Chapter 5- Judgment Day

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Muggy eyed and tired, I got to the top of the hill but the instant I stepped foot onto the flat land where my destitute building resides, a flash of blood red hair caught my eye. I foolishly decided to wave it off as a fox or rabbit running through the twilight. I slowly surveyed the area around the building,  feeling quite uneasy, but nothing could support my suspicions. I walked in cautiously, hoping that the creaking floorboards would not betray me. By the time I had reached the door of the classroom, all sense of paranoia had become a distant cloud and I felt quite at ease. Until I had heard two voices. That cloud had become rain and crashed back into me as I pressed my back against the wall in fear.

"Thanks, you really don't understand how grateful I am for this Okuda-san" a familiar voice called throughout the small building. I froze a held my breath.

"I-it was my pleasure to help you K-Karma-Sama," came the timid, stuttering response. THAT BASTARD. He was using Okuda's crush on him as leverage in this game. I had half a mind to go in there and rant at him but the other half told me that we now know what he's doing and we have an advantage. I listened to that half and stayed quiet.

"I-I  hope you win your little contest with [Y/N], I've never seen her lose a contest." She carried on.

"Thanks, who knows maybe I'll be the first one to beat her, it'll make up for the fact that she was the first to remove a tentacle from Koro-sensei." He slyly replied and I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

I stood silently waiting for them to leave, but they never did. Assuming they had left through the window, I stood up straight but as I did so a sharp stab of envy got me in the heart. "I'm losing my mind, how could I be jealous of them, he's my rival!" I said, a little above a whisper.

The minute I had slid open the door, I felt something coil around my foot and yank me into the air. I let out a scream as purple paint was unleashed all over me.

"KARMA AKABANE!" I screamed in anger whilst being suspended in mid air. The said boy had stepped through the window and was standing in front of me hands on his hips.

"Well would you look at that, I caught a [Y/N], " Karma smirked. He took out his phone a took a picture of me upside down. "Now I have sufficient blackmail too. Nice Panties"

Confused I looked upon and realised that due to gravity, my skirt was up and you could see my [F/C] panties. I shrieked and turned red which only seemed to amuse the boy further.

"Damn it Karma, put me down already," I pleaded and looked at him dead in the eye "Please?"

He snapped one more picture before eventually giving in and cutting the rope, causing me to fall straight on my butt.

"Well there was my prank I can't wait to see yours Shortcake" he slyly remarked before leaving through the window before I could even object to the name "shortcake". Grumbling, I quickly set up the pressure plate and the contraption on Karmas chair.

Grumbling even further about how "Karma the Bastard" and how early I had woken up only to have this happen to me, I heard a voice in window.

"Hey [N/N]," a familiar womanizing bastard had called to me  "How come you're in school so early"

"Hey Maehara-" but I was cut of before I could even explain what had happened.

"Stop, stop, stop" He interrupted " First of all [N/N], I told you to call me Hiroko- without the honorifics. Secondly, what happened to your uniform, is that paint?" he questioned half scolding me and half humorously. It was obvious that he was hiding a smile. After explaining what had happened to my closest male friend, I slumped onto the grass outside in defeat.

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