Part 14

5 2 7

When I asked what was happening they did not answer me the first Time so i asked again no answer so i checked myself and we got hacked so i will give the spot light back to james here you go James ok so i am alive and the story is after ethan went upstairs to the main level i woke up after 5 hours of being knocked out i said A word i asked what happened she said you were stabbed i sat up and she showed her identity she was a beautiful young lady she was so happy she kissed me and hid her identity again i got up and started to walk to the door when the whole ship shook i wondered why so i asked what was happening to ethan as ethan entered he didn't answer like the others i asked i second time he did answer the girl slapped him and then he attacked her but i defended her and almost won right before i got him threw threw into the wall and i was pretty hurt started to choke me but i was able it hit him in the head and pinned him to the ground he kicked me in the ball but i was able to hold him down I finally knocked him out of breath and put him on the medical bed she scanned him then she turned to me and said you knocked him out good but it is not serious i got a call at that moment and lapis said that we were going to hit the ground in 3 2 1 and then bang 

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