13. The High of Knowing You're Gone

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"Morning, Kylz, Jack! Oh Kylz, before you go, I've got Jamieson Builders on the phone –" Kate said, dropping the receiver to her shoulder and picking up her coffee just as Kylie and Jack walked in at a quarter past seven that Monday morning.

Jack continued straight through to his classroom and Kylie crossed behind the low wall barrier into Kate's open office to take the phone.

"Thanks, Kate ... hello? This is Kylie Foley speaking ..." she rested a hand on her stuck out hip, listening to the other end of the line.

"No, no that's fine. It doesn't bother me who you send out, we're just glad it's getting fixed." Kylie said placidly. She grinned slightly, listening.

"Ah ... ok. Yeah, I can understand that. Nobody wants to receive complaints like that – ah, oh yes, of course! No, no it's no problem at all!"

Kate couldn't help but find her focus being pulled away from her computer screen and covertly listening to Kylie's phone conversation.

"... no worries, mate. Thank you, yes twelve will be fine. They can come through the bottom gate and they'll have to come into the office to sign the visitors book first. Ok, thank you! Bye."

Kylie handed the receiver to Kate, who placed it back on its hook.

"Is ... everything ok?" Kate asked, a daring smirk crossing her face as she lifted her mug to her lips. Kylie grinned and arched her eyebrows happily.

"Don't you just love the parents we have here?" Kylie said, feeling blissful. Kate lowered her mug so fast Kylie thought she was going to spill coffee all over the desk.

"What? Why?"

"It seems that on Friday, one of the kids went outside to go to the loo during class and must have gone over to where Luke was working on the COLA ... and he told them to go away – and in a far more colourful way, I might add. Anyway, they either didn't tell Jack or he forgot to mention it to me, but either way, they told their parents who rang up and complained. Luke's boss pulled him off the job and we've got another, some new bloke coming today to finish the job!"

Kate didn't bother to hide her smirk or her laugh, remembering the argument Kylie had had with the man three weeks ago. Kylie laughed too, going to her pigeon hole to get her mail and literally skipped out of the office, feeling lighter than air.

"Happy Monday!" Kylie laughed sweetly at the top of her lungs, making her joyous way to the kitchenette to make herself a cuppa. She knew it was probably the height of pettiness and unprofessionalism to be so shamelessly glad that Luke got pulled from a well–paying job, but frankly ... with all the stress she had been under lately, it truly was the best destressing she had experienced at work in a very long time.

"What's got you so happy?" Jack asked appearing suddenly beside her, reaching up to the cupboard in front of Kylie to get his mug.

"Oh just the sweet satisfaction of knowing I won't have to ever see that son of a bitch ex of mine again while the COLA's being fixed."

Jack smiled rather toothily at her, leaning his hip against the counter. "Yeah? What'd you do? Ring up his boss and complain?"

Kylie beamed mischievously at him. "Wasn't me that complained – and hey! I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing!" she added playfully, sticking out her tongue.

Jack couldn't help but laugh loudly, tossing his head back a little, then replying, "no, you just tell him he was a dud root. Much more subtle."

Kylie shrugged, hoisting the freshly boiled kettle off its base, pouring both of their drinks. "At least I'm honest." Jack just smirked at her again.

Kylie & Jack 1: Humble BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now