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Moments later Nightwing and Harley arrived to Ivy's place. "You know first impression of her house, yeah she's plant mom." said Nightwing. "Well what else do you expect from Ivy?" Chuckled Harley. "A lot of plants I guess." said Nightwing. Harley smiles and they both get off the motorcycle heading to Ivy's door. As they approach her door, they hear talking inside. "Wow what's all the commotion in there?" asked Nightwing. "I think Ivy must have a guest over." said Harley. "Maybe came by at the wrong time." said Nightwing. "Hey it's ok, plus we are already here and there is no way were are gonna leave and come back," said Harley. "True." said Nightwing. Harley knocks on the door and seconds later Ivy opens the door. "Frank if you don't calm down, I will make you sleep outside in the cold." said Ivy as she looks at Frank holding the door open. "You wouldn't do that to your own plant would you?" said Frank. "If I need to, plants do need fresh air," said Ivy. Ivy then looks at Harley. "Harls! and NIghtwing? what are you two doing here?" smiled Ivy. "Hey Red, um I actually came to talk to you." said Harley. "Oh ok, you two want to come in?" asked Ivy. "Sure." said Harley as she walks in." Ivy closes the door. Nightwing and Harley enter Ivy's place. "Wow I love what you done with the place; it really matches your aesthetic." said Harley. "What did I say, she's a plant mom." said Nightwing. Harley looks at Nightwing and smiles. "Thanks, you two." chuckled Ivy. "Hey well if it isn't the crazy clown," said Frank. "And if it isn't the obnoxious plant, I see you grown a bit since last time," said Harley. "Damn right I did." said Frank. "Ok am I going crazy, or did that plant just start talking?" asked Nightwing. "Haha no you are not going crazy, that's Frank and yes he is a talking plant." said Ivy. "What's up dude, nice to meet you," said Frank. "Nice to meet you too." Nightwing said slowly. "Just when I thought Gotham couldn't get any crazier." Nightwing whispered to Harley. Harley giggles. "So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Ivy. Frank stares at Nightwing and Nightwing chuckles nervoulsy to Frank. "May I help you?" asked Nightwing. "Are you new around here?" asked Frank. "Uh no, I actually grew up here." said Nightwing. "Cool what's with the suit?" asked Frank. "Oh that's my hero outfit." said Nightwing. "HERO?!, YO WE GOT A HERO IN THE BUILDING! CAREFUL EVERYONE HE MIGHT WANT TO TURN US IN!" yelled frank as he uses his plant features to wrap them around Nightwing and almost trying to eat him. "Woah what the?" said Nightwing shockingly. "FRANK, OH MY GOD DROP HIM!" yelled Ivy. "He's a hero tho." said Frank. "Yeah, and that hero happens to be my boyfriend so drop him," said Harley. Frank the drops Nightwing. Nightwing groans and stands up slowly. 'Thanks" said Nightwing as he takes a breath. "Your boyfriend?! Harley has a boyfriend that's a hero, how is that possible?" said Frank. "It is possible your seein it right now." said Harley. "But that goes against the hero and villain rules," said Frank. "Ugh can it Frank can you just relax." said Ivy. "Hey I just want my fertilizer." said Frank. "You'll get your fertilizer soon." said Ivy. "You know what I think I'm just going to wait outside, Harley, I'll let you handle it from here." said Nightwing. "Alrighty I won't take too long." said Harley. "Trust me, take your time, besides I got to get all this Frank stuff off my suit." said Nightwing. "You do you." said Ivy. "Alright nice seeing you again Ivy" said Nightwing. "Bye Nightwing." said Ivy. "Hey later dude." said Frank. Nightwing looks at Frank. "Oh and uh sorry for almost killing you, I can get a little carried away sometimes." chuckled Frank. "Don't mention it, it's fine" Nightwing chuckled. "So we cool?" asked Frank. "Sure" responded Nightwing. "Alright" said Frank. "Ok then um Harley, I'll just meet you outside." said Nightwing. "Ok babe" Harley smiled. "Yeah" said NIghtwing as he looks at frank one more time and leaves the door. "I think you scared him." said Ivy. "Scared him no, I get that reaction a lot, besides we are cool now," said Frank. "Mhmm" said Ivy.

