Megatron x Femme reader

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This is a requested story,this one won't be a lemon🍋, because i still have a few in store, even a Megatron x Reader lemon!
Ok so because it just was requested and i did get no information, do i just jump in and do my stuff!

Pov none

(Y/N) is right nowoutside driving through a beautiful and silent forest until she heared a painfull grunt maing her tires squieck on the rocky and dirty road until she came to a stop.

She transformed and walked around  until hearing it again, she walked now faster towards the sound .

What she would find shocked her made her squick a bit, seeing Megatron hurt sitting in the dirt  grunting in pain and looking at his right stabilizer (leg)

(Y/N) looked him up and down to see if she could help or find something to help him since she isnt a Auobot nor a Decepticon, she actually lives alone being nodanger to anyone.

She got the permission to stay and live alone as long she doesnt join any side,but she could always join the Autobots if she wants to.

Megatron never knew from her existence on earth and as he looked in her direction was he shocked that she didnt have her weapon out but a shocked expression.

"What are you looking at?"

"iiie oh heh s...sorry i didnt want to be rude, i was coughed up in thoughts.... Im (Y/N) and your Megatron the leader from the did that happen?"

"A....Fight happened! How can you be so calm around me?"

"Maybe because your hurt and cant get up....and maybe because i wanna help you recover quick."

"Why would a Autobot help me?"

"Huuuh? Oh Im not a Autobot....Im Neutral i dont belong to any side!"


"I didnt want to make a desicion and fight against my own race! It felt so wrong thinking about it."

"i understand. How do you wanna help me with THIS?"

".....I was thinking....melting my arms a bit and pure it onyour wound so you can atleast walk again....if your alright with it."

"Do what you want."

"I will need your help to melt my metal for your leg."


(Y/N) went over to Megatron and kneeled down next to him looking eye contact (obtics)

She moves his stabilizer closer to her laying it on her own and looking at it. As she finished inwastigaging his wound did she as well goteveryinfo she need torepair t wihout hurting him to much.

"We can start if your ready. Just turn your hand to your weapon and made it heat up so it will burn my metal and follow my arm, okay?"

"Alright im ready, lets start."

Megatron followed her arm and it worked, her arm melted and droped on his wound Fixing it but leaving her arm bonerable and....weak.

Megatron was a bit pissed that she almost melted her arm down to her nerves until she then switches.

His Leg was almost repaired but she kept going till that arm looked like the other, burned and unnormally thin.

"You good? That looks really painfull."

"Heh im alright no worries, nothing i cant handel, trust me i experiemente wores!"

"if you say so, carful now, your arms are really weak and damaged right now!"

"No worries i will survive oh and try to walk, you should be good now."

Megatron just looked at her sighing and standing up, his stabilizer still hurt but not so bad as befor. Standing next toeach other and a small smile on his dermans.

"Thank you (Y/N),Not many people would do that for someone like me,i really appreciate about i come back in a bit with a doctore to help you with your arms!"

"That be nice but you dont have to, you have enough to do and plan a fightagainst the others!"

"Yeah but i owe you big times solet me do this for you!"

"Alright, meet me here same time and place, were safe here, so deep in the woods."

"Sounds goodto me, I will see you tomorrow then and take care!" He sneaked upto her and pekeda kiss on her metalic cheek!

She blushes and waves as he walked away and transforemed.

Hi my lovely lemons, i apologies that this one is short and a bit late then usual,i comepletly forgottnen the time and date sooon yeee,i tried my best on thid one to not fuck it up and be atleast a bit good to read for you guys and as you can see i changed my name to DemonInBlue.

Why you may ask, because i kinda have a small Name conection to my Twitch account soo yeah its fine and its not directly my twitch name just a few details!

Well my lovely Lemons that is it for today so Stay tuned for next months Megatronus X Femme reader.

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