Sorry, Let's Try Again....Please?

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As we finally get to college grounds me and my sister get out of the car and get our things, we say thank you to the guys and we began to be on our way....not until the same cute, but aggravating guy catches my attention again.

"Hey!! Wait up" he says again as he comes up infront of me. "yes" I say as I wait for something slick to come out of his mouth again.

"I'm sorry about our introduction I-" I cut him off, " 'Our'?, I believe you got it all wrong there brotha, I don't remember introducing myself to you. I don't even remember giving you my name. I don't even know your name!" I say now thinking things over an hour ago of the "introduction" that he was talking about.

"Oh yeah right, I was too busy thinking about getting on your good side I forgot to introduce myself. The name's Quan." He says as he gives me his hand to shake and gives off that smile again. But this time its more genuine and less flirty....I see his game clear, he's trying to get on my good side right now. And I think its working.

".....well hello Quan. My name is Shani" I say as I hand out to shake his hand. This wasn't no regular hand shake when you first meet somebody. This hand shake feels more slow, and he's more so holding my fingers like he's going to kiss the back of my hand. Or is he really gonna kiss the back of my hand?

"Shani, it matches" Quan says to me as his voice began to get low while he talks to me. "why you say that" I say as I feel myself began to match his energy, "because, its a beautiful name...for a beautiful queen like you" He says as he lifts my hand and kiss it softly.

I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!!!! I knew he was gonna kiss my hand. His demeanor is really giving him away and I have to say, Its really sexy.

"we-*clears throat* well tha-thank you. Nobody has ever told me that about my name before" I say to him getting shy all of a sudden. This has never happened to me. I've never been nervous and shy like this infront of a guy before, they would be shy to talk and approach me for some reason. Imani tells me that the reason that guys would be "shy" and "nervous" to talk to me is because they have never seen a pretty girl like me and their really intrigued by my beauty. She says that because guys do that to her too. I mean let's get real here, we're twins so guys not only feel the need to "approach" two beautiful highly melanated girls that look just alike, but from the way we carry our selves. Me and my sister are not out here being "loose" women and feeling the need to always chase after a boy's attention. Not saying that all women are like this, this is just how I've always viewed it, I went to school where all the girls was always talking about boys and being fast tales to them and always doing the most trying to get their attention the most. I never did that. Boys always chased after me, and it was always dad that has to scare them away from his "little girls" saying that he's trying to "protect" me and my sister.

"Well let me be the first to let you know, your name is beautiful, your beautiful. Let me help you with your bags" Quan says as he reaches for my bags. I let him. "Thank you" I say as I walk behind him towards the campus. The campus here is HUGE and I'm not exaggerating when I say that. I see everybody here all over the campus, I see people meeting each other for the first time, I see people playing music mostly the new 2Pac album, I see people signing their names to join different clubs, I see everybody and it feels good to finally be in a area where there are people around your age that seem mature and genuine.

That was until I see a girl that comes up to me and Quan. And I gotta say, she was not who I thought was expecting her to be.

"HI, my name is Tiffany and I am going to not only be your guide here at Howard University, but I am also going to be studying with you!" this Tiffany chick says all excited to me and Quan.

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