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- Do you guys like smuts because I use to... but I found myself cringing as I wrote this one. Maybe it's because I'm older and I find it slightly weird I'm writing about a dude that don't even know I exists? Not to mention the smut sucked because it's kinda short and I didn't want to put too much detail lol.

- Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this chapter <3

- Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this chapter <3

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

C H A P T E R 34

I laid in my bed and I felt sad and I already knew why. It's been one year since my father died. I skipped school today and I was thankful my mother let me. My head was tucked under the covers and I had been crying off and on the whole day. I hate how much I remember and how much I still miss him.

He was such a good dad. If my mom said no, I always surely had my fathers vote. My phone had been blowing up too today messages from the guys and even Lee-Cho sent me a text but I ignored them all as I scrolled through TikTok.

It's weird how life can change. If you would have asked me a year ago if I thought I would be in Korea moping in my own self pity, about to get married, I might have just laughed in your face. I chuckled bitterly just thinking about it.

Suddenly I hear a nock on my door and I didn't respond, instead I thought I should pretend to be asleep. I turned my phone off quickly and I heard the ruffling of a plastic bag which confused me.

"Mica?" I heard a soft voice. My head snapped up toward the sound and I was surprised before I even seen his face. What is Hyunjin doing here? "What are you doing here?" I asked, sitting up and looking at the bag in his hands.

He walked around the bed and sat down beside me, sighing softly, "Well, you haven't answered me all day and I asked my mom if I had done anything wrong because boys can be stupid," He paused, smiling at me softly, "She told me what today is. So I wanted to come and bring you some candy and snacks. If you want to be alone, I understand," he says toward the end nervously like I am going to reject him.

I did want to be alone.

But now that he is here, I wanted him to stay. I offered him a small smile, "What did you get?" I asked and his smile mirrored mine, and he opened the bag and it's some of my favorite things.

"How did you know I like all this stuff?" I asked and he chuckled, "I called your mom." I rolled my eyes in a playful manner and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close, "You okay?" He murmured and I nodded, "I'm okay.."

Arranged Marriage | Hwang Hyunjin ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