Who is the shortest?

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“in all kind of friends, there is always one that is the shortest of them all.” Anna suddenly talked to Izzy. They were at the Night Café with their other usual gang, Klaus included. Even though no one said who it was, Izzy knew who is she talking about.

She glanced at Liz. “... I... Don't know who you are talking about.”

Anna wasn't surprised as she knew Izzy knows who she is talking about. “stop lying. Judging how you acting right now. I know you know.”

“great, you know but I don't.”

“who are you guys talking about?” Liz suddenly asked.

“don't talk to them, Liz. It's not worth to listen to.” Lisa said while reading her magazine.

“well, we are talking about height and judging by their look, I see one of us is the shortest.” Anna said.

“... 💡you must referring to me, right?” Liz replied.

“yeah, and how can you be so small.”

“but, Anna. You know how people who is the tallest would be the first to die.” Izzy said.

Anna looked at Zeus and laughed.

“hey! That ain't true!”

“and the shortest one live the longest. Lucky you, Liz.” Izzy said.

“should I be proud?” Liz said.

“oh, yes, yes. You should. No one would ever think that being short is the bless from the god other than you.” Anna said.

“stop picking on her. She's older than you for crying out loud.” Lisa said.

oui but she is fun to tease. Right, Anna?”

“right you are, my friend.”

“I can't even... Show some respect, idiots!” Lisa scolded.

“aye, just to let you know. We don't have an ounce of respect.” Izzy replied.

“none.” Anna added.


“we're sorry for picking on you, Liz.” Izzy said after Anna and her being bonked by Lisa.

“yeah, we've took it too far.” Anna said as they both kneeled to the ground.

“u-uh, that's all right, guys! You don't have to take it too far to apologize.” Liz said and flattered.

“seriously, Liz. You're too kind. These two will take advantage of that and keep bullying you. However, I will make sure they won't.” Lisa said and give a meaningful glance at the two.

Anna and Izzy just put on their poker face. Then Anna whispers to Izzy. “ever thought about backing down?”

“no. What about you?”

“nah. Guess we're too crazy to oppose Lisa.” Anna snickered.

“what did you say?” Lisa glared at Anna.

“huh? Nothing!”

Izzy snickered beside her while Klaus sighed and Hiro rolled his eyes over his girlfriend's naughty habbit.

“hey, advice from me.” Zeus suddenly chimed in. “you gotta have the nerve of steel to tease Liz or you can't fulfill what you desire to do. That is if you wanna face the wrath of the angry ocean queen.”

“that's what we about to do.” Izzy said.

“hey, Zeus! Don't encourage them!” Hiro said and kicked Zeus's leg.

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