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"You got to be kidding me" said Nightwing. "Well Nightwing your planned sucked ass, way to go genius," said Red Hood. "It's the venom that is what is keeping him on feet." said Nightwing. "Means we got break those tubes, that is the way to make him weak." said Red Hood. "Yeah that's it." said Nightwing. A loud noise from the crane that Harley is in starts to kick in. Harley hears the noise and starts to freak out. "Uh oh that doesn't sound." said Harley. The crane is going to fall because of the explosion that happened. Nightwing and Red Hood look at the crane and see that it is going to fall on a boat by the ocean. "Oh no Harley!" Nightwing worried. "Oh well she had it coming," said Red Hood. "No, she's not going to die, I'm going to go save her." said Nightwing. "Are you crazy, if you go and try to save her, you will die too!" Red Hood raised his voice. The crane slowly starts to fall but stops at an angle. Harley is holding on tight while scared. "Then call me crazy then, take care of bane" said Nightwing. Nightwing runs to the crane. "Hold on" Red Hood said, but Nightwing already left to the crane. Red Hood then shakes his head while looking at Nightwing. "You are something else Grayson" Red Hood said to himself.

Red Hood then makes his way to Bane. "You want more." said Red Hood. Bane looks up at Red Hood and laughs. "Ha Ha another one of your plans failed." said Bane. "First of all, this was not my plan and second of plan just started." said Red Hood. Bane starts to get up, but Red Hood jumps on his back breaking the tubes making Bane grow weaker. "Ahh nooo!" yelled Bane as he tries to fight back Red Hood but slowly starts to fall on the ground. Red Hood jumps off Bane and watches him fall to the ground. "They really could've thought of this plan before." said Red Hood to himself. Bane starts to groan and get weak. Red Hood then shocks bane with his gun that has electricity and knocks him out. "I'm sorry who's plan is the one that failed again." said Red Hood.

Meanwhile, Harley is still holding onto the crane. She starts saying to herself to not look down but ends up looking and gets even more scared. Then two legs from the crane then broke off causing the crane to finally fall. Harley closes her and starts screaming. Luckily for her, Nightwing grapples to the crane grabbing Harley just in time before the crane fell. Harley then opens her eyes and notices that she is holding on to Nightwing. "BATWING!" Harley said happily. "Don't worry I got you." Nightwing said. Nightwing and Harley swing on the grappling hook for a bit to find somewhere to land. Nightwing then grapples to a light post by where the crates where and lands safety on the ground. Red Hood then sees the crane falling into the ship by the ocean. "Oh shit." he said to himself. He then tries to find Nightwing by going around the docks. Nightwing and Harley then look at the crane falling onto the ship as well. "Wow that could've been me," said Harley. "I'm glad it wasn't" said Nightwing. "Well that is all thanks to you." Harley said. "You know I would not let anything happen to you." Nightwing said. "I do and I like that about you. "Harley smiled making Nightwing smile back. Nightwing and Harley then stare at each other and end up having a passionate kiss on the lips. They then stop kissing and look back into each other's eyes. "You're the best birdbrain." Harley said. "Well, this birdbrain tries" Nightwing smiled. Harley giggles and hugs Nightwing tightly while smiling. Nightwing hugs Harley too knowing that he is starting to like Harley as well. He realizes how much Harley feels safe with him and the way her hugs feel, shows that she feels protected by him. Nightwing then feels that Harley needs someone like him in her life, someone who not only respects her, but protects her from the dangers in the city. Nightwing then focuses back into the moment with him and Harley as they are still hugging. Nightwing kisses Harley's head and whispers to her. "You're in safe hands now." 

Harleywing - A Night of Smuggling and BountiesWhere stories live. Discover now