Chapter 8- Ahh Shit, here we go again.

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Karma POV

What's it gonna be Teach? Are you gonna swoop down to save me and get blasted in the process? Or are you gonna be the type of teacher that lets their kids die?.....
Damn, all that crap about seeing your life flash before your eyes really is true.

"As long as you're in the right, I've got your back"

'You're wrong, Akabane'

'If this messes with his exams, it's on my head'

'Suspension......Class E'

My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a certain female, nosediving towards me.
"[Y/N]? What are you thinking!" I screamed

"I don't know, I didn't really think this part through." She started "But, I can't let you die stupid!"

I couldn't believe it. Even as we're about to die, she's still scolding me.

  As much as I want that Octo-joke dead, does she need to die in the process?

I threw my gun to the side and opened my arms

"Hey, Baka-Chan! Fall into me." I screamed. There will be more opportunities for us to kill him."

  She doesn't need to die.

 Surprisingly she did as I said and we held each other as the trees rushed into our view.

Suddenly we landed but not on solid ground. Koro-Sensei used his tentacles to create a sticky web to catch us in.

"A splendidly, premeditated method of trying to kill me Karma, Well done.  However, you put another student's life in danger whilst doing so which is a big no-no.' He scolded with a big red X on his face.

"Whatever Teach," I brushed him off coldly. I had more pressing matters on my mind '[Y/N], Are you okay?'
All she did, was raise her head and look at me, but when she did, I felt a strange, horrible sensation. Was it guilt? Regret? I don't know.

'You....Idiot!' [Y/N] yelled. 'You would jump off a cliff just to kill your teacher? How selfish of you!' In her eyes, I saw a multitude of emotions. Fear, anger, and frustration.

"Nishishishi," Koro-sensei sniggered, causing both of us to snap.

"What are you laughing at, Stupid!' yelled [Y/N]

"Yeah, What's so funny Octopus!?' I shouted.

"Oh, nothing." Koro-sensei smirked "I don't think you two have noticed the position you two are in.'
I looked at him, dumbfounded, and swept my eyes over the situation.
I was currently lying on my back in the sticky net.....whilst [Y/N] lay on my chest with my arms around her.

As we scrambled to try and separate ourselves, the sticky net that held us denied any movement.

"[Y/N]- Chan! Karma-Kun! Are you guys okay!?" Nagisa shouted from the top of the cliff. He seemed genuinely worried about us. No, he was worried about [Y/N]. He didn't care for me like that.

"Hohohoho, They're fine Nagisa, we'll be up in just a second.' Koro-sensei replied. 'Oh and for future reference Karma, students don't ever die on my watch.'

As Koro-sensei pulled us back to the top of the cliff, there was a comfortable silence between [Y/N] and me.

'I don't get it, how were you so calm that whole time' Nagisa asked whilst Koro-sensei scolded [Y/N] for jumping off the cliff after me.

'Eh, No biggie,' I shrugged. 'The worst part is that was my best bet. Anything else I can come up with hardly touches it

'Aww Run out of ideas already,' Koro-sensei mocked and pulled various skin care products. 'But I have a whole beauty regiment just for you!"

I still felt like killing something, but it was different this time.

'Don't worry Teach, you're still dead meat' I threatened, drawing my thumb across my neck.

'That's the spirit, never give up Karma'

I gave a lopsided smile and looked over at [Y/N]. The setting sunlight, caused her skin to glow and reflected off of her hair. Her gaze was thoughtful and serene, it was clear she had zoned out. On impulse, I reached my hand into her hair to secure a loose section that was blowing in the breeze.

"You're an idiot, you know' she said softly as I tucked her hair behind her ear. "You could have died"

She did something to me. I sat next to her and she turned towards me.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]-Chan," I looked into her beautiful [E/C] eyes. "Why did you jump after me? You could have gotten yourself killed."

[Y/N] just looked at me, searching inside herself for an answer and failing to find one.
"I don't know," she said, deflated.
I sighed, I couldn't understand the rapid beating in my chest. Was I still scared?

'Alright children, let's go back now, I hope you've learned your lesson Karma' Koro-sensei taunted. A simple smile sent his way was enough to shut him up.

"Come on [Y/N]-chan, let's go' I uttered softly.

"Y-Yeah" she stuttered back. A peaceful moment passed between us as I held out my hand to help her up. Our hands lingers a few more seconds until the façade I always held crept back up.

"What's wrong Grandma? Scared I'm gonna throw myself off another cliff?"
"N-No, Idiot. Just keep walking." [Y/N] stuttered. 

'Don't worry, I'll treat you both on the way back, as an apology" I smirked tossing a small purse up in the air and catching it. 

"Hey!" Koro-sensei yelped in surprise "That's my Purse!"

"Oh really, you should stop leaving things unattended in the teacher's lounge"

"You're not supposed to be there in the first place!" Koro-sensei screamed, "Give it back!"

"Okay," I shrugged nonchalantly and tossed his purse back to him

"Um, Karma, There's nothing in there?"

"And there wasn't much, to begin with, call it a donation" I smugly replied 

"Karma!" Koro-sensei swallowed in his sorrow. 

In the corner of my eye, I saw [Y/N] giggle a little bit. It was only for a moment seeing her smile warmed my chest.

Nagisa had stayed rather quiet throughout this whole ordeal and I didn't notice him until he went up to [Y/N].

"You okay [Y/N]-chan?" He asked, rubbing her back.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you Blueberry"

"Good. Come on guys, let's go home" Nagisa said.

As we were walking to the train station I couldn't help but think

Me and [Y/N] got a bit closer today

Hiya, Long time no see am I right? Apologies for the long break, alot has been going on but I'll try and write a bit more regularly now. Expect another chapter by next Sunday

Take Care,
Empress Foxx x x

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