her with concern in his voice over the ear piece.


"Gray... What does this mean?" Carmen asks on the verge of tears.

"They're back." Gray had said looking at the floor with shame.

"But VILE is in PRISON!" Carmen yelled in disbelief. As she took a once over at the black sheep that had been branded by the infamous devils, VILE.

"I'm sorry Carm, it only started with Paperstar." Gray told her trying to not tip her over the edge.

*flashback Gray POV*

On my way back to Australia after my hospital stay, I was gifted with the presence of 'old lady from club'.

"Hello Crackle," she had said as I got to my seat.

"I was wondering why this was a first class ticket, what do you want?" I spat sitting across from her.

"It's VILE, we still require your assistance," she lead

"What do you mean VILE, they're in prison and all of us are getting hunted down for our association with them." I stated.

"Well yes, in theory they are. However like everything, it's time to start a new chapter, so it's time that you join your new and old companions once again, with a new faculty."

"And why would I do that? Even if we did remake VILE how would we know if others feel the same and want to bring it back. Some of us have moved on and are done with thievery."

"Because Crackle, we want you to be faculty. And don't you want to reunite with your old companions, like Lecheve or Eltopo. You came to us twice, why not a third time?"

I just sat there thinking about the offer, I don't want to go back to being a sparky but if I join I might have to hurt Carmen, I could never hurt her, they tried to make me hurt her once but never again.

"Can you just let me think about this. It's a lot to think about."

"As you wish, you have til our reunion which will be held in (a week after fashion week), I hope to see you there Crackle."

And with that she had left me and the plane. When I landed, I heard about Paperstar and her incident but when I got off I had been given a VILE stamp and a note as to where to meet up for the reunion of VILE.

*End of flashback, no POV*

Carmen was just in tears and Gray didn't know what to do, he was going to give her a hug but quickly pulled back in case she became hostile towards him.

"Please, tell me you said no. Please." Carmen muttered as she got closer to Gray.

"I won't join them. I won't hurt you, ever." Gray reassured Carman as she cried out but now in his arms as Gray pulled her closer to embrace her.

"Please, stay with me" Carmen muttered to his chest but was unaudible as they stayed like that for a while til..

"We should go, I don't want you catching a cold." Gray said as he pulled her up from the ground where they were and gave her fedora that had fallen back to her.

"What are we gonna do with the sheep?" Carmen pointed out the half naked black sheep engraved with a VILE stamp while holding the shears.

"We can give it back when it regrows right? Or we could have it for dinner?"

"I'm gonna pass on eating a sheep but you can if you want."

"Nah, it can be your new mascot." Gray chuckled.

"As if," Carmen burst out in laughter. Gray picks up the sheep and takes it back to his rental and Carmen goes to her hotel.

~time skip~

It's been a few days since Gray had seen Carmen. Within those days Carmen had thought about what Gray had said.

Days had past since the two had saw each other and Gray started to get worried, but he couldn't blame her, finding out that VILE is rising again must've hit her hard. His thoughts just raced with thoughts of that night.

"Carm, are you ok?" Player asked with worry over her ear piece.

"Yeah, just thinking about what Gray said." Carmen replied emotionless. Player just sighed with sympathy. "I mean, why don't we have a mascot already?" Carmen asked with the same monotone voice.

"Carmen!! This is serious!! If Gray is right, and VILE is rising again, we have to stop them and tell ACME." Player reasoned.

"I know that! It's just, I can't believe that they're rising again. I mean we took them down didn't we? They're locked up aren't they?" Carmen explained over thinking.

"Carm you need to calm down ok, even if they are we can't be too sure. If they are rising again then they would all want revenge on you, making you and anyone close to you their main target. Go talk to Gray to get more information out of him, you can try to get him on our side."

"Ok, I'll go talk to him. Where is he right now?"

"I can't believe it, VILE can't be getting back together. The board is in prison and everyone is getting hunted down. They wouldn't even be able to a hideout or set up their school" Carmen a thought throughout the conversation.

"I'll send you his coordinations, you getting suited up?"

"No, I'll hide in plain sight, like VILE does." Saying that Carmen left to find Gray with Player over the ear piece.

~time skip~

Carmen is now waiting at the cafe where she first saw Gray in Perth.

"You're late." She had snapped as Gray sat down next to her.

"Well I guess now you know how it feels ol'red." Gray joked "I don't see a cuppa here for me, I guess I'll take this one," Gray had reached over to Carmen's drink.

"Sorry, that one is mine. I was gonna get you one but I thought you were a big boy. You can go order your own" Carmen snapped with sassyness as she slapped his hand away from her drink.

"Alright then," Gray smirked and went to the counter and ordered then sat down and joined Carmen. "So what do I owe the great Carmen Sandiego for her presence."

"Oh aren't old friends allowed to catch up?"

"Knowing you there's always a catch,"

"Jeez so up tight aren't you"

"Well I learnt from the best"

"I need your help, for a caper of course. So what do you say?"

"You know, you're starting to talk like V.I.L.E again."

"If I wanted to sound like V.I.L.E I'd be giving you orders"

"Well I've taken so much of your time already, I guess I owe it to you to help. But you do know this means I won't be able to spy on V.I.L.E or get the new drive"

"I know, if there was anyone else capable of this job I'd get them, but no one is able to steal in the cover of darkness like you, meet outside my lobby at sunset." Carmen told him as she slid a piece of paper towards Grey as she left.

A/N: thanks for reading and I hope that you continue to read ❤️

Word count: 1249

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