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C HA P T E R 6

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C HA P T E R 6

I pulled out the homework from yesterday and sat it on my desk.

"That's not right," the quite girl beside me said, and my eyes snapped toward hers. My brows furrowed and my nose scrunched up slightly, "What?" I asked and she leaned toward my desk, looking at my paper.

"Your homework, it isn't right. That's a formula we learned last year," she commented and I looked down at my paper slowly. "There's no way, Hyunjin helped me," I said and she chuckled, "Obviously not."

Too quickly, a hand reached down and picked up my paper. It was my teacher and he looked at it, his thick brows furrowing as mine did a minute ago. "Ms. Devi..." the teacher trailed and I felt my face heat up knowing he was about to call me out in front of the entire class.

"This isn't right. The formula to the equation doesn't even match what we've been learning in class. Have you been paying attention?" Mr. Lee asked.

"I-I didn't-" I stumble over my words, unable to think as the class stared at me. My mind was clouded, and it was hard for me to come up with anything at all, true or false.

"Stay after school," he said, setting the paper down on my desk and continuing on. My eyes went to the front of the room where Hyunjin sat. He did it on purpose? I grabbed my books and then the paper and slammed it on his desk. I'm sure my face was beat red and I could feel my cheeks heat up as I yelled at Hyunjin.

"I'm glad you're happy," I said, staring right into his eyes and the smile he suddenly wore, faded from his features. I walked out of the class and rushed to the bathroom where I dropped my bag in a stall and started crying.

I hate when I cry, especially when I was mad, I look weak and pathetic. And what's even worse, is I was crying over homework but I know that's not the only reason. I'm stressed. I'm the only colored person in this school and Hyunjin wasn't making me look good, nope, not even in the slightest bit.

All my classmates but two knew what really happened, which meant the rest probably thought I was dumb. I should have knew when he was nice for even a mili-second, it was fake all fake.

I picked up my phone and called my mom, "Mica?" My moms voice was slow and confused.

"I got a detention," I muttered, my voice surprisingly not weak. "What?" My mom gasped, "Mica I swear I'll beat you when you get home-" I cut her off.

"That's fine," I said clipped, hanging up, angry she wouldn't even hear me out. Even if I did tell her that Hyunjin did it on purpose, I knew she wouldn't believe me. Unexpectedly, I felt more warm tears fall down my cold cheeks and I rested my palms against my face, ultimately shielding myself from nothing.

I hated it here. I hated it everywhere if I was being honest. I hated it here because my mother was forcing me to marry a boy I hated, I hated it home because I felt her pressure for me to be absolutely perfect and I even hated Chicago because my father died there. I felt suffocated where ever I went.


I sat down at a different lunch table today. One that was empty. I didn't even want to be around Hyunjin today and I really didn't want to look at anyone to see my red puffy eyes.

"Look, it's the new girl who can't even do simple math," I boy retorted walking past me. Oh this is not happening. I am not getting bullied. I clenched my teeth, "If you don't shut your mouth, I'm not the only one who won't be able to do math," I growl and he hurried past after hearing me say that.

"Woah, woah, lets not do that," I heard Han chuckle as he sat beside me. I glanced at him, and looked at my phone. "Why aren't you sitting at the table?" He asked, raising his brows.

I turned so I was facing him, "Because, Hyunjin is a complete asshole, no what's, buts or ifs about it."

He looked at the table for a moment and nodded, "Yeah, he is at times.. but what did he do?" He asked, staring at my eyes.

"Doesn't matter. It's done and I'm done with his shitty attitude and actions," I muttered.

"I don't know what's up with him either. He's been grumpy the last two weeks. We've asked him to hang out after school every day the last two days and even today but he's been saying no," he paused.

"Wanna see what he's up to after school today?" He asked and I shook my head, "No, I got detention... thanks for the offer though," I said politely. He nodded and slapped the table lightly, "Come sit with us tomorrow yeah?" He asked and I nodded.

What I knew that Hyunjins friends didn't was that him and I were getting married whether we like it or not. Also, he's been saying no to hanging out because he's been with me. I shook my head and I couldn't wait for the beating my mother was going to give me tonight for getting a detention after not have being here a full week.

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