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"Oh, it's just you." Nightwing sighed of relief. "Nightwing?!" Alfred surprisingly. "Hey Alfred, how is it going?" Nightwing smiled. "I'm pretty good, how are you doing." Alfred asked. "I'm good." Nightwing said. "Glad to hear." Alfred responded. "Yeah" Nightwing nodded. Harley takes a peek behind the Batmobile to see who it is. "How's the investigation going?" Alfred asked. "We are getting somewhere, I just found out where all of this is taking place, so we should have some good info." Nightwing said. "Well, if you ever need any help you know I'm here." Alfred said. "Yeah" Nightwing smiled. "Hey, wasn't Red Hood working with you?" Alfred questioned. "Yeah, but he decided to take his own path." Nighting said. "I see." Alfred nodded. The batmobile alarm then goes off making Alfred and Nightwing look over at the batmobile. "Well, isn't that a surprise, luckily I always carry the keys to the Batmobile when Bruce isn't around." Alfred mentioned. Alfred turns off the alarm with the keys he took out of his pocket. Nightwing closes his eyes and sighs. "Is there something wrong?" Alfred asked. "Just come out, there is not point of hiding anymore." Nightwing raised his voiced. Harley stands up slowly behind the Batmobile."Good Heaven it's Harley Quinn?!" Alfred shockingly spoke. "Hehe hiii" Harley said while waving slowly with a soft smile. "What is she doing here? You know how Batman would react if he finds out you brought her here." Alfred told Nightwing. "Yeah, I know, but long story short, she is being targeted by penguin and I decided to bring her somewhere safe and I couldn't think of anywhere else but here." Nightwing responded. "Well, you always did find this place rather safe." Aflred said. "Yeah" Nightwing chuckled. Harley walks closer to Nightwing and Alfred. "Sorry about that I didn't know the batmobile triggered an alarm when touched." Harley said. "No worries" Alfred said. "Harley this is Alfred, he is the one who takes care of this place when Batman isn't here." Nightwing mentioned. "Nice to meet ya." Harley said. "The pleasures all mine" Alfred responded. "So are ya like the janitor?" Harley asked. Nightwing chuckled. "No I am the butler." Alfred smiled. "Cool batman has a butler; that means you do whatever batman tells ya right?" Harley asked. "That is one way to put it, but I go with the definition of helping the Batman out with whatever he needs." Alfred said. "Hehe" Harley giggled.

"So now that you two have met, is it ok if she stays here for a bit?" Nightwing asked. "I don't know if Batman would be ok with it." Alfred said. "Of course, Batman would be ok with, him and me are like best buds." Harley teases. "Hmm" Alfred thought. "It is just in case we don't finish dealing with penguin tonight." Nightwing said. "Well as long as she doesn't break this place down, then am willing to take that risk." Alfred said. "Don't worry she is going to behave, right Harley?" Nightwing said. "Ya, I even pinkie sweared" Harley mentioned. "Yeah" Nightwing chuckled. "Alright then she could stay." Alfred said. "Thanks Alfred" Nightwing said. "Ya know I'm starting to like this guy." Harley said making Alfred said. "Well, we should get going." Nightwing said. "Good luck you two." Alfred said. The bat computer starts to gets a call notification. Nightwing, Harley and Alfred look at the computer and approaches it. The call is from Washington DC?" Nightwing questioned. "Is it the president?" Harley teased. "Maybe you should answer it and see who it is." Alfred suggested. Nightwing answers the call and reveals Batman on the screen. "Batman!" Nightwing said suriprisingly. "Nightwing what are you doing here, I was expecting Alfred to answer?" Batman asked. "Alfred, oh he is right here." Nightwing said. Alfred shows himself to the screen where Batman is. "Is Everything alright?" Alfred asked. "Yes, I was just checking in, but I do want to know one thing?" Batman questioned. "What is that sir?" Alfred asked. "Why is the penny on the floor?" Batman asked. Alfred and Nightwing look at each other and back to Batman. "Uhh the penny? Oh right, there was an earthquake in Gotham earlier." Nightwing said. Batman gives Nightwing the look. "It's best that you just tell him." Alfred said. "Tell me what?" Batman said. "Alright, don't freak out or anything ok." Nightwing said. Nightwing grabs Harley's hand and shows her to the screen "Heyyy Bats." Harley smiled. "What is Harley doing there!" Batman raised his voice. "It's actually a uhh long funny story you see um..." Nightwing chuckled. "You have no idea what you done bringing her there." Batman said. "Look I have a valid explanation for this." Nightwing said. "I think we should leave you two alone for this, Ms. Quinn if you would follow me." Alfred said. "Sure." Harley responded. "Good Luck" Harley said to Nightwing while she touched his shoulder. Harley and Alfred walk to a sitting room in the Batcave. Nightwing looks at both of them as they settle down and then Batman calls for his attention. "Ahem." Batman said. Nightwing turns back to the screen where Batman is. "Oh jeez." Nightwing said nerviously while rubbing his neck.

