Welcome to Washington D.C.

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Shani's pov

After extra loooonnnng hours on the plane on our way to D.C. me and Imani is finally off the plane and on our way to baggage check.

"Ugghh I'm going to have really bad jet lag the moment we hit the dorms. skip meeting new people I'm gonna be off to sleep." Imani says with her sunglasses on after she got her suit cases. I just laugh at her, she's not wrong. Its been a while since I've felt jet lag like this since my family vacation to Tennessee to our family reunion. I absolutely felt Mani's pain.

"Yeah, I feel you sis. Come on lets get our things and head to the rental car so we can be there" I said as I finally got my suit case. As soon as we head out of the airport we found our rental. "wow dad really got his money's worth. This ride is hooott" I said as I seen the Cadillac DeVille infront of me and my sister. "ooh I gooootta drive this thang" Imani says as soon as she seen the car.

"I thought you had "jet lag"....what happened all of a sudden?" I asked as soon as I heard her bags drop to the ground and snatch the keys out of my hand.

"To hell with Jet Lag. Come on Shan, Please let me drive this daddy already knows this is my dream car" Imani begs me almost on her knees infront of me with her hands clamped together like she's begging for mercy from me. "fine. go ahead" I said to her while rolling my eyes and get our bags to put them in the car. Soon as I put my suit cases in the car I hear a whistle behind me.

"Damnnnn girl. that thang healthy" a cute dark skin boy says as he's checking me out. I ignore him and close the hood of the trunk and head to the passenger side of the car. "hol' up baby girl wait!" I hear the guy behind me. But its too late I'm already in the car.

*knock knock* I hear him knock on my side of the window. "hol' up second Mani." I told my sister as soon as I turn to the guy that is trying to get my attention. He signals me to roll down my window and I do so "whatchu' want?" I ask him.

He begin to look at me and capture in all of my features as he smirks and licks his lips. God his lips look so juicy....WHA- no! Shani, focus don't give in! "well I didn't mean to make you feel some type of way. I was just complimenting you baby girl" he says as he leans down and rest his arms on my passenger door. Damn he's smooth with it.

"So you decide to compliment me by looking at my ass and proceed to say 'damn girl, that thang is healthy'?" I say his words back to him. I guess that caught him off guard because he started chucking then he looks back at me dead in my eyes "well I can't help but look. It was right there staring back at me, I just spoke on how I felt about it" he says in a carefree tone and shrugs his shoulders.

"Okay, conversation over. Now if you don't mind, me and my sister will began our journey to Howard. Nice to meet you though" I say as I began to roll my window up not really caring if he gets caught up in it. "wait wait wait baby girl Hol' up" you and your sister?" he says as he catch me off guard. "yes sir, but twin, twin sister. Hi my name is Imani" my sister says as soon as she leans into view to let him know that she was in the car listening to the whole thing. Looks like we're going to be here for a little bit longer.

"DAAAMMMNN!!! YALL TWINS!??" He says as he looks at me and my sister in quick glances trying to piece the obvious together. "yes were twins. We get this reaction a lot" I say not showing too much emotion at how surprise he looks when he captured my sister butting in to our short conversation.

"Wow. Both yall cute as hell. Where yall from?" he ask leaning down to my door window smile now bright and wide. "we're from Sacramento California. Really new around here. Do you think that you can help me and my sis get to Howard University?" Imani ask him. I give her a look and shake my head a little letting her know that I don't want him to know where I am going to be staying at for the next four years. Plus, we just met this man we just met this man. We don't know him from a can of paint.

"Actually that's the school that I'm heading to right now. Yall can follow me and my boys." and if on que his "boys" roll up almost right next to us. "awesome. Ready when ever you are" my sister says to him as he leans back but not before catching my eye winking at me while biting his lip and head to the driver side of his car while his friend moves to the passenger side. I death glare my sister.

"Why you looking at me like that for?" Imani says clueless. "you really asked him if he can lead us to HU, when we got a map right here" I say to her as soon as I lifted up the map our mom gave us. "ok and so? he was cute and we don't got time to look through a piece of large wasted paper tracing the lines to find the school. Don't nobody got time for that so calm down its not that deep" she says not caring at all.

"And by the way, you need a little bit of boy action in your life. We're grown now. Ya gotta get it in some time" Mani says as soon as she starts the car and the guys get infront of us to began our journey to HU. "first of all miss Imani, I don't need no 'boy action' in my life because I don't like ol' boy and plus I don't want to think about a boy my first day of college. I got better things to think about" I tell my sister as I cross my arms and look out the window at the city.

My sister just laughs at me "come on nini, you sound mad silly right now. Your gonna have to start thinking about boys sooner or later. You saw how the way he was looking at you. He looked like you were a Nubian goddess standing before him" she says as she continues to laugh at my encounterment with ol' boy. "I barely even know the boy's name Imani" I say to her trying to get her to understand that even though he maybe drop dead gorgeous but the way he came off was a big turn off to me. I don't like when a guy looks at my body and sexualize me. Black women have been sexualized for their bodies since the beginning of time. It's being over played out at this point. I basically degrading from the real beauty inside the female outer beauty of all fine and what not, but its all what's inside that matters, how she speak, how she carries herself, how she present herself to the people of the world that is trying to box her in but only let her out when they want somebody to look at and thirst over, and how much knowledge she carries inside that beautiful brain of hers. I've fought too long to not be looked at as another "big booty" chick that has nothing but "good accepting looks" to show for it. I've always wanted to break that cycle of how the world and the country view Black women and Black people period.

"I get what your saying sis. I understand where your coming from and how bad you want to change the world" my sister saying finally understanding me. "just, promise me to have fun and let go for a little bit. Just turn up and have some fun in college and still be focus on fulfilling your dream while doing it" Imani says trying to make me drop my wall of steal. "......Fine. I'll let go and have some college fun" I say then I hear her squeak and smile as soon as she says 'thank you'.

This finna be a LONG four years at Howard University. But, this is the life I signed up for so here goes nothing that can stand in my way of success.

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