I Wanna Know

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Quan's POV

After the whole fiasco that happened earlier today with Shani, I went back to my dorm unpacked my things and chilled the whole night. My friends wanted to go out and they almost begged me to come with them, I mean I kind of did want to go with them and have fun my first day here at Howard but I decided against it, then they started bringing up Shani saying 'awwww you mad that Shani blew you off still?' 'did she tell you that she had a man or something' and bs like that making fun of me, but I kept it G'd and told them to leave me alone and go have fun. Right now I am wondering what Shani is doing right now....maybe I should call her.

*takes out paper and dials number*

All I'm hearing in the ringing from the phone, what the hell is taking her so long. So I hang up and call her phone right back. *still ringing until voicemail comes up* "wooooooowww....I don't care I'm going to keep calling" I said as I re-dial her number back in my phone. I know I seem a little bit pushy trying to hear her voice on the phone but right now this is how I am at this point. I've never been this pressed to talk to a girl like this before since middle school. Usually girls would be the ones ringing me back and forth and I would be the one not answering unless I really wanted to fuck you know what I mean. FINALLY she picks up

"boy what the hell you doing calling my phone at this time of night!??" she says. I look at my watch to see that its only 8:47 "girl its damn near 9, what the hell are you doing sleeping this early" I say to her. I was assuming that she would probably be in the shower or with her sister, or out meeting other people HELLL probably even reading a boring ass book by now.

"First of all I am tired from being on that damn plane, driving, being on my feet, talking to people and SURLY I am even more tired from decorating my room the way I want it to be for the next four years that I stay here on this campus" she says all in one breath while checking me at the same time. I chuckle "that's cute" I say smirking trying to play games like I usually do, the line goes silent for a while "hello?" I say as I look back at my phone trying to see if she's still on the other line and she still is. "........what the hell is cute about what I just said" after her silence."What's cute is your little attitude right now. I love it when a woman is mad at me" I say as I chuckle even more "I'm not mad, I am irritated that you're calling me at this time of night" I roll my eyes "girl the night is still young we got time" I say to her trying to get her to stay on the phone with me " I just don't want to miss my first day of class" she says "you're acting like this is high school, I know you wanna make a good impression on your professors, but chill baby girl, it's not that serious" I say to her trying to ease her mind. I hear her take a breath "fine I'll chill out" she says, I smirk "and plus, classes doesn't start at the crack of dawn, they start at 10am if you're wondering" I say as I put my hand behind my head and lean back in my chair.

"Wow, thanks for letting me know" she says. "No problem. I hope that we can talk now" I ask her I didn't want her to hang up. "well...what do you wanna talk about. Let me know what's on your mind" she said, for some random reason, her voice sounds so sexy through the phone. "you go first" I tell her "no you go, your the one that called ME" she said as she chuckles ".....I just want to hear your voice tonight" I confess to her. I know that that seems really random and it might weird some people out, but to me she's not just a somebody, she seems special and I don't want to mess up this new thing that we got going on. "well, not gonna lie that caught me off guard" she says "you like the sound of my voice or something?" she ask me "hell yeah, you sound sexy on the phone. I can listen to you all day" I say to her. "Usually people sound weird on the phone, Your the first to tell me that you like the sound of my voice" "I'm just smooth like that" I said as I smirked a little "boy bye" she said as she laughs I laugh with her.

As were talking, I find myself wanting to know more and more about her. The way she looks, the way she talks, the way she thinks and give out her opinions on important topics, makes her even more and more sexy by the minute as were on the phone. I go and ask her a random question "how would your old man react if we met face to face?" I ask wanting to know her opinion for some personal reason. She went silent for a second probably being caught off guard, "he wouldn't like you" she said bluntly, "wooooowww" I say as my eyes get a little big. Now that's something but I'm not too surprised. She chuckles and finishes "No, not like that, what I mean is that he would not like you because of being sooooo protective of me when it comes to boys. He was there when I went through my first heartbreak after my ex-boyfriend. You would really have to work your way up there for him to like you" she says. I never thought that she had an ex, for some reason I thought that she has always dealt with guys but she never gave in. She really plays hard to get and she thinks that she's slick with me when she plays her game but I see right through it because I dealt with it from all girls, but she hella different from them after being around her. "I see. It's understandable" I smirk. She Chuckles "yeah, I'm sure you do" she says.

"One more question..." I ask her "what's up?" she says wanting to hear what I have to ask her.

"Sooooooo...." I say as I try and gather up the courage to ask her something "sooooooo ?" she says back as she try to hear me out. ".....is it ok that I come by and take you to class tomarrow?"

The line went silent.......................

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