As Nightwing is telling Batman the entire story of what he been through tonight, Alfred and Harley start having a conversation. "So, Alfred, right?" Harley asked. "That is correct." Alfred said. "How do you know Batman?" Harley asked. "Well, I know many things about him, but I could tell you that I am close to him." Alfred said. "Are you his grandpa?" Harley teased. "No, I am not, but good try." Alfred chuckled. "Hehe" Harley chuckled back. "I am curious though, how did you and Nightwing meet up?" Alfred questioned. "Well to put it simple, he needed me for some codes about penguin smuggling plan and since I also had a hit on me because of penguin, he decided to take me with him on the road. To protect me from dying." Harley explained. "Hmm, well all I can say Ms. Quinn is that you are in good hands." Alfred said. "You really think so?" Harley questioned. "I know so, you see Nightwing, he will do whatever it takes to protect you. He cares for the ones that are in danger and will do his best to make sure they are safe. He has been taught by the best when it comes to saving and protecting people." Alfred explained. Harley looks at Nightwing while he is explaining Batman the story and then turns to Alfred. "Ya sure know a lot of things about Nightwing too." Harley smiled. "Well believe it or not Ms. Quinn, I knew Nightwing for a while too." Alfred said. "Wow really?" Harley asked. "Indeed, I used to know him since back then when he was a little sidekick." Alfred mentioned. "Wait a fuckin minute, Nightwing was a sidekick?" Harley said surprisingly. "Yeah, except he went by a different name, the city knew him as Robin, the boy wonder." Alfred said. Harley is shocked of what she just heard "Wait Nightwing was Robin?" Harley asked. "He sure was." Alfed responded. "OMG." Harley said. "Shocking isn't it, when you learn more about a person behind a mask." Alfred smiled. "I remember him. Back then when Joker and I would tear up the streets and cause trouble, Batman would always arrive with this kid. He would wear this red, yellow, and green suite with a cape and I always use to tease him about being batman's sidekick and all. Good times, well besides the Joker part, but I honestly liked that kid, he was something." Harley mentioned. "And now he is all grown up, time goes by fast." Alfred smiled. Harley smiles and looks at Nightwing again, "It sure does Alfred, it sure does." she said.

"So that's the story." Nightwing said. "Well as long as she doesn't say anything about this, then I might let her stay" Batman said. "Don't worry, she's in good hands." Nightwing said. "Well you should get back to work, penguin is still out there." Batman mentioned. "You're right, it was nice seeing you, take care Bruce." Nightwing said. "Good luck" Batman said and ends the call. "Well I'm glad that's over." Nightwing told himself. Nightwing then turns to where Harley and Alfred are sitting and approaches them. "Ya'll having fun." Nightwing said. "Heyy, Alfred was just telling me things about you." Harley said. "Well I hope he wasn't telling you too much." Nightwing chuckled. "Only the great things Nightwing." Alfred said making Nightwing smile. "How did the talk with Batman go, is he fine with me being here?" Harley asked. "Hard to say, but he wants us to deal with penguin first." Nightwing said. "Gotcha." Harley nodded. Yeah so we should hit the road." Nightwing said. "Okie dokie, well Alfred it was nice talkin to ya." Harley said as she stands up. "You too Ms. Quinn." Alfred smiled. "Alrighty, let's go capture us a penguin." Harley said. "I'll meet ya there in a bit." Nightwing chuckled. "Don't keep me waiting good lookin." Harley winked and makes her way to Nightwing motorcycle. Nightwing looks at Harley. "Good looking huh?" Alfred said as he stands up. "Yeah, I don't know." chuckled. "Well, I wish you two good luck on the mission and of course I'm always here if you need help." Alfred. "Appreciate that Alfred." Nightwing smiled. Alfred nods. "Oh and also thanks for giving Harley some company, I feel like she deserved to talk with you."Nightwing said. "You're welcome Master Grayson." Alfred said. "Take care Alfred" Nightwing smiled. "You too." Alfred smiled. Nightwing makes his way to his motorcycle and Alfred leaves the Batcave. "Alrighty let's ride!" Harley said happily as she hops on the driver seat of the motorcycle. "Woahh easy their tiger, I'm driving the motorcycle." Nightwing chuckled. "What ya don't think I know how to ride a motorcycle?" Harley asked. "I don't know, I haven't seen you ride one." Nightwing said. "Well just know that I can" Harley mentioned. "Very cool, now scooch." Nightwing smiled. "Ughh fine." Harley said as she scoots back. Nightwing chuckles and hops on his motorcycle. "Seriously though, if I can prove to ya that I am able to drive a motorcycle, may I drive this badboy?" Harley asked. "Really?" Nightwing questioned back. "Yeah, and who knows maybe I'll be the one givin ya a ride." Harley winked. "We'll see." Nightwing said. "I'll take that has a yes." Harley said as she wraps her arms around Nightwing waist. Nightwing then smiled and turns on his motorcycle, they then leave the Batcave and drive off back to the city of Gotham. 

Harleywing - A Night of Smuggling and BountiesWhere stories live. Discover now