Knockout x Femme Reader

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This story was requestet by 00SquishySquiddy00

If you dont know her, go visit her she writs really good storys!

There is no befor story so we just jump in. (Fluff/Smut = Lemon!)

Pov none

Y/N is a beautiful femme that is fresh with the Decepticons.She landed on earth a few month ago and didnt pick a side!The Decepticons just took her and made her one of them,she didnt really understand it at first but soon did, she was with the evil and was there medics assistant!

She wasnt quiet sure if she should say something about it or not but she kept it in for a long time! Y/N was Knockout and Breakdowns assistant but Knockout just kept flirting with her. You ignort it at first but when he comfessed was the line of pation gone,you turned around and looked him in the eye.

"Knockout i really like you back but dont push me into a corner, i need my own space as well and as long you dont give me that space will i say no to you and your confession!"

"I understand but please think about it!"he begged and looked a bit pleading.

You nood and then went to your berthroom.She laid down and sight!

" What a damn scrap day!" You said to yourself and closed your optics and soon fell into a deep sleep.
You had a strange dream,you dreamt about you,Knockout and even breakdown werent with the Decpepticon but with the Autobots.You all looked happy and in peace as if nothing ever happened!

The only strange thing for yu were that you and Knockout were acting trange as if you two where a married cupple.Your other self turned around saw a red collor shape on your chassis and as he turned around di you se the same shape but in (F/C) wich confused you at first but then you connected the pieces and new, you are Sparkmades or in human language Married.

You gasped and turned around with a blue face not knowing how to react to that probably but you already knew that your spark was pulsing faster than usual.

Sudenly you woke up and sat up straight in your berth! You looked around and saw you werent in your room, you where in the medbay on one of the medical berths.Looking around in a small panic did you not notice that the heat radiating in the room,until something was pushed of the counter and you finally saw a dark red siluette in the shadows satnding and watching.

"KO? What am i doing here and why are you standing there?"

"Im sorry for whats comming!"

You looked forfeited and didnt really know what he meant well befor he jumped on you and huged you with a little giggle.

You looked shocked and you wanted to slap him but you didnt because you knew, if you did that he would ignore you and you didnt want that!

Smilling back ant him,laid you your hands on his back and closed your optics again and relaxed!He noticed that and giggeld again.You looked up and looked directly into his red Optics.He smiled at you and you smiled back till he kissed you.

"What was that for ?"

"It just overcame me ...sorry if you didnt like it !" You smiled and laid back down.

"Its fine but im not ready yet so please wait for me to become your partner, alright!"

"I will wait!" He said and fell asleep wich made you smile and hug his sleeping form.

You soon as well fell into a deep slumber and cuddled with Knockout!

2 Earth years later

pov Knockout

I walked tired and exausted in the medbay around not knowing what to do or how i should feel because....Breakdown just died and me and (Y/N) havent seen us in a long time now....well what did i aspect when the best friend dies and the only one thats left is a flirty as cunt like me. Im such a bad friend to her.How can she still see me as her friend....i made everything to a living hell for her! Im sorry (Y/N)!

"Knockout?" I looked up as i heard my name and saw her, (Y/N) standing inside the door of the medbay looking at me with sad optics and a few energone tears still streaming down her cheeks .

"(Y/N)....Im sorry for being such bad friend...i-i had no idea...i-i-i....."

"Shut up!"

She yelled at me and hugged me right after it. Her optics were sad and kind as if she would say that she doesn't want to hear me saying such thing about myself,and then....did she kiss me!

My optics became big but they shrieked as we continued.

"I love you,you idiot!" She stopped and finally told me her feelings about me!

"I love you you too (Y/N)!" I smiled at her and she smiled back.

We both went to my berthroom and layed on my berth, chilling ,cuddling and sleeping!

We waited till the day Megatrons fall and we became a part of the Autobots crew. Helping and finally living in peace and the promise to start a family soon,when we rebuilt Cybertron!
We loved each other until the day we might die!

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