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Anna Parker, a prefect of Night Class; just woke up from slumber and stretching her body, followed with a yawn. She scratched her back and got off the bed. She went to the bathroom and clean herself up.

After that, she went to her wardrobe and took out her prefect uniform. Then, she went out of her room. It was still dark outside as it is evening but it is the time for the Night Class students to come out for their evening classes. And thus, she, being the prefect; has to be nocturnal as she was given the responsibility to give the lessons to the students.

Anyways, she came out of her room and went to the kitchen. Then, she starts to make breakfast. Her roommate, Avalyne also came out of her room.

"yo, want a toast?" Anna asked.

"... For what?" Avalyne asked as she made coffee for herself.

"... What do you mean for what? Do you want a toast with peanut butter and jelly or nah?"

"oOoh, I thought you were talking about... Anyways, yeah. I would like one. Thanks."

"sure." Anna said and gave Avalyne the toasted peanut butter and jelly bread. "btw, have you finished the assignment that professor gave us last week?"

"huh? Yeah, I've done it yeasterday. Why?"

"oh, no reason. I just want to know if you want to compare our works. You know, to make our answers even more accurate."

"... Why? It's not like you need to have all the correct answers anyway. Besides, it's not like the professor would want to punish us if we did it all wrong anyway."

"I'm not worrying about the prof. I'm worried about... Him."

"him?... Oh, you mean your boyfriend, Klaus. Yeah, I can see why you get all tipsy about grades and stuff. He is the rumored The Emperor by the school after all. He's not only the most excellent student in school, he's also famous for being serious, strict and always do the job perfectly. That's why he was labeled as perfectionist."

Anna just listened to Avalyne rambling while sipping her coffee. "you seems to know a lot about him. Not that I mind. He is popular and is fit to be "the right guy". But not as much as I know him." she sipped the remaining coffee, got up and went to the sink to wash the dishes. "anyways, back to the main topic. Do you want to share it or nah?"

Avalyne just looked at her with dumb face. "... Share what?"

"💢💢💢 the assignment!"

"oOoh... Yeah, wait until I finished the coffee and toast."

"then, hurry up!"

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛15 minutes later...♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

"and that's about it. Phew! Finally made it before the class starts." Anna said and packed her stuff.

"Yeah, but we better get going now or we'll be actually getting late." Avalyne said and also packing her stuff.

After they have done packing, they went out to their class.

Two hours later, their first lesson has finally over as Anna immediately let out a deep sigh. "Man, why did it have to be History in first period?"

"but you ace it though."

"yeah, well. You can't fail when there is someone near you is watching over your grades and behaviour at school."

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