Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Are you okay?" Alistair spoke. It took me a moment to process that he'd spoken to me.

"I think I'm okay now." I was mostly trying to convince myself.

"What happened back there? You were using that zombie for strength practice like we used to use the trees." He tilted his head to the side.

I shook my head, even I couldn't describe the random serge that had flood my body.

"Can we go?" I asked looking up at him.

He nodded and went to get Jasper. I curled up in the backseat replaying what just happened on my head. Stupid zombie chaos getting to me. 'It's something deeper' a small voice on my head told me.

I ignored it completely.

"Grabbed your sword for you." Jasper set it on the floor of the car. I just nodded looking out the window.

I decided to not say anything considering that I'd probably get bombarded with questions. That's about the last thing I need right now. So it's better to just ride in silence.


We pulled up to another hotel. This one we were planning on staying at. We didn't travel very far today because of our search for food, gas, and grenade parts. We cleared out the vending machines and the rooms. But we all chose to stay in one room just to be a little safer. And they both felt the need to keep a close eye on me. Which I didn't understand as much.

I sat on the bed cleaning and sharpening my sword. There's something about sharpening knives that calms me down.

"Anyone else need something cleaned or sharpened?" I asked as I slid my sword in the sheath.

Jasper dropped a couple knives onto the bed and Alistair added a few along with his sword. I sighed as I realized I should've asked earlier. I started on the decent sized pile of knives as I listened in on their conversation.

"I hope she's okay." Alistair sighed.

"I'm sure it's just the lack of sanity getting to her. She'll be fine in a day or so." Jasper didn't want to worry about it to much obviously.

"I hope so. I don't need her loosing it and doing that to us next." Alistair admitted.

"I'm sure it's just anger. Everyone gets like this." I had a feeling Jasper was trying to shrug this off but he's failing.

I so ignored them and focused on sharpening the knives.


Later That Night

I woke up to a small shuffle outside. I sat up and quietly made my way over to the window, a few knives in hand of course. Couldn't be to safe. I pulled the curtain aside and saw a lone zombie. Thinking that I could handle one simple zombie I snuck out. I shoved a knife into his head. I felt it go into it's brain. Instead of falling to the ground and dying I turned around and shoved me down the corridor. I landed on my ass just as the zombie came rushing toward me. I threw a knife and it stuck right between it's eyes. It still refused to drop! I threw the third and final knife I had. I thew it with as much force I could muster. It landed just above the second one, yet this creature still didn't drop. So I did the only other thing I could possibly think of. I screamed.

I screamed as loud as my lungs would let me. Sadly It caught the monsters attention as well and it's speed picked up. I was charging at me. I took a split second to get up and run. I ran in the opposite direction of this mutated creature. This wasn't a normal zombie. So what is it you ask. I don't have a fucking clue. I screamed once more before turning a corner. I could hear the heavy footsteps of this creature behind me. I picked up a pipe near by and I hit it with as much force as my strength would allow me.

It's head went to the side and drops of dark blood came out. His neck snapped leaving it's head at a weird angle. Right as I was about to go at it again a shot echoed around the building. This time the body dropped. Behind him was standing Jasper.

"You alright?" He asked. I nodded letting out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I thought I'd go out and kill one simple zombie but apparently it's mutated because after 3 knives and a hit with a pole he wouldn't go down." I summed it up.

"Your lucky I'm a light sleeper." He smiled wrapping around an arm around my shoulders.

I smiled and leaned into him. We walked back to the hotel room and Alistair was still sleeping.

"Goodnight. Stay in bed this time." He ordered.

I nodded. After snuggling into the bed I heard the lock click into place. Then I drifted off into a deep sleep.

The Next Morning

I was the only one awake at the time so I decided to finish sharpening the knives. Once that was done I stepped outside for fresh air. After I made sure that there were no creatures walking about. That's the last thing I need. I opened up one of the car doors and grabbed a bag of cheese its.

When I came back in Jasper looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"I got hungry and someone left the bag of food in the car." I said innocently.

"Next time tell someone. We don't need a recap of last night." He ordered.

"Yes master." I said sarcastically adding an eye roll at the end.

He smiled and then woke up Alistair. Of course Alistair was absolutely pissed.

"We need to make up for the ground we lost yesterday." Jasper made up and excuse.

"I heard what happened last night." he directed his comment at me.

"This just gives us a reason to use guns." I tried getting the attention off of me.

They both rolled their eyes before throwing the ammo and weapon bags in the car. After that was done and we were all buckled in we took off for God knows where.

few hours later

We pulled up to a pawn shop to see if we could find guns or things to complete my grenades with. I had the powder, the canister that if goes in, and a way to set it off. Now I just need a few small objects for pins and some tape so that the pins don't come out unless we we need them too.

"This place looks empty." I admitted looking through the window.

"But who knows what's in the back." Alistair pointed out.

"And never hurts to try." Added in by Jasper.

We all stepped inside cause the bell to chime. We stood still for a minuet to see if any zombies or mutated zombies were waiting to make and appearance. After like three minuets of waiting and no zombies we continued on our hunt.

"Don't pick up a gun we don't have ammo for. But if you want it so badly then you better start a hunt for the ammo when we stop at places." Alistair ordered firmly. Or as firmly as a tired person like him could muster.

As we walked around we made some noise but not that much, still not a hundred percent sure we're alone. I grabbed a triple barrel shotgun. I looked at it for a moment before hearing the floor behind me creak. I swiftly turned around expecting to see Alistair or Jasper but instead I was met with the eye of a familiar looking person. But I couldn't put the face to a name.

Who is this person?

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