Part 13

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hey this is not James filming this this is Ethan JAMES is in the hospital barely alive we just found out he might not live he is really hurt got him right in the heart but there doctors are holding him we arent allowed unless it is an emergery after awhile the other sides marched in found us and made us get out of the kingdom everyone went back to the ship everyone except me of course i said i am not leaving without him the guards pushed him back then he used the force can threw them into a wall and knocked they out guards were guarding where he was i asked my self what to do but when i got it a guard pushed me and said what are you doing here go i had three guards after me so i i pulled out my blue glowing sword which i did know i had and they tried to attack but i was to fast i was a ninja i killed them and the rest of the guards were to scared to fight me there ran screaming i might of saw one pee it pants so i ran to the hospital and got to james room he was almost dead the doctors said to say my last goodbye so i started to say good bye and this girl i asked what she was doing here and she said you will see i asked what her name was her said it was Nishi. after 20 minutes she got up he will be fine take me to your ship i wasnt fond of that idea but i still did it when we got back i led her to her palce to stay and left. then i heard something and our ship was hacked and heading into the planet 

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