The mysteriously investigation

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A week later I invited my friends back to hang out and before everyone got there when I or a call from the king saying that he was inviting us to their Christmas dinner in about 2 hours  so as soon as all my friends got to my house i asked if the space ship was good to fly jacob  said it was fine so we were on our way and everyone was so excited i asked how are you guys today lapis said she didn't want to eat everyone asked why and this was her answer I just don't want anything to happen to us then Payton started to a aw so I join in anyways it was the nicest thing I've heard in a while from her so I thought to aw then we arrived and I knew this would be a time because the whole castle was ready for Christmas after we were led to the table which was fancier than normal so me and lapis knew something was going on there but we pretend like we didn't know what was happening after we sat down the king came in from outside he yell get me a sweater or something will happen like all ways that is when I knew something was wrong about this trip after that the food came out and lapis went to the bathroom and the king followed her in so I bolted to the bathroom but when I got in they were gone I yell I knew this was I trick but the queen didn't know what was happening which that didn't seen right after we looked for 10 hours straight everyone went to bed but me I knew the king would come out of his hiding spot at night and I search and do you know where I found him in the queens room with a knife going to stab the queen but I stopped him I hit him off the deck and found lapis in our room so I woke up the other and we went back home before anyone else got injured but by the time we got back it was time for my friends to go and that is what happened today 

If you want part 4 said in the comments on my feed

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