Chapter 13- Forgive and Forget

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A/N: It's been a while hasn't it? Anywho apologies for the long wait, I present you with Chapter Thirteen and as always, please enjoy. 

Narrator POV

After her long day, and her walk home with Karma who teased her relentlessly, [Y/N] sat on her couch in her empty house, although with all its paintings and awards displayed along the walls, still felt naked and cold.

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[Y/N] sighed, disappointed but not surprised at her parent's lack of attention for her. Though at this point she was used to it.  The clock read 7 O'clock,  plenty of time she thought and got up, deciding to no longer feel useless and sad, and played a youtube video on the large TV that sat opposite the couch.

As the TV glowed in the darkness of her living room, she felt her mind drifting to her last few days. She felt her heart swell in with an emotion she was unfamiliar with, camaraderie? Maybe it was just because in the week or so she had been in E-Class she felt like she had found somewhere she truly belonged. Where there wasn't an expectation to be the best but to just be herself. However, the warm glow in her chest was soon replaced with a sickening coldness. Guilt.

"It wasn't her fault," she muttered to herself "He preyed on the fact that she's shy and not too good socially." thinking back to earlier that day when she snapped on Okuda for no real reason, guilt and shame started to swallow her whole once again until Karma's voice echoed in her mind.

"Tomorrow, try apologising"

[Y/N] knew exactly what she was going to do

Meanwhile, the boy paced through his large study, the black and gold sewn curtains, half drawn only allowing the moonlight to illuminate a corner of the room. The mahogany furniture that decorated the room was untouched, aside from one large gold-trimmed armchair and one broad desk. Pictures and drawings littered the floor, all of a girl whose skin was rich [S/C], and her hair was as soft and healthy as it looked. Pictures that looked years old and pictures that could have been taken just yesterday. 

"My dear [Y/N]," His tone dripping with sickly desire "I know you don't really want to be in that filthy E-class, I know you want to come back with me." He slumped himself over in his armchair and held a picture of the said girl to his face. "I know you'd rather be with me than be with that vile E-class vermin, you're far too good for them" His soft whispers become harsher when he looks up at the corkboard with what seems like his entire kitchen draw plunged into the material, with a picture pinned to it. 

"The famed Karma Akabane," He spitted, almost disgusted to have even uttered the name. "You will not get what is rightfully mine, what has been mine since we were young." The boy stood up and walked towards the picture on the wall and pulled a knife out of the picture, laughing maniacally with his eyes full of delirium.   

"She's Mine"

The Next Day 

[Y/N] woke up the next day, filled with slight anxiety but she knew what she had to do. She carefully took the plastic-wrapped cookies out of the fridge to stand before going to shower and do her regular morning routine. 

"Hey Google" She called out "Play Hello Dystopia by Mafumafu" 

"Playing Hello Dystopia by Mafumafu" 

As the music played, she rehearsed what she was going to say to Okuda for what felt like, the millionth time. 

Finally, she felt like she was ready and left out in a hurry towards the store to get something for lunch before getting on the train and heading towards school.  As she sat down on the warm and slightly dusty seats, two figures appeared in front of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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