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The couple arrived at the planned location before they saw what made them blink twice before looking again.
"What the hell...." Byul whispered to Jin
"I didnt tell them i swear."

Jimin spotted Jin and Byul so he called out to them.
"Jin-hyung!" Jimin shouted.
All of the diners looked at Him.
Moonbyul approached him and gave him a light slap to the face as she yelled at Jimin
"Why must you always give away our positions."
"You should've kept ignoring us...that's what you do best anyways."

"Byul-ah calm down." Jin told her.
"I should've known." Jin looked coldly at Jimin
The stare gave Jimin chills as he described it as "the old man stare."

"Im sorry." Jimin said loudly as he was drunk.
Moonbyul noticed a drunk solar asleep just in front of the table Jimin was sitting on
"Babo-unnie...." Moonbyul rolled her eyes.

"We can take our buisness someplace els-"

"Yo Oppas." Wheein and Taehyung shouted loudly.

"Babo-Members..."Jin and Moonbyul exclaimed.
"Hey guys we really have to go now...."

"No no no stay."
"We have gifts for everyone."
"Consider it as a gift from old friends."

"Well i guess we'll take a look at it and leave.."

The gifts were given to each members.
Moonbyul was given a card which gave her a paper cut.

"Ah f*k!" Moonbyul "silently" yelled.
The blood dripped from her hands before all hell broke loose.

Jimin from across the room watched the blood drip from her hands onto the brown carpet.
Suddenly, a feeling of unquenchable thirst clouded his vision.
He ran towards Moonbyul with his Shiny teeth and his nails turned into claws.

"Jimin noo!" Jin said as he blocked Moonbyul's way to take in Jimin's lunge.
Without hesitation, Jin slapped Jimin and it knocked him back across the room onto the buffet.
Jin ran towards Jimin and grabbed him by the neck as Jin's eyes glowed red in rage.
Jimin cracked Jin's hand and tore it off from his wrist as he escaped from his grasp.

"You little brat!" Jin chuckled as his hand immediately has regrown.
Jimin ran towards Moonbyul yet again only to be stopped by Taehyung who slammed him onto the ground.
Wheein grabbed Moonbyul and assisted her in escaping outside.
They both woke up solar and Moonbyul and Wheein carried her outside as the chaos happened inside.

The Duo tried matching up with Jimin's speed but he was too fast, luckily, Taehyung grabbed Jimin's feet and dislocated them from his legs.

"Gah!!" The Mochi screamed in pain.
His feet slowly was regrowing

"Enough!" Jin shouted.
Jin knocks out Jimin.

"You should've just knocked him out instead..."
"He's still a new born."
"Of course he'll go for blood lust."
"How are we gonna explain it to them?"

"We got Wheein for that,"
"She's known for a very long time."
"I cant really keep it a secret."

Taehyung Carried Jimin's body and Ran towards the BT house at the rooftops.

"I have some really big explaining to do with Byul-ah."
"God damn it will face the consequences of your action once im done with this."

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