The next day!!!!

10 4 5

So after we got home the queen called us and say that she is sorry for everything that happen and no offence I felt I little worried but I stayed as calm as I could anyways today was going to be a good day until I saw what day it was it was Monday and it was a school day I thought to myself oh no i have a baseball game today too so I called Ethan but he didn't even answer I think because he was sleeping still i guess the guy will never wake up and die asleep just saying anyway I met up this everyone at the gate but again ethan missed half of the day everybody started to laugh becasue ethan was still in his pj's hahaha even i laughed and i don't a lot but after the whole school thing i went to jake's house but anyways any he showed us the ship and 

this story was made for my friend that her birthday is this saturday so follow her and give her some support

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