C h a p t e r S i x

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© Amber Kalkes 2015

Song: "Run" By Daughter

 C h a p t e r S i x >

Rae tugs on the shoulder of her dress as she stares at herself in the mirror. It's the day of the run and she had barely gotten any sleep last night. Her eyes have bags under them and she's struggling to not just go back to bed for just a few more hours of sleep.

Her night was filled with nightmares and dreams of what her mate would be like. Would he be a macho jerk who used his words like they were written in stone? Or would he be like her dad had been with her mom, sweet and understanding? What did she want her mate to be like? Rae had never really thought about it before.

She would want him to be understanding of her situation. She would want him to be supportive of her and good with her siblings. She would want him to be patient because adjusting to a mate being around would be a big adjustment. All in all she just wants someone who gets her.

That’s all she can hope for really, fate seems to take care of the rest.

Running her hand through her hair Rae looks over her reflection one more time and shrugs. Well it’s too late to do much else. Grabbing her red converse off the bed she touches her mom’s charm necklace on her neck. Saying a silent prayer for luck to her mom she kisses the heart charm before letting it fall back down on her chest.

Well better get to it.

Opening the bedroom door she hears the usual chatter of her family downstairs and smiles wondering how they’ll react to seeing her in a dress. She hasn’t been dressed up since the homecoming dance in her sophomore year and since then wearing dresses has been impractical. Especially when you have two brothers who think its funny to lift them in public.

Walking down the stairs she sees not only Graham here but also her cousin Garrett. Garrett is her Aunt Jolene and Uncle Everett’s only child. Garrett favors his father in the general looks department with his height, body type and short black hair. He did get his mother’s hazel eyes though but luckily got his father’s laid back personality.

Grinning Rae practically jumps on Garrett’s back making him stagger forward a bit before steadying her on his back. Rae notices Jace look at her with a raised brow but says nothing about her behavior. She can’t help herself though when it comes to Garrett. She’s known him since they were both in diapers and seeing him always brings out the playful person she used to be.

“Have you gained weight?” Garrett asks, faking strain.

Smacking him upside the head Rae slips off his back. Turning around Garrett grins at her before ruffling up her hair making her scowl up at him. Slapping his hand away she sticks her tongue out at him. He tries to grab it but she slaps his hand away again, which does nothing more than make him laugh.

“You know if you stick your tongue out you’ll lose it.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

“Don’t tempt me.”

“Hey, Rae, why can’t you jump on me like that?” Graham asks, receiving two punches in each arm from both Jace and Garrett. “Dude! What the hell?”

“That’s my sister.”

“And my cousin.”

“So watch your mouth.” Jace warns him.

Graham rolls his eyes while rubbing his left arm. “Did you hear her complaining?”

“That’s because I’m used to your pervy ways, Jones.”

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