Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

* Alistair'sPOV *

I was dropped in the middle of no where. I walked for hours before I found a camp. Of course I walked in there with guns pointed to my head and back but what can I say? That's how things are these days.

"Alistair?" Someone's voice called my name from the side lines. I followed the sound until my eyes met Cameron's.

"Long time no see!" I smiled, happy to see a farmiliar face.

"Where's Star?" She asked the inevitable question.

"Honestly, I have no idea." I replied in a whisper.

She gave me a confused look before replacing it with a smile. She offered me a seat and a plate of beans with a piece of bread. I happily took it ate it greedily.

"I was taken and dropped off near here." I stated as Cameron waiting for me to speak again.

"So you don't know where she is now?" She asked shocked.

I shook my head sadly. I had lost my best friend. She's probably worried sick about me. Poor girl.

"Well tomorrow we can search for where you taken from, then go from there." She smiled.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I sat at the fire for a while, at least until people started to rush off to bed. Or at least their tents.

"Charles! Come show Alistair where he can sleep for the night." Jez ordered some guy.

"He can stay with me." Charles took the order like a dog.

He showed me to the two person tent before running off again. People these days. I could've gotten at least a bye before he ran off. Damn.

* Star'sPOV *

Jasper found me not even five minuets later. He looked at the bodies on the ground before looking at me. Curiosity filling every inch of his features. I pulled the fun out of my back where I replaced it. That's when the emotion hit me like a brick wall. My hands started to shake. I dropped the gun and my sword before taking off in the opposite direction of the bloody mess. I must be loosing my edge.

I ran around the corner and down another corridor. I past a few people as I ran fast, I could hear Jasper catching up. Finally I hit a wall in the back. My hands slammed into it as I came to a stop, I panted as I stood there.

"Star!" I heard Jaspers voice behind me.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me. I didn't fight, only accepted the fact it could be anyone. I tried dropping to the ground my the person prevented me from doing so.

"It's okay, I got ya." Jasper whispered as he carried me back to the room.

I saw the darkness surrounding me. I didn't care anymore. Alistair is God knows where. I don't even know if he's alive or not! So instead of fighting the darkness like I probably normally would, I let it engulf me and carry me away from the horrid place. Anything was better than reality at this point.

* Alistair'sPOV *

I woke up the next morning. I've been gone for two maybe three days. I've been worried about Jasper and Star. So many questions ran through my head. Did they leave me? Are they even alive now? But then obvious answers cane along with them.

No, they wouldn't leave me. Even if they did they'd leave things so I know where to look for them.

Yes, they're alive. They can't die that easily. They both put up a good fight even against one or two of those creatures. They're alive and we all know it.

"Cameron told me that I'll be the one leading you out to where you were taken from today. She has camp things to deal with." Charles stated coldly.

I nodded standing up. He walked a few steps ahead of me. After a few minuets of trucking through the woods he slowed down probably thinking that I couldn't keep up with his long strides. Boy was he thinking right, I was getting tired.

Finally we came out to a road. We chose to follow it just because we knew it had to lead somewhere.

"So are you a good tracker or something?" I asked breaking the thick and heavy silence between the two of us.

"You could say that." He shrugged. Finally I was getting somewhere with this kid.

"How long have you been out here?" I asked next.

"A month or two." He kept his answer short and simple.

I've only been at the zombie killing almost a month. Pretty sad the entire world had gone to shit in a matter of days huh. Now we're out here surviving to the best of our ability.

Instead of continuing my questions I just followed along. No need to bore the guy to death. I just want to find my apocalypse family. They're who I should be looking after.

* Star'sPOV *

I woke up to the sound of sharpening knives. Jasper.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked, staring at the white ceiling.

"I didn't sleep. I watched over you all night." He sounded tired.

"So sleep now. I can handle myself for a few hours."

He stood up and laid next to me in the biggest bed. The other one held all of our stuff. I went to sit up but Jasper pulled me back down.

"Stay here." He ordered in a whisper.

I nodded and tried going back to sleep. It was best for both of us because who knew what kind of trouble that I could get into. Specially with him asleep. I could burn down a building and get eaten by a zombie in that time. Everything but the zombie part sounds kinda fun. In my opinion anyway.

After a while of thinking of the trouble I could get into without Jasper hanging over me I let sleep fall over me.

* Alistair's POV *

We found a store with one paper taped to a window. The paper had my name on it and an arrow pointing in a direction. Funny thing is I knew the handwriting.

"Star..." I whispered, mainly to myself.

I started walking in the direction of the arrow with Charles running to catch up. Finally his hand grasped my arm and pulled me back.

"How are you so sure about this?" He questioned.

"I know my best friend." I was offended he'd even asked. The fact that he questioned me upset me on more levels than one.

I ripped my arm from his hand and ran off in the direction of the arrow. I was getting close and I knew it. I had to find them.

Let's just hope they're both 100% fine. 

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