Chapter 2- Introduction to E-Class

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"You really should have kept your cool [Y/N]" Her Mother said distantly down the phone. Her parents were still overseas, England to be precise. And she had to break the news to them. They said they weren't coming back for the next few months and [Y/N] dismissed them of course. She was used to being alone.

After brushing her teeth, she lay in bed thinking about how tomorrow will go and just what exactly she would do to kill Koro-Sensei, but eventually she drifted off to sleep.

The Next Day

[Y/N] did her usual morning routine but instead of putting on the usual blazer and skirt, she changed her grey pleated skirt into a black pleated skirt and ditched the blazer all together.

"Much better than that grey one" she muttered to herself, and she left her house with her bento and walked the familiar route to Kunugigoaka, but turned at the main entrance and walked towards the daunting hill with the foreign brown building on top, which would now be her classroom for the rest of the school year.

The walk up the hill was rather serene so [Y/N] took the time to make her final preparations to her little plan.

"So students, today we have two new students joining us" A muffled voice rang out to the class and [Y/N] walked in.

"Good Morning Everyone!" [Y/N] said with fake optimism. Though she heard a few gasps.

"That can't be, there's no way it would be her" A small blue haired boy thought as [Y/N] carried on.

"My name is [Y/N] [L/N] its very nice to meet you all. I hope we can all get along!" she concluded with a big smile and some of the boys blushed. Except the bluenette and he cleared his throat attempting to make eye contact. When after an excruciating few minutes, they finally made eye contact, [Y/N] gasped.

"Ara Ara, Nagisa Shiota is that really you?" She said, in disbelief, but she was getting distracted. She needed to execute her plan and she knew the exact way to pull it off. She began walking towards Nagisa and 'accidently' tripped. As she fell, she threw her bag at Koro-sensei which was filled with anti-sensei BBs and detonated it, all the while turning and throwing a knife towards his tentacle.

There was a loud explosion and two tentacles remained on the floor and Koro-Sensei was nowhere in sight. There was a sharp intake of breath from everyone and [Y/N] stood up triumphantly. "I was good, but not good enough," she sighed while looking directly above her. "Well, they weren't kidding about your speed but by the looks of things, this year is going to be a total joke, I'll get to kill a honest to god teacher and I'll be stacked when I do. This is a warning to you, fellow classmates, I'll be the one to kill this octo-joke and take the crown, so don't bother getting in my way." She concluded whilst picking up her bag and jumping out the window. "I'll see you around" she finished with her infamous smirk and left.

Nagisa POV

"I'll see you around" she said and left with that same infamous smirk as a certain red-head. If both of them are going to be in the same class for a whole year it could get....destructive. May God bless us all

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