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"Damn, you two look like a mess," said Red Hood. "You're back, what made you return?" said Nightwing. "I was thinking ya'll might need my help." said Red Hood. "I did say we could use your help, we never said you needed to leave." said Nightwing. "Yeah, you just left us like that, how dare you." said Harley. Red Hood looks at Harley. "You're still carrying this clown around with you I see." said Red Hood. Harley sticks her tongue out at Red Hood. "Yeah, and perfect timing on you coming by because things were about to get ugly." said Nightwing. Red Hood looks back at bane. "I see, well lucky I'm here or else you two would've got your asses kicked." said Red Hood chuckled. Bane fully gets up. "Didn't see that coming huh," said Red Hood. "Well, if it isn't Red Hood." said Bane. "You know me?" asked Red Hood. "Of course, I do, you're not the only one that tends to kill in this city." said Bane. "So that's how the city knows me, I like it, gives a reason why people should be scared." said Red Hood. "I'm not scared of you." said Bane. "Neither am I" said Red Hood as he takes out his guns. "Red Hood he's too strong we got to work together to take him out." said Nightwing. "I can handle him; this isn't the first big guy I fought. Watch this pretty boy." said Red Hood. Red Hood runs towards Bane and start to duel it off. "Well this Red Hood plan might work." said Nightwing. "Not gonna lie, I thought it was gonna be Batman who was gonna show up." Harley said. "That would've been even more surprising." Nightwing replied. As Red Hood and Bane duel it off, Nightwing looks at the crates and then gets an idea. "That could work." Nightwing said. "What?" asked Harley. "Ok so this gonna our endgame plan. "said Nightwing. "I'm listenin." said Harley. "You see that crane up there?" asked Nightwing. Harley looks up at the crane. "Yeah" she said. "Alright you are going to go up there and grab a crate and I will help Red Hood with bane. The plan will be to make Bane stand by the square marked area right there on the floor." said Nightwing. "Mhmm" said Harley. "Then once he is on the area you will drop the crate on him which will knock him out." added Nightwing. "Gotcha" replied Harley. "Alright, make me proud Harls, I'm counting on you." said Nightwing. "Will do batboy." replied Harley. Nightwing smiles. Harley goes to crane while Nightwing makes his way to Red Hood. Bane charges at Red Hood making Red Hood dodge the charge. Bane stops himself before crashing into a crate. Nightwing then goes next to Red Hood.

"He just won't quit." said Nightwing. "Don't worry, a couple of more hits from me should do it." said Red Hood. "Don't count it, bane is stronger" said Nightwing. "So let me guess you have a plan?" said Red Hood. "We need to get him to stand on that square mark on the floor." said Nightwing. "Say less, and you better be right about this." said Red Hood. Red Hood reloads his gun but uses the electricity on them to fight with bane. Nightwing takes out his escrima sticks and joins Red Hood. Meanwhile Harley is climbing on the crane carefully. She sees Nightwing and Red Hood fighting bane. She then climbs on the seat. "Ok Harley ya got this, it's just like playin a claw machine." Harley says to herself. She then rotates the crane to grab a crate and places above the ground where the square is marked on the floor. Nightwing and Red Hood continue to fight bane. A moment later Bane grabs Red Hood and is about to slam him, but Nightwing comes from behind electrifies him on his back causing him to let go. "Thanks" said Red Hood. "No Problem" said Nightwing.

After more fighting Nightwing gets an idea of how to make Bane stand on the square mark. Nightwing tells Red Hood the idea. As Bane continues to try and hit both of them. Nightwing and Red Hood stand by the square mark and wait for Bane. Bane charges to both Nightwing and Red Hood, but they both move out of the way in different directions causing Bane to crash into another crate causing him to fall back on the square mark. Nightwing then uses his earpiece to contact Harley. "Harley now" said Nightwing. "Here goes nothin" Harley says to herself. "Bombs away" She yells. Bane stands up as the crate starts falling. "You two have crossed the line far enough." said bane. "Says the one who is standing inside line." smiled Nightwing. Bane looks at the where he is standing and looks up. He sees the crate is falling on him. Bane curses in spanish right before the crate smashes him. "BOOM" goes the crate as it lands on bane. "Woooooo!" Harley yelled. Nightwing looks up at Harley and gives her a thumbs up. Harley smiles and blows him a kiss. Red Hood looks at Bane and the crate. "Uhh Nightwing?" said Red Hood. "Yeah?" asked Nightwing. "We might wanna back up." Red Hood said as he points to the crate. "Oh shit" said Nightwing. Turns out the crate had explosives so it caused a small explosion leading to the other crates as well. Nightwing and Red Hood moved to a safe distance from the explosion. Unfortunately though Bane was not finished yet, the explosives only did a little damage on him. Nightwing and Red Hood then look at Bane trying to stand. Red Hood sighs.  

Harleywing - A Night of Smuggling and BountiesWhere stories live. Discover now