Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I awoke sitting in a dark chamber. It was dark, humid, and moldy.

"Hello?!" I tried shoring but my voice wouldn't come out.

I walked backwards until I his a cold stone wall. I slid down the wall until by butt came in contact with the ground. I pulled my knees up to my chest and silently cried to myself. Is this the end for me?


The next time I awoke it was bright. I could now see the blood splattered in the hallway and on my cell. I had dried blood on my hands and some on my neck. It wasn't red either. It was black like the zombies. I'm becoming one. Slowly but surely.

A tray slid under the bars and I glanced at it. A sandwich with chips and a juice cup. I grabbed the juice and the chips but left the sandwich. I stashed the ships but drank the juice. A few hours later someone grabbed the tray, I refused to look at the monsters doing all this.

I heard a loud pain filled scream above ground. It was a girl. At least it sounded like it. Soon after the scream alarms sounded.

"C-28 has escaped and headed for the front doors." Someone's voice came over the intercom. This was repeated a few times.

After a few moments of silence gunshots were fired. I assumed C-28 is no more. Poor person. Captured and forced to deal with this for the rest of his/her days. I let out a sigh as the silence surrounded me.


It's now been a few days and I've been getting more doses of their serum. Mostly the green thick liquid. It normally made me tired but today I didn't react to it. Instead my thoughts wondered to where my friends are. If they're even still alive.


Stupid cell, stupid gross food, stupid scientists, and stupid serums!

I just want to get out of here and find Star and Jasper. Instead I'm stuck in this cell planning my escape. They open the cell door and leave it open as they inject me with their poison. If I was quick enough I could inject the person with the serum but how would I find my people. That's the only issue. I don't know where they are. I let out a sigh as the next guy came in to give me my next dose.

At this rate I might die because of this bullshit they're forcing into my veins. Wouldn't it just be easier to tourture everyone to death than put this bullshit zombie virus in our bodies? It you're trying to kill people then set off a nuclear bomb, don't turn everyon into flesh eating monsters. And making them more human like won't do anything, eventually everyone in the world will be a zombie anyway. So why go through all the trouble?

All these questions will be left unanswered. For me, for you, for everyone who has been forced to sacrifice their lives for this crazy doctors stupid research.

* Jasper's POV *

I haven't eaten today. Ever since I tried to escape they only feed me every other day now. All because they got reckless with their employees. He left the door open so I went for it. What the hell right? I mean I'll probably end up dying in this hell hole, might as well try to get out instead of planning for months and months. I looked up and saw the guy who injects me with their bullshit every day. He walked in, placed the needle in my neck, released the liquid into my veins, pulled out the needle, and finally walked away without a second look. No one here cares about what they're doing.

"Assholes." I mumbled as I continued to sit on the cold floor.

* Star's POV *

My eyes felt droopy. There was a weird feeling in my stomach and my head was throbbing. Nothing felt like it was apart of my body, everything was foreign. Nothing was mine anymore. Not to mention I was actually hungry now.

I grabbed a bag of chips out of my stash. I devoured four more bags after that leaving only one in my stash. I had to save it for later. Oddly enough the chips didn't touch my hunger. Something is wrong. Very wrong.


I came to and saw I was in a cage. A smaller cage. Looking up I saw I was in a white glowing room. People in lab coats walking around, comparing notes and things. It took me a few blinks to get the blurred lines out of my eye sight.

"Hello?" I said. It came out as a weak voice. Not my normal strong dominate voice.

The crazy doctor sat in a chair staring at me. His smile never faltering as he looked at the chart on my cage.

"Your body has accepted the change quite nicely. In fact nothing is wrong. As long as we keep feeding you the right near then you should be an acceptable subject." I barely heard what he said. I was to busy looking at the fatty flesh that covered his bones. Oh what a wonderful meal he would make.

I wonder if he would taste like ham. Chicken would do as well. He looks Devine. I licked my lips as I imagined biting into his delicate flesh. Feasting upon his heart as though it were an apple. My mouth watered as I thought about it. This all sounded...heavenly.

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