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- I hope you enjoy this chapter my loves:)

- I almost forgot to update tho, oops lol.

- I almost forgot to update tho, oops lol

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C H A P T E R 41

The doors slowly open and I feel my heart race and hammer in my chest and I loose my breath for a moment. "Jeong, I'm going to need you to help me stand, I'm afraid I might pass out," I whisper as the music starts. He chuckled softly, "I've got you," he says and his arm tighten around me slightly as we start walking.

My legs softly wobble and I grip the flowers in my hand, as I begin walking down the white carpet, that leads me to my fiancé. First I see my mother and Hyunjins mom, my mother stands closest by the officiant. Then I look at all of the guys, and I find it hard to believe they were serious, and in awe staring, yet, I felt embarrassed.

Finally, my eyes traveled to the one and only, Hwang Hyunjin. Somehow, my heart went harder against my chest. His hair was combed perfectly back, he had a small smile on his face and his hands went over his mouth.

I felt my face heat up and I found it hard not to smile at the man whom looked like a child that got a gold star, and honestly, today, we both are receiving one. His hands dropped, but his smile didn't falter, his shiny, perfectly straight, white teeth winked at me.

I made it up to the stand and I handed the flowers to my mother and Jeong went to sit down. I finally stood in front of him, my soon to be husband. His scent wafted into my nose, instantly calming my senses. I wanted to hug him, hide behind him but this is for everyone to see.

He stared at me and I stared at him, our eyes and lips mirroring each other's. His hand found mine and he squeezed it twice in a reassuring manner as we turned toward officiant as he began to speak.

"Today, we are here to witness the joining of Mica Devi, and Hwang Hyunjin," he paused and shifted on my feet slightly and Hyunjins arms snaked around my waist and he leaned in as the officiant continued.

"You look beautiful," he whispered and I stared at him, bowing my head, only slightly, just enough to let him know, I'm thankful for his comment. "Back at you," I said softly and he winked at me. We look back at the officiant, "Have you come freely and without reservation to give yourself(s) to each other in marriage?" He asked and I nod and at the same time, Hyunjin and I both say, "We have."

"Will you love and honor each other as husband and wife for as long as you both shall live?" He asked. We have never said I love you, but I know I love this boy beside me. I wanna say I know he's the one and deep down inside, l I do think so, I just hope the universe has good things in store for us. Nonetheless, we both say, "Well will."

"Now Hyunjin," he paused, glancing at the handsome man, "Do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, for as long as you both shall live? If so, please answer. I do," He says, raising his brow.

Hyunjin turns toward me and both his hands find mine, holding them, he nods, "I do."

Oh god it's happening.

"Mica Devi," he dramatically paused, as my eyes stayed on Hyunjins. I could feel my palms getting sweaty from being nervous. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, for as long as you both shall live? If so, please answer. I do," he explains once again.

I feel my cheeks heat up, "I do."

"Okay, Ring bearer," the officiant says, calling for our ring man. When I look over I see Felix, smiling at us with his big smile, and he walks up, holding the two rings for Hyunjin to take.

"Thank you," Hyunjin whispers and takes my ring and turns toward me. He softly grabs my hand and lifts my left hand. I watch him and I see his hands are slightly shaking, and I was glad to know I wasn't only nervous one.

He slips my ring in and I wiggle my finger for a moment and I softly pick up the rings from Felix, I bow to him and he returns it before walking away.

Hyunjins hand was already lifted and I chuckled softly, grabbing his hand and slipping it on his perfect fingers. He looks up at me and we still stare at each other as the officiant continues, "Before the wedding, Hyunjin and Mica have promised each other their undying love and have exhchanged rings to wear as a symbol of their ever lasting commitment to each other. By the power vested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife," he paused and I felt my heart go into overdrive.

"Hyunjin, you may kiss the bride," he says and I hear his book close. Hyunjins eyes ever leave mine, and his arms wrap around me and he pulls me in, and his soft lips land on mine.

My eyes instantly close and I smile into the kiss as he pulls away as everyone claps and I chuckle and he does too.


Hyunjin and I both jump on the bed, sighing in contentment. We just landed in Hawaii from what felt like the longest flight and the bed seemed most comfortable now. I could smell the beach from here, making me excited to go out in the sun as salt water called to us for a long relaxing week.

We both looked at the ceiling and he sighed, "Wow, we're really married now," he says. I chuckled, "Yeah... weird right?" I asked and he hummed and response.

"So are we going to be married and living with our parents?" I asked and he snorted, "Oh no, that's not happening. If we're old enough to get married, we're old enough to move out. We're moving out soon as we get back," he chuckled and I softly laughed in response. "I agree," I muttered.

It was quite for a pregnant moment and we drowned in our thoughts for a good minute. Until suddenly, I hear, "Are you hungry?"

I turned my head to look at Hyunjin, "Very. The crackers and wine did nothing on the plane."

He softly chuckled, and grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it. "Can I tell you something?" He mumbled and I nod softly, staring at him. I bite my lip, his eyes flickering to my lips for a moment. He sat up and then hovered over me slightly and his finger tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I've been dying to do that all day," he murmured and I smiled even more, "No one was stopping you," I state and he chuckled and pecked my lips before pulling away, staring into both my eyes again. His finger softly glided across my lip for a moment.

"Is that what you were going to tell me?" I asked breathlessly, my thoughts began to scatter with this close proximity. His hand caresses my face, running from slightly above my eyebrow, around down toward my chin. He hums and leans down, closer until his lips brushed oh so softly against my ear, making an involuntary shiver run down my spine and once again, my face was heating up like the bottom of a lap top.

"I love you," he whispered and my skin was painted with good bumps. But suddenly my skin didn't feel like the bottom of a lap top, but instead, a fire. My eyes went wide for a fraction of the second and he pulled away, giving me a innocence, sweet, smirk.

"I love you," I repeat breathlessly. He smiled and it felt like his smile could light up the world.

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