The Great Change in History

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Father walked me down the gardens filled with smeraldo flowers.

It was cold in the gardens for some reason, most likely because of the trees.

"Do you know why the werewolves and vampires have an aggression pact?" Father asked.

"No father...why is it?"
I was clueless even though i was around 1009 years old.

Father turned his head facing towards us.

"We weren't always in a feud you know?"

"Back in 1190,during the time of the crusades, back when you we're only 181 years old"

"I was part of the Knight's templar...a holy order sought to seek out the Holy grail."

"But in 1201, after we found the grail, it turned us into these eldritch beings by which they call 'vampires' and

'werewolves'  both sides we're a galant and fierce duo up until the dawn of renaissance where one italian bastard by the
name of Aberto wanted to take the Grail for himself."

"He rampaged as the grail giving him power until we managed to put a stop to him, the werewolves did not like this so...they tried to wipe us out! Tear us apart and threatened to kill our families."

"So now i ask...why...why would you bring their kind here."

"I-i didnt know....i swear to you i didnt know!"
"I swear i will take any form of punishment."

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