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C H A P T E R 21

"Why do you have a pretty ring on your ring finger?" Han asked, and the rest of everyone's eyes went to my hand and I chuckled awkwardly, not looking at Hyunjin who's eyes were burning holes into the side of my head.

"It's a new trend," I say as casually as possible and Han snorted, "That's stupid, someone's going to think you're engaged," he shook his head and I shrugged. That's because I am! And I don't want to tell you guys.

"Hyunjin, say... if she's not your girlfriend, care if I take her on a date?" Han suddenly asked, raising his eyebrows, looking at Hyunjin. Hyunjin cocked his head, and sighed, looking at all of them, "Ask her," he said softly.

I frowned and looked at Han, "Not a snowballs chance in hell," I said and they all started laughing. Han glared at me, "I was just kidding," he muttered, butt hurt and I smiled slightly at the reaction.

Hyunjin looked at me and then at my lunchbox. "Are you ever going to eat?" He asked and I shook my head, "Not here." He frowned, "Why?"

"I'm not comfortable," I said honestly. He sighed, and grabbed my lunch box, opening it and taking out the food and opened the containers.

"Eat," he said, picking up his chopsticks, getting ready to eat his own food. He stared at me and he raised his brow, "Well?" He asked and I chuckled, shaking my head and picked up my fork, staring at my food.

"Mica, it's just food, no cares," he said, and my head snapped toward him. He sighed, and reached over picking up some Chicken from the Murgh Makhani and took a bite and I bit my lip, "See, harmless," he said.

He swallowed it and his eyes went wide and my hand flew over my mouth as I muffled a giggle, "Hyunjin, that's spicy," I said a little too late and he coughed, grabbing the attention of the boys.

"What's in that? Just hot peppers?" He asked, taking a sip of his water and I giggled openly, "No," I replied. He stared at me, "How do you eat something that hot," he said sucking in air.

"Can I try?" Bangchan asked suddenly and I nodded, handing him the container, and he picked up some food with his chopsticks and took a bite.  Han and Felix followed and before I knew it, they were all dying but I was smiling because they actually didn't care what the hell I was eating and they tried it.

Hyunjin walked me back to my locker for 'protection' from the mean girls after lunch and  I opened my locker. As he leaned against the locker, "So you wanted to talk about what?" He asked.

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