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C H A P T E R 39

My alarm went off and my eyes fluttered open and I reached over turning my phone off and stuffing my head back in my pillow. I'll sleep just a tad bit longe-

The door to my room slammed open before I could even finish my thought. I jumped and my eyes snapped toward my mother who was smiling like a mad woman. "Get up, you have a big day ahead of you!" she practically screamed.

My heart raced as I remembered today is the day I am getting married. I rubbed my head and she walked over to my bed, sitting by my feet. "You excited?" She asked.

Am I nervous? Yes.

Excited? No.

I nodded sheepishly and threw the covers off me standing up. "I should probably take a shower first," I muttered and she nodded, "Yes. I'll call Hyunjins mother, the makeup and hair stylist and they should be here shortly," she says.

"What about breakfast?" I asked dazed, still not awake, yet, she had the energy of a toddler.

"Oh no dear, you don't want to look chunky in your photos, you'll eat after you and Hyunjin eat a piece of cake," she says.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously, "Okay... I'll go take a shower now..." I trail and she nods, turning around and moving her hips quickly as she walked out. I stared at the door and ran my fingers through my hair.

Jesus, this is really happening. I'm marrying this man. How did I ever let this get so far? I mean do I like him? Yes, no question. Do I love him?

I looked at the floor as I thought about and his smile, and everything he's done to make me feel safe and happy, loved even. I smile just thinking about him, and my heart warms up. Things will be okay, I remind myself. We aren't strangers anymore, definitely not strangers.

I walk to the bathroom and close the door and open the closet in the bathroom, grabbing a soft fluffy towel. I sighed, and turned on the water, letting it run for a moment so it could warm up and even get hot.

I played music and calming music at that to soothe my nerves. I stripped off my clothes and got in the shower, letting the warm water hit my skin and smooth my tense muscles. I looked down at my skin for a moment to see steam coming from my skin and I knew the water was the perfect temperature. I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning my head against the shower wall and thoughts just ate away at me.

I sighed and opened my eyes, rubbing my shoulder and started washing my body, hair and shaving everything. Soon I was out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around my body. My phone began to ring and I looked at it and seen Hyunjin was face timing me. For some reason my heart raced even more than normal and I found my breath leaving my body from being nervous.

I was so nervous to answer it and I wondered it is because were getting married today. I hesitantly picked up the found and tightened the towel around my body and slid the call to the green side, answering it.

His face popped up and he smiled, "Goodmorning love," he yelled into the phone and I smiled, and chuckled softly, "Good morning to you too," I replied.

He stared at me, and then raised a brow, "Did you just get out of the shower?" He asked and I nodded, "Yeah, I'm about to brush my teeth," I said. He sighed and ran his fingers through his perfectly messy hair, "Are you nervous?" He asked and I froze for just a moment, before nodding, "You're not?" I asked and he chuckled softly, that alone seemed to already calm me down by ten folds. "I am, it'll be okay though. With you everything will be okay. Just don't stress, I'll be seeing you soon yeah?" He asked and I nodded.

"Okay..." he trailed, "Bye," he said, waving and I smiled, "Bye," I said and he hung up. I set my phone down and looked in the mirror and sighed, "Time for nothing."

I soon walked out of the bathroom and shrieked when I seen two women standing in my room. "Oh sorry if we frightened you!" One said, waving her hand dismissively.

"Oh you're dark," the older woman beside her said. I scoffed softly in response and the older lady's eyes went wide after she realized what she had said. "Sorry, that's not bad. I'm just not use to working with darker skin," she paused, "I'm Kim-Su, the makeup artist and this," the older lady pointed to the younger girl, "Is Kim-Kumi, my sister," she says.

I wave, "Hi... I'm Mica," I bow and they bow in response. "I have my own foundation if that helps?" I said more like a question and they glanced at each other before fixing their gaze back on me, "That would be wonderful."

I chuckle softly, knowing it's not there fault. I look down at my barley clothes self and shift uncomfortably on my feet, "I'm only in a towel, I should change right?" I asked and they shook there heads quickly. "Oh no honey, after we do your hair and makeup, we don't want to have to pull a shirt off, over to head," Kim-Su said.

Kumi points to the chair by my desk, "Sit, it's time to make you look like a queen," she says confidently. She is very confident, in fact it eased my slightly but I was still afraid that the outcome of my hair and makeup would be bad because I've never seen there work on other people, nor myself.

I walk over to my chair, making sure my towel covered my breast and sat down. They looked at me, "I think neutral tones would be perfect. Like golds and browns, a warm tone maybe," Kim-Su says out loud, mostly thinking out loud.

"What do you want your hair to look like Mica?" Kumi asked and I shrugged, "Suprise me."

Her eyes went wide, "You don't care?" She asked and I hesitantly shook my head, "N-Not really," I pause, "Should I?" I asked and she chuckled In response, "Duh," she deadpanned, "It's your wedding day.." she says.

"Yeah, aren't you excited?" Kim-Su asks, putting hand sanitizer on her hands. I found it weird how easy it is to talk to them. Maybe they were trained to have easy going conversations with there customers or maybe it's a marketing tactic. I shrugged, "The boy I'm marrying is someone I like-" they cut me off.

"Someone you like?!" Kumi practically shrieked, "Don't you love him?" She asked and I bit my lip, looking down at the ground for a moment as I thought.

He's got the best smile.

His eyes were absolutely breathtaking.

His hair when he woke up, always disheveled to perfection.

He makes me feel safe.

He's really funny and-

I found myself smiling.

Hwang Hyunjin is the best boy.

I look at them and felt that warm feeling in my chest again, like I always do. I give them a non-toothy smile and nod slowly, "Yeah, I do."

Arranged Marriage | Hwang Hyunjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now