"Anyways, why are you here again?" said Ivy. "I came to tell ya somethin." said Harley. "Oh right, what is it about?" asked Ivy as she walks to sit on the couch. Harley follows her and sits down. "It's about a decision I made." said Harley. "Oh god what did you do now?" asked Harley. "Nothin, Sheesh Red why do you always assume I did somethin?" said Harley. "Well because your Harley and your always up to something." said Ivy. "That's true, but I'm glad you worry about me." said Harley. "You have no idea." said Ivy as she sips on her tea. "But that's not the point, I decided to leave Gotham." said Harley. "Wow really, where are you going?" asked Ivy. "I'm going to bludhaven with Nightwing." said Harley. "Oh so that's why you two are here, I'm guessing this is a goodbye right" said Ivy. "Only for now, I mean will try and visit you every now and then." said Harley. "Plus, we can text and video chat." smiled Harley. "So you do remember that you have a phone." said Ivy. "Yeah ok I'm sorry for not answering you earlier, sorry sorry sorry, how much sorries do ya want." said Harley. "I'm just messing with you Harls." smiled Ivy. Harley smiles back. "But I'm happy for you, you finally found someone who actually cares for you, I mean I cared about you ever since we met, but you now have someone else that is there for you, kind of gives me a break from worrying so much about you, because girl you can be a handful." said Ivy. Harley chuckles. "See your chuckles even say it's true." smiled Ivy. "Ohhh ivy." Harley smiled. "Besides if you were able to get with Nightwing it means doing something good, you're changing for the better." said Ivy. "Yeah, these couple of days with Nightwing, felt different but it was a good difference, one that I felt like I needed." said Harley. "Well, you two definitely gotten close." said Ivy. "Oh well we got closer tonight." smirked Harley. "Omg you two has sex huh, shut up!" chuckled Ivy. "How can I?!" Harley chuckled back. "I mean I kind of figured since you two were alone, but still holy shit, how was it, did you enjoy it." asked Ivy. "Ugh it was amazing." said Harley. "I bet, I mean we are talking about Nightwing here, that is one hella of a man." said Ivy. "Ohh tell me about it, the way his muscles are tight." said Harley. "Yep, very nice." said Ivy. "And his hair is soft." said Harley. "Very soft." replied Ivy drinking her tea. "With the good looks." said Harley. "Very good looking." said Ivy. "And don't forget bout his ass." says Harley. "How can I, that's what most people know him for." laughed Ivy. "Haha right." said Harley. "That man is built to turn on any lady." said Ivy, "He sure did to me." said Harley. Ivy smiled. "Ughh can you two stop talking about that Infront of a man please," said Frank. "A man?" Ivy says as she holds her laugh looking at Frank. "You're a plant." said Harley. "Who happens to be a male, which in that case, I'm a man plant." said Frank. Harley and Ivy look at Frank confused. "Ok that sounded a lot better in by head." said Frank. Ivy chuckles. "Anyways, I'm glad you had a good time Harls, as long as your happy, I'm happy," said Ivy. "Thanks Red," smiled Harley as she hugs her. Ivy hugs her back and smiles also. "Aww friendships they are so nice." said Frank. "Well I better get goin, I don't wanna keep the pretty boy waiting any longer." said Harley as she stands up. "Yeah you go back to him bestie." chuckled ivy. "Bye Harley," said Frank. "Cya Frank, don't push Ivy to much ok." said Harley. "Gotcha." said Frank. "Bye Red." said Harley. "Bye Harley take care." said Ivy. "You two, I'll send you a text soon." said Harley. "Ok, I'll be expecting it." smiled Ivy. "Haha" chuckled Harley as she leaves Ivy's place. "Ahh good times," said Frank. "So a man?" teases Ivy. "Oh shut up and give me my fertilizer already." complained Frank. "Fine" said Ivy as she rolls her eyes

Harley closes the door behind her and goes to Nightwing as he continues to take off the plants on him. Nightwing hears the door and looks at Harley come out. "Hey, how did it go?" said Nightwing as pulls on some plants that were on him. "It went great, I needed that talk, just to catch up and well see her before I leave." said Harley. "Haha that's good" smiled Nightwing as he pulls on more plants. "How you doin?" asked Harley. "Well, the fact that I just witnessed a talking plant that also tried to eat me alive, I'll say I'm shocked and very much happy to be alive." said Nightwing. "Haha yeah I should've warned you bout Frank." said Harley. "You think?" chuckled Nightwing. Harley smiled as Nightwing pulls out one last plant on him. "Ahh finally." said Nightwing. "So we ready now?" asked Harley. "Yeah, I don't have any more frank stuff on me right?" asked Nightwing. "Umm" said Harley as she looks around him until she finds on on his lower back "Oh found one." said Harley. "Oh alright just take it off they don't hurt at all." said Nightwing. Harley takes off the plant. "Ouchh what the, that one did hurt." said Nightwing. "Ooo this one had a thorn on it." said Harley. "Oh great it had to be the last one." said Nightwing. Harley laughed and throws it on the floor. "You know after all of this, I'm starting not to like plants, don't tell Ivy I said that." said Nightwing. "Haha don't worry." smiled Harley. "So we ready now?" asked Harley. "I'm ready when you are." said Nightwing. "Alrighty, let's go Dicky." said Harley as she walks to Nightwing's motorcycle. "What Dicky?" chuckled Nightwing. "Yeah you know, people call you dick, so I thought I could call you Dicky." smiled Harley. "Cute, but when I'm in the suit you must call me Nightwing, can't be giving out my identity in the air like that" said Nightwing. "I thought you trust me with your identity?" asked Harley. "I very much do." smiled Nightwing. "Then don't worry bout it." chuckled Harley. "Alright, you know just had to make it clear, to cover all grounds." said Nightwing. "Yeah Yeah now let's go dicky." said Harley. "You just did it again." said NIghtwing. "Oh shut up before I kiss you." said Harley. "You know I'll very much enjoy that threat." chuckled Nightwing. "Are we goin or not?" asked Harley. "Yeah babe we are going, I just like messing with you." smiled Nightwing as he squeezes Harley's left cheeks. Harley smiles. Nightwing and Harley then walk towards the motorcycle. "So just out of curiosity, did you and Ivy mention me at all?" asked Nightwing. "Oh yeah we did." said Harley. "Oh god." chuckled Nightwing. "Don't worry it was all good things, very good things." said Harley. "Ok good." smiled Nightwing as he hopped on his motorcycle. "You know what else?" asked Harley as she hopped behind Nightwing. "What's that?" asked Nightwing. "We make a pretty good pair....Mr. Grayson." said Harley. Nightwing chuckles. "We sure do.... Dr. Quinzel." said Nightwing. Harley smiles and kisses Nightwing on the cheek. Nightwing smiles and turns on his motorcycle. "You comfortable?" asked Nightwing. "Always" said Harley. "Alright hold on tight." said Nightwing. Harley wraps her arms around Nightwing's waist tightly. Nightwing revs up his motorcycle. "Let's go." said Nightwing. "Bludhaven here we come." smiled Harley. Nightwing and Harley then drive off leaving Gotham City and heading towards the city of Bludhaven.


